Yet another dating dilema



  • ChaiSpyce

    My dilemma: I have recently come across an amazing guy. He's kind, sweet, so considerate, rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns etc, but am I a complete idiot for still not being ready. My heart tells me to focus on continuing my goals and then my head tells me why are you passing up this guy who pretty darn great.

    I was wondering if anyone has been through anything similar? Has there been anyone else that has taken a hiatus from dating to focus on this? Do you have any advice?

    I hear two things. One, it sounds like you're ready to abandon the goals you've set for yourself for someone you just met, and two, you have to trade your goals in to have a relationship with this guy. My advice is don't invest so much of yourself into someone you don't even know. Having been in your place many moons ago, I say focus on what you need to do to build your confidence and esteem. Those two things are the best friends you will ever have because once it place, they will assist you with making the best choices for you, not other people, and they will let you know if and when it's time to walk away from a bad situation. I don't think you have to shut the door on men, go on dates and get to know them before you do anything else. Give yourself a chance to know these people, and it will save you from having to deal with those "what in the world was I thinking" moments! Believe me, I've had plenty, :laugh:
  • sarahannisdennis
    I agree with some of the others. Go out on a few dates but don't rush to get exclusive. Keep focused on you. If he's the right guy, he'll support you getting healthy and taking things sloooww for now.