What do you bring to work to eat all day?

I am in need of Clean Eating lunch ideas! This is what my day usually looks like:

7am Vega One Protein (contains greens and probiotics), frozen banana, almond milk smoothie

Around 9:30-10am: Greek yogurt with Go Raw "granola" (no grains)

Another Snack around 1ish: carrots and hummus, or another vega shake, raw peppers

My problem is that I rarely take a "lunch", I am always busy at work and don't have a microwave or the chance to go get food. I need Lunch ideas that I can prepare in advance and that I don't need to heat up. I am making a clean version of egg salad and am going to try that. Sometimes I take a salad, but to be honest, salad takes too much time and effort to eat at my desk....Also, i do not eat meat. Any ideas?

I usually get home around 6 and will eat dinner and then have another snack before bed. Help!


  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I work 12 hour shifts. I drink a protein shake before or on the way to work. At lunch time, I have cooked veggies and chicken and a yogurt and at dinner I have something else along those lines high in protein and lots of veggies. For snacks, lots of raw veggies, fiber one bars, quest bars, reduced fat Sargento cheddar sticks. I keep almonds and Quest bars at work and also a tub of protein powder. I sometimes also take leftovers from dinner the night before.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    I did Clean Eating for about a year. For me, eating that often was more trouble than it's worth.

    I pack myself a good-sized lunch and eat that at noon and I'm good to go till dinner.

    However for ideas on easy snacks :
    - Plain Greek Yogurt with berries and nuts.
    - Very dark chocolate,
    - assorted nuts,
    - veggies
    - Hard boiled eggs and cheese are great too.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    I don't have too many idea's as I eat meat and can warm it up at work, but you can do overnight oatmeal, veggie wraps, quinoa salads, fruits and veggies. Hope this gives you some idea's...
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not sure if you're talking about lunch or snacks or both. For lunch, today I had 3 mini quiches (Whole Foods 365 brand -- they're tiny but still have a fair few calories), 1 light mozzarella string cheese, and a ton of raw cucumber, red pepper, and celery eaten plain.

    For snacks, grape tomatoes and carefully weighed portion of cashews and almonds.
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm worried because the snacks I have been taking aren't really substantial enough to keep me full, then I get really hungry, I push through that without eating and just drink more water or a coffee (plain drip coffee, nothing fancy with sugar) and I'm afraid I might be messing with my metabolism by doing that.

    Maybe the mayo-less egg salad over some sprinach will be my go to lunch...
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    P.S. These mini-quiches are vegetarian and I do not re-heat them. I make them in the toaster oven at home, keep in the fridge at work, and eat them cold. I love them that way!
  • DaniAni19
    DaniAni19 Posts: 91 Member
    No Whole Foods here! I miss Portland so much, they have the best grocery stores and healthy restaurants in Portland!
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I like Homemade Pumpkin Protein bars, greek yogurt with a little stevia & pb2, wasa crackers with edamame hummus. For my 4th meal (i eat 6 per day) I like snow peas or sugar snap peas, sweet peppers, raw almonds and a low fat cheese stick (I can't eat full fat dairy). Feel free to look at my diary for ideas.