A month in and things are getting easier

It's been a month more or less since I decided to try to get back into some sort of shape. The weight is slowly coming off, which is encouraging. But what is also encouraging is I realised today that it's getting easier to make responsible decisions towards food. I had two examples at lunch.

One, there is a bag of small cheese crackers for the kids' snacks and occasionally me. Before, I would probably just take four or five small crackers and think, "that's not so many". But then I would go back several times and do it again and again, ending up with probably a large amount. Today at lunch, I poured some into a bowl and weighed them, logged them and will now snack on them until they are gone. And in fact, it was in a way more satisfying, because it seemed like a large amount to see them in the bowl all at once rather than just a few in my hand (but many times over!).

Two, after lunch I was still feeling like I wanted something to munch on. It was a relatively small lunch, but I have plans for dinner. Before I would have cut myself a piece of cheese or toast, but instead I cut up some romanesco (look on my profile pics if you don't know what it is) and munched on that. Again, it satisfied my munchies without throwing my calorie count off.

It was just nice to catch myself making sensible choices automatically, rather than having to remember or talk myself into it. So if you are just starting out with tracking your food, it will make a difference and become easier as you go along!


  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I completely agree and applaud you for your efforts. We never really realize just how much we are consuming until we are writing it down (logging it here). I find myself doing the same sort of things you are talking about and when I catch myself doing it I give myself a mental high five :smile:
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Measuring food carefully has been one of my biggest achievements so far. Portion control really does make a huge difference!
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Yes, I guess in a way it's a NSV. :smile:
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    mindless munching has been my weakness. Aware of it now at my low point which is when the kids get home from school. Now I have a cup of coffee with coconut oil and I'm satisfied.
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    I have a food scale and it has made a world of difference in keeping me honest. My eyes apparently lie (LOL). The scale is now my friend. The scale can tell the difference between a tablespoon of an item, versus a heaping tablespoon. The food scale has a permanent place on my kitchen counter. I I also portion out my ground turkey and other meats by weight and freeze the individual portion. As you can see my scale is the best supportive tool that I have.

    P.S. I stay away from the other scale. I try on clothes to determine weight loss. Now that is a scale that lies (LOL)
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Yes, snacking is a big thing for me. I'm not prepared to stop snacking, but I'm prepared to measure out and record what I'm snacking on. Where as before, I'd keep picking and having small bits, convincing myself that it wasn't that much. Now it's almost automatic to record it, which is a good thing for me.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I find it helps if I know in advance how many calories my main meal will be so that I can work around that :}
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I wish more people realized that it takes 21 days to create a habit (good or bad). I've see so many people here "quit" after a week or two because they aren't getting rock star losses on the scale. It's not about losing weight, it about losing it and keeping it off - and to keep it off you need to maintain the habits you acquired losing it.

    Good for you! Keep up the great work!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Way to go!

    It took me 4 years before I am finally able to say it's getting easier.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I agree! In my opinion, any loss is a good loss (when it comes to weight). I only weigh myself once a week (on the same day), and even if the scale has only moved 1 lb., it's still a loss and I see that the new habits I've been working on are going to pay off in the end.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    You know what else gets easier?

    -taking the stairs
    -tying your shoes
    -painting your own toenails
    -scratching your back
    -fitting in public restroom stalls

    It's a wonderful feeling.
  • Recently started tracking my daily calorie intake. Is was not easy at first ( still a challenge) but I'm getting better. Have lost 10 lbs and I feel like I'm on a great start. Never walked through the stores and looked at the calories per serving and decided not to purchase it or limit the amount of my intake. Now I am doing just tht. Feels good. :bigsmile:
  • dianap505
    dianap505 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also one month in and find myself doing the same. It is a huge accomplishment!