Someone Please Explain The Depo Shot



  • flutterbygrl1
    i haven't eaten any differently, and gained allllllot of weight. my doc says she was told the new info is that it ruins your metabolism. it can also make it hard to get pregnant b/c it changes the way your body works and it can take a long time to get it back to normal. sorry for your troubles. I'm working with my doctor and the health dpt to understand what the shot has done to me, hoping to get it banned eventually. Im in constant (female) pain along other problems. depo sucks.
  • blahblah_blah
    The depo shot is the devil. No one should get on it! I gained weight like crazy. It took me a long time to realize it was because of the shot. Then I worked out like a mad-woman, practically starved myself and still GAINED weight. It was the most depressing time of my life. I just got off it a month ago, started a low carb diet and my weight has been coming off at a rapid rate. It feels so good to be working hard and actually GETTING RESULTS!! I would never ever ever recommend the shot to anyone. It is impossible to lose weight on it. And you are continuously gaining. My doctor told me that most women gain weight.. I figured that meant that over a couple months, your appetite is out of control.. then you just work it off. They didn't say that you will GAIN AND GAIN AND GAIN and it will not come off no matter what you do!
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I was on that mess for like 9 months, three years ago, and I STILL haven't lost the weght I gained on it. The idea of not having to take a pill every day is awesome, to be sure, but it's not worth the long-term crap you'll go through. I've been taking BeYaz now since September 2009, and although I can't lose weight on this either, I at least haven't gained anything except muscle. Get off Depo, man! Jump ship!