Help, Short, small framed need help losing 10lbs

Currently, I weigh 115lbs. I know this sounds small, but take into consideration I'm 5'0 and have a small frame. 115 looks fat on my. I have a tummy, large thighs and of course love handles. I do a low carb/no grain diet and exercise at least 4 times a week. I've been stuck at 115lbs for a while now and just don't know what to do. Calories are usually between 900-1300.

My stomach is really my big issue, it just sticks out!!


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    what kind of exercise are you doing?
  • Cardio (mostly running), some weights, mostly upper arms, and Pilates/yoga
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    you may just need to strengthen those abdominal muscles to tighten them up. It is a fat issue or a shape issue?
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    You are not eating enough. Thats why you are not losing weight.

    I know it sounds crazy you have to eat more to lose more but it is true. You shouldnt be eating less than 1200 calories. If you are exercising 4 times a week you have to eat up what you burn to make sure you are not falling below 1200.

    Your body is going to stall in weight loss if it feels deprived.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I am in the same boat that you are. I am 4'11 and still have large areas of extra fat at around 106 pounds, although those are thankfully decreasing.

    Because I've been heavy all my life, I assumed that I would magically look great the second that I hit a healthy weight range.
    But at 120 pounds I still had a very big figure.

    Even at 106 pounds, I still have a lot of fat around the upper thigh, a round stomach and arms that wobble when I move them. My body is very straight up and down, so I think that's genetics and I have to make the best of it by going for a lean and athletic look. Hopefully weight training will help shift some of that body composition.

    My weight loss stopped for a while over the Christmas holiday. It's because I ate so little on some days (around 1200) that I ended up binge eating (not to the point of feeling sick - I was just really hungry!) at least once a week, which knocked out my progress.

    Try staggering your calories - eat more on days you exercise, less on days that you don't. I usually hit around 1380 calories per day. I struggle through a couple 1250 calorie days when I do nothing, and enjoy two 1560 calorie days on hard lifting days (maintenance for me is real low - about 1500). My weight has dropped 4 lb + since Jan 1.

    Trust me, it feels so good to keep losing weight on more calories. If you are afraid of regaining, just push yourself harder during those workouts. All of that extra energy will go towards improving your fitness rather than being stored as fat.
  • Thanks I appreciate all the replies! The reason I don't eat more is really because I'm not hungry. My diet consists of a lot of veggies and lean turkey and chicken which really keeps me full during the day! I'll try and eat more.

    Its most shape. It def it fat just hanging there. Its annoying!!!!! I look good with clothes, but anything tight will just show my belly.