Just can't get motivated...

I don't know how to get my umph back. I had gotten really discouraged in December because I was seeing no changes and I knew a huge part of that was being on anti anxiety medication. No matter what I did or how hard I worked nothing was changing and I was at the end of my leash. I felt like there was no point anymore. I am now finally completely off of them and I just can't get on a roll to eat weighty and excersice. I wake up and start the day alright and then it's blown before I know it. And because Im not eating the best or excercising, I am so tired, I just feel so lazy. I just don't know what to do anymore and I feel like I will never lose this weight...


  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    Motivation comes from deep within yourself. You have got to want to make changes. You have got to take that first step. Just do it.

    If you want it bad enough you will do it. I dont always have motivation to continue but I keep pushing myself because I know that I feel worse when I get off track. You will feel 100xs better once you get into a routine. Exercise really does make you feel better. I dread exercise a lot of the time but once I do it I feel great.

    You CAN do it and you have to keep telling your self that. Weight loss is 90% mental and 10% physical. ITs a never ending battle of our mind. Trust me, I know first hand. I struggle with my emotions of food daily but I am working at it.

    You can do it girl! Just do it!
  • soagirl777
    soagirl777 Posts: 52 Member
    You're not alone! Between Jan-April 2012 I lost 32lbs! I have since put 20lbs back on. I'm so mad and disappointed in myself. I know what I need to do to lose the weigh and how to do it, I just can't seem to get motivated. It's true what they say..."if you don't plan ahead, you plan to fail". If I don't plan out my menu and snacks and go to the grocery store weekly, I will eat whatever I have in the cabinets, which isn't always good. If I eat right, it's easier for me to stick to my workouts cause I don't want to undo my healthy eating therefore resulting more time working out. Hope you find the motivation your lacking!