Better to leave a calorie deficiency???

Hi All,
I really don't know if it is better to eat all your calories still to meet your 1200 calorie a day goal or to leave the extra calories at the end of the day to help lose weight faster? Can anyone give me opinions or facts on this. Also I can use some good motivating friends on here so feel free to request me! Lastly any tips on losing belly fat? I am down 25 pounds so far which I am super excited about, but now I feel its time to tone up and lose the little left of my belly that wont seem to go away! Still want to lose another 20 pounds is my ultimate goal! Thanks all with any advice you can offer!


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want.i am on 1200 cals and make sure I use them all. it's quite low, there are many people who suggest higher numbers but for me I am doing fine so far. Less than 1200 will put your body into starvation mode, you may lose well for a couple of weeks but it won't be sustainable long term. Sure lots of people will help with tummy exercises, I only swim. Good luck. Regards Danielle x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You should net to the calorie goal MFP gives you...probably more really, but definitely no less than the 1,200 calories. this means if you workout, you need to eat back exercise calories or at least most of them. Failure to do so will create a Grand Canyon sized deficit in your calories and your body will ultimately go into metabolic stall. The less weight you have to lose, the slower it should be. 20 Lbs really isn't a lot and you should be shooting for more like 1 lb per week than 2. If you don't have a lot to lose, your body will go into metabolic stall faster...i.e. you will plateau in a matter of weeks and much of the weight you will lose will actually be muscle, not fat. The 1,200 calorie goal already has an 800-1,000 calories per day deficit in it from your maintenance calories. You need a basal amount of calories (BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate) just to breath and keep your organs functioning properly in a coma...I can guarantee you that unless you have a medical condition, it is not anything below 1,200.

    These are the facts, not opinion. They are independently verifiable with a little research.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Yes & No

    Yes, you will lose weight faster ....... however, when your calorie deficit is too high you will likely lose fat AND muscle. Your body requires (for most women) .... at least 1200 calories NET for basic bodily function .... heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. Your body will make up for the deficit by going to fat stores (yeah!) ..... but also lean muscle tissue .... fat stores do not hold all nutrients needed.

    I eat all my exercise calories back .... but I am conservative. Eat 1450 - exercise 250 = 1200 NET

    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog
    2. I use a heart rate monitor (MFP & machine can overstate calories)
    3. I set my activity level as sedentary

    Some people choose to "up" their activity level to incorporate daily exercise .... if you do this, you will like be higher than 1200
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    if you already lost 25 i say keep doing what your doing cuz its working
  • jhedrick2
    I think you also have to think of your energy needs. How do you feel at the end of the day when you eat less than 1200 cals.? If you are in your last stretch of 20 pounds I'd say exercise is going to get you to your goal faster than diet, and you can start toning that lean muscle which will in fact burn more calories so on and so forth.... Best of luck!
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    If I'm not hungry, I don't eat them.
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you so much very informative! I wasnt sure and have heard two sides to the story! All your replies helped thank you so much!
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    Yes & No

    Yes, you will lose weight faster ....... however, when your calorie deficit is too high you will likely lose fat AND muscle. Your body requires (for most women) .... at least 1200 calories NET for basic bodily function .... heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. Your body will make up for the deficit by going to fat stores (yeah!) ..... but also lean muscle tissue .... fat stores do not hold all nutrients needed.

    I eat all my exercise calories back .... but I am conservative. Eat 1450 - exercise 250 = 1200 NET

    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog
    2. I use a heart rate monitor (MFP & machine can overstate calories)
    3. I set my activity level as sedentary

    Some people choose to "up" their activity level to incorporate daily exercise .... if you do this, you will like be higher than 1200

    I do workout weights/cardio/pilates 4-6 times a week and have eaten very well for the last 21 days now. I have noticed that I haven't been losing as many pounds as I like but definitely feel smaller and toned which I am happy with, just anxious to see the scale drop with it!
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    You should net to the calorie goal MFP gives you...probably more really, but definitely no less than the 1,200 calories. this means if you workout, you need to eat back exercise calories or at least most of them. Failure to do so will create a Grand Canyon sized deficit in your calories and your body will ultimately go into metabolic stall. The less weight you have to lose, the slower it should be. 20 Lbs really isn't a lot and you should be shooting for more like 1 lb per week than 2. If you don't have a lot to lose, your body will go into metabolic stall faster...i.e. you will plateau in a matter of weeks and much of the weight you will lose will actually be muscle, not fat. The 1,200 calorie goal already has an 800-1,000 calories per day deficit in it from your maintenance calories. You need a basal amount of calories (BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate) just to breath and keep your organs functioning properly in a coma...I can guarantee you that unless you have a medical condition, it is not anything below 1,200.

    These are the facts, not opinion. They are independently verifiable with a little research.

  • Msdirection
    Msdirection Posts: 54 Member
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)

    I have a "gym room" in my home which is where I do everything. I dont actually have a dog LOL thats just what came up when I log my walks on the treadmill!
  • JENNY7634
    JENNY7634 Posts: 68 Member
    I try to eat all my calories and I eat more if im working out that day! Right now I eat about 1400 cals a day but usually add an extra healthy snack of 100 to 200 cals on my workout days. I always try to have over 1200 calories after my workouts are figured in. You really can slow down your weight loss by not giving your body the calories it needs.....your body will store fat if you dont feed it properly. Its a slower way to lose weight but for me I think being healthy and giving your body the fuel it requires is equally as important as losing weight. Its a long frustrating process but I think its the best way to lose it and keep it gone : )
  • Leisha908
    Leisha908 Posts: 35 Member
    I try to eat all my calories and I eat more if im working out that day! Right now I eat about 1400 cals a day but usually add an extra healthy snack of 100 to 200 cals on my workout days. I always try to have over 1200 calories after my workouts are figured in. You really can slow down your weight loss by not giving your body the calories it needs.....your body will store fat if you dont feed it properly. Its a slower way to lose weight but for me I think being healthy and giving your body the fuel it requires is equally as important as losing weight. Its a long frustrating process but I think its the best way to lose it and keep it gone : )

    Thank you!
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I don't always eat all my calories but my daily goal is 1791 so plenty to play with. But I have the odd day I go over so it all evens out in the end.

    If I was eating 1200 calories I would definitely eat above that number.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)

    Hmm.. yeah I lost all my weight just by walking so yes it does count!
  • Msdirection
    Msdirection Posts: 54 Member
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)

    Hmm.. yeah I lost all my weight just by walking so yes it does count!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one! I've got dodgy knees, so anything that requires me to land heavily on them is out - unfortunately, that cuts out running and 99% of gym classes. So I walk - 3.3km today already! Love it :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Hi All,
    I really don't know if it is better to eat all your calories still to meet your 1200 calorie a day goal or to leave the extra calories at the end of the day to help lose weight faster? Can anyone give me opinions or facts on this. Also I can use some good motivating friends on here so feel free to request me! Lastly any tips on losing belly fat? I am down 25 pounds so far which I am super excited about, but now I feel its time to tone up and lose the little left of my belly that wont seem to go away! Still want to lose another 20 pounds is my ultimate goal! Thanks all with any advice you can offer!

    it's all really confusing. just a couple days ago someone named NoOb put on here that we have to subtract our "existing" calories which I think means calories we burn just existing from our earned through workout calories. so that means eat less right? but then other people say eating too little will be bad for you too. so it's gonna be really confusing unless you know how to do all that TDEE stuff people talk about. IF you figure it out, let me know because it's still hard for me to get.
  • SMMiller712
    I AGREE!! My dog helps motivate me to go out and hike up and down the mountain for an hour even when it is 15 degees out. A 3 mile hike/walk is a 3 mile hike/walk regardless of whether or not it is with the dog. Plus, it comes up that way when you log in from the MFP database!!
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I think when you are on that end of the calorie scale you are getting into a danger zone if you DON'T eat the calories back. You are likely to go into starvation mode and then your weight loss will not happen. Be careful of trying to find short cuts.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I AGREE!! My dog helps motivate me to go out and hike up and down the mountain for an hour even when it is 15 degees out. A 3 mile hike/walk is a 3 mile hike/walk regardless of whether or not it is with the dog. Plus, it comes up that way when you log in from the MFP database!!
    1. I log "actual" workouts .... not walking the dog

    I resent that. I can burn nearly 400 calories a day from 'just walking the dog'. There's a difference between a stroll and a fast walk. Exercise doesn't just have to be going to the gym :)

    I agree that taking your dog for a HIKE is exercise and getting out more often then your regular routine counts - but is anyone else a bit skeptical of logging things like housework or even activities that you have always done anyway? I guess for me if it isn't something you don't ordinarily do (like say you now take the stairs instead of the lift or the escalator, or walk to the shops instead of drive, or carry your groceries instead of put them in the cart, or mow you own lawn instead of having someone else do it) then I don't think you really are burning anything extra.