Are you really losing weight by counting calories?



  • Yes... I am losing weight. for the first 50 pounds I didn't work out at all and lost it all with just watching my calories in and calories out. Then I added exercise and learned I needed to make sure my net calories stayed in the "magic number" ballpark for me to keep losing. Eventhough your eating your calories and exercising sometimes the combo of the two can drop you too low so be aware of how low your net cals get. Started at 275; current weight 163; goal weight 125-130
  • Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise?

    Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision?
    Yes and no. It's teaching me balance more than anything. I can have veal in cream sauce, but I'm going to have to put in an hour of swimming if I really want it.

    What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories?
    Record everything the best I can, counting BEFORE I eat, PLANNING my day/week out so I know I'll be on track

    If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories?
    SW: 290 (Beginning of Nov12)
    CW: 262
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Yep. Starting weight 220 pounds, current weight 183 pounds. I've dropped inches from my 'true' waist (don't know exactly how many, but I'd guess 3 or 4), dropped from 38 inch waist pants to 32 inch waist pants. My dropped my body fat by several percentage points (again, not sure exactly how many, I didn't start measuring straight away).

    I currently maintain a 500ish calorie deficit, though I started with a 1000 calorie deficit. I split my calories 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat.

    It's taught me a lot about portion control, and about estimating calorie intake. I still log everything, but now I can eyeball a meal and generally have a fairly good idea of how many Cals it will be. It's also taught me what a total waste of calories soda is. Juice is barely any better, but at least there are some nutrients in juice. I've also learned not to fear fat, carbs, or any other single aspect of diet. You have to look at things holistically.

    As to exercise, being on these forums has taught me that cardio isn't the only way, and that lifting weights is an important tool in the arsenal. Lifting helps to indicate to your body that it should not burn muscle, which in turn means it burns mostly fat instead.

    I run Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Did the couch to 5k program. When I started I could barely run 90 seconds without thinking I was going to die. Today, I just finished a 30 minute run.

    I lift weights Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Started with light weight and high reps to learn form. Moved to heavy weights and low reps to protect my lean body mass (and maybe, just maybe, build a little more if I'm really lucky).
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm just curious....OTHER THAN watching calories, how do you think one would lose weight?

    Honestly bc you can lose weight without counting calories. This is not the only method of losing weight. It all about changing you lifestyle for the better. Making sure you are eating better and this is not always done by physically counting calories.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    yes, it really works if you can follow it.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Started at 175 lbs, finished at 145 lbs. I have maintained the loss for one year, and did it by counting calories.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm just curious....OTHER THAN watching calories, how do you think one would lose weight?

    Honestly bc you can lose weight without counting calories. This is not the only method of losing weight. It all about changing you lifestyle for the better. Making sure you are eating better and this is not always done by physically counting calories.

    True, the mere act of counting them does not make you lose weight.

    But I'll bet you dollars to donuts that any other method you care to mention works only because it creates a calorie deficit.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Counting calories and exercise worked for me and I don't even have to exercise too much since I walk a TON!

    So it works :)
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes...I am losing weight. It's a simple matter of calories burned versus calories eaten. I don't pay attention to anything but calories. I like to keep things simple.

    I started a month ago and have lost seven pounds.

    One thing to remember is not to be in a hurry. One to two pounds a week is a good AVERAGE. Don't weigh everyday expecting to see results. Stick with it for at least three months or don't even try this method.

    Good luck! :smile:

    I think that was my downfall. I weigh myself almost everyday and the weight is not coming off fast enough lol. But thanks for you advice.. It was helpful.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I want to know the truth lol.. Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise?
    Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision?
    What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories?
    Not eating fast foods, minimizing processed foods, trying to eat way more fruit & veg.
    If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories?
    I am down 26 pounds in 10 months. But my focus has not been the scale, it is the healthy eating and sticking with exercise, which has always been my struggle in the past.
    I am just a little curious.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Yes, I am losing weight by counting calories and recording exercise.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    YES! SW = 169, CW = 133. Counting calories, exercising almost every day, and drinking 8 8 oz glasses of water. The only other thing I will say is that I PLAN ahead with shopping and cooking.

    Good Luck!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise?
    Yes I am.

    Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision?
    Yes it does. I tend to stay away from higher calorie foods so I can maximize the amount of food I consume.

    What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories?
    I plan my day's meals either the night before or that morning. Then I look at how close or over my calorie goal I am- then I can remove or add food to make it better. :-)

    If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories?

    SW: Jan 1st 2013: 214.00
    CW: Feb 6th 2013: 208.2 (On Jan 31st I was down to 206.4 but I gained 4 back over Super Bowl weekend... :-/ )
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I definately am! I am learning to make better choices and learning moderation. It is also rubbing off on my kids. I was on the Herbalife plan, I was always hungry, losing the same amount of weight and it was not helping my kids to learn better eating habits. I should have done this years ago.
  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise?
    Yes for sure

    Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision?

    What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories?
    Measure, weigh, record.

    If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories?

    115.6 kg in the beginning of november
    99.2 kg last monday
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I want to know the truth lol.. Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise? Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision? What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories? If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories? I am just a little curious.


    SW: 174
    LW: 123
    CW: 136

    I went from 174 to 123 eating 1200 calories plus my exercise calories, and working out. It works.

    I went from 123 to 136 by not keeping up with my routine, but also adding in weight lifting.

    My goal is 130 at 16% BF.

    You said the weight isn't falling off fast enough:
    (1) are you averaging 1 lb a week over long periods of time? ie. Have you lost approx 8 lbs in 2 months time?
    (2) are you watching overall patterns, because our weight fluctuates throughout the day? (my weight used to go in the range 162-174, now it goes in the range 133-139.....if I gained a lb or two, i didn't freak out)
    (3) the closer you get to a healthy BMI, the slower the weight goes, and in fact, you can hit plateaus. That's normal. Frustratitng, but normal.
  • Yup
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise? Yes, in the most basic sense.

    Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision? Keeping track of calories has been one educational adventure for me. Some foods I had been overdoing portion sizes on, some foods I found I had been underdoing the portions - so I got to give a little and get a little. It definitely makes you more aware of what you put in your mouth. I can eat whatever I want, but a 300cal slice of cake isn't going to leave me as full as a super heaping 300cal salad, or a 300 cal egg sammich. So I pick my battles.

    What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories?
    Move MORE, a lot more on some days. The days I move more, I am hungrier I get more calories to eat *YAY* The days I move less, I am actually less hungry, so it works out.

    If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories?

    Started 355
    Current 220 in 1 years time
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm just curious....OTHER THAN watching calories, how do you think one would lose weight?

    I dont count calories, i dont log food, i eat primal/paleo, lots of protien from fish, meat, eggs, bacon, lots of veggies, nuts and fruits for snacks. The protien keeps me full so I dont have those constant hunger cravings, because i stay full, i nautrally control portions becasue i dont have to eat as much (which limits calories) and I dont haev any blood sugar spikes and crashes which REALLY used to make me hungry. I maintain an 80/20 paleo lifestyle since Jan 1 this year and I've lost 12 lbs so far.
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    I want to know the truth lol.. Are you really losing weight by just counting calories and exercise? Is counting your calories teaching you to make better decision? What are you doing to make sure you stay under your calories? If you don't mind please also tell me you start weight and current weight from when you started counting your calories? I am just a little curious.

    Yes, and I'm not being insane with it. 30-45 min of cardio 4-5 days a week and an hour or so of lifting 1-2.
    Counting calories makes me make way better decisions and is teaching me to think critically.
    September 7th 2012 I was my highest weight ever at 307lbs which is also when I started counting calories. I started with the workouts maybe a week later.

    Thanks for your post and I wish you the best of luck with it..