Please Help Me...Frustrated



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    14 lbs is awesome. Be patient.
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    I'm going to ask a personal question....and you don't have to answer but maybe look into it yourself. I am on antidepressants since loosing a baby in november. Medication can cause you to retain weight and sometimes even gain weight. When I first lost the baby they put me on a medication that caused severe weight loss (whoo hoo) I lost 30lbs in one month, then stopped loosing and gained it back. They have since switched my medication and also put me on a much lower dose. I am at a platue and most people on it actually gain alot of weight. Its frustrating I know.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    i say get the highlight anyways simply because of the availability issue... and also, if you weigh in the mornings like i do, i find that if i eat after about 7 or 8 pm the night before (even if it's just a salad) it will show up the next morning on the scale. then again, i weigh every day.
    Yes. Go get your hair done girl! It will make you feel better, and maybe less stress will be good for you. You may have just hit the dreaded platue so just keep it up and the weight will start sliding off again soon. :flowerforyou:
  • MyDream
    MyDream Posts: 72
    Get the highlights! And don't give up. Keep at it and you'll see the results. I do think changing your goal to 1lb a week would make a difference though.

    Good luck and please keep us posted.

  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    Easy to say, but hard to do.......Don't stress over it! Stress does funny things to our body.

    You have done a great job so far, go get your highlights, enjoy the fact that you are already a healthier you!
  • 4me2sibiai
    4me2sibiai Posts: 71
    If the pounds are getting you bummed...take measurements down your entire body. You WILL see inches lost and then the scale won't be as much of a frustration. I started in and about the same week as you and I'm down about 10 lbs and 10.75". My inches are more exciting to me because the weight goes up with workout, water, women's time of the month, worries...all the good "W's" - Lol!!! If you need to get ideas for the measurements, feel free to pop into my profile/measurements. I have over 10 from head to calf. If there are any you don't understand, send me a message and I'll clarify. (This is extended to everyone on this posting as well.) 1 lb a week is 52 lbs a year. Slow and permanent is the goal. :) Keep up the great work!!!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    14 lbs is a great loss in 8 weeks! way to go!
    When you get down to your last 10-20 lbs it takes a long time.... you have to be more patient.
    I agree with adding in weight training. Build up those muscles...and keep doing cardio. On the days you lift weights just do 25-35 min of cardio. . . and zig zag your cardio workouts between 1 hr and 30 minutes. When I was doing a ton of cardio I wasn't losing weight. So I hit the weights harder and lightened up a couple days a week on the cardio. It helped a lot. I'm 3 lbs away from my new goal.

    You're doing great! Get those highlights !You deserve them!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    This takes time. 14lbs in less than 2 months is fantastic! Try not to over analyze things. What is important is that you are on a general downward trend and that you are doing it the right way! Also don't be afraid to take a day off every once in a while :wink:

    completely agree! you are doing GREAT!!!!

    i have lost 14lbs but have been doing this since SEPTEMBER 2009!
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Weight loss is both science and math. A little give and take. The problem comes in when we get our emotions involved. The solution to all of our questions lies with our variables that we allow. So really the answer is just find the variable. Either you are taking in to many calories or you arent burning enough. Sure there are other things like water and sodium intake, but really it comes down to the variables. Try weighing each day, yup thats right, each day. In the morning or after you workout. In the same clothes, or non at all. Its really up to you. But what you need to do is limit the variables. Do yourself a favor and dont try to decrease the weight goals. Stay with what you got and just try to outsmart your body. If it were me i would not do the zig zag diet. Just keep it simple. X- amount of calories per day and X - amount of exercise = weight loss. Give it a week and you will see results. Good luck.
  • ginabhappy
    ginabhappy Posts: 15 Member
    hi there, just read your food diary and I'm not sure if this will help but Our trainer says to always pair a protein with a carb & this helps kep sugar levels from going up & down. This process keeps your body from storing fat. You might also try changing the types of food you are eating. water is very important
  • oats4breakfast
    Since Januray, when I started this journey, I've weighed myself same bat time, same bat place every week. (which is 7:30pm on Monday). Below are my weigh ins. I'm set at 1 pound a week.
    As you can see, it's all over the place. I haven't really skipped a beat with the calorie counting, I have been consistent in my work outs, including not doing the same thing over and over and most importantly, have not panicked. I take a peek every now and then at the scales but let it bear no factor to my weekly weight ins. yes, If I weigh myself in the mornings I may weigh 230 at the moment .... and if I weighed myself right now it may be 238 ... but that bat time and bat place is my measuring stick as I know it'll be all over the show anyway, because I don't do everything in my life the exact same at the exact same time everyday of my life 24x7. Over time, it will come down. It's just another self control aspect to this journey.


    Over time, I'm creating the deficit and over time, I'm loosing weight. It just isn't every week. I've been the same weight 3 weeks in a row, or even gone up, then, loose 3 pounds in 1 week. Go figure.
    As others have suggested, I do measurements at same time too, so, I know that the inches are dissapearing anyway.
  • skatjon
    skatjon Posts: 29
    Start tracking your sugar. That in my opinion is more inportant that watching fat. Your body uses sugar for energy so if you eat a lot of high sugar foods then you burn those prior to burning your fat storage. Give it 2 weeks and I am sure you will see positive results. You should be gaining muscle with your workouts so take body measurments and that will give yo a more accurate idea if you are losing fat.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Since Januray, when I started this journey, I've weighed myself same bat time, same bat place every week. (which is 7:30pm on Monday). Below are my weigh ins. I'm set at 1 pound a week.
    As you can see, it's all over the place. I haven't really skipped a beat with the calorie counting, I have been consistent in my work outs, including not doing the same thing over and over and most importantly, have not panicked. I take a peek every now and then at the scales but let it bear no factor to my weekly weight ins. yes, If I weigh myself in the mornings I may weigh 230 at the moment .... and if I weighed myself right now it may be 238 ... but that bat time and bat place is my measuring stick as I know it'll be all over the show anyway, because I don't do everything in my life the exact same at the exact same time everyday of my life 24x7. Over time, it will come down. It's just another self control aspect to this journey.


    Over time, I'm creating the deficit and over time, I'm loosing weight. It just isn't every week. I've been the same weight 3 weeks in a row, or even gone up, then, loose 3 pounds in 1 week. Go figure.
    As others have suggested, I do measurements at same time too, so, I know that the inches are dissapearing anyway.

    I think that's a great way of showing how the process of loosing weight isn't totally linear. While in theory it is just a math equation, our bodies don't react like completely perfect machines always using fuel in the exact same way at the exact same rate--there are fluctuations.

    I weigh myself every morning but only record it once a week. If I had recorded my weight every single day you would see crazy fluctuations from day to day. Even some of my weekly weigh-ins have showed no loss or even a little gain, but over time there has been a consistent downward trend--which is far more important than seeing a particular loss on a scale exactly when I think it should happen.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    Since Januray, when I started this journey, I've weighed myself same bat time, same bat place every week. (which is 7:30pm on Monday). Below are my weigh ins. I'm set at 1 pound a week.
    As you can see, it's all over the place. I haven't really skipped a beat with the calorie counting, I have been consistent in my work outs, including not doing the same thing over and over and most importantly, have not panicked. I take a peek every now and then at the scales but let it bear no factor to my weekly weight ins. yes, If I weigh myself in the mornings I may weigh 230 at the moment .... and if I weighed myself right now it may be 238 ... but that bat time and bat place is my measuring stick as I know it'll be all over the show anyway, because I don't do everything in my life the exact same at the exact same time everyday of my life 24x7. Over time, it will come down. It's just another self control aspect to this journey.


    Over time, I'm creating the deficit and over time, I'm loosing weight. It just isn't every week. I've been the same weight 3 weeks in a row, or even gone up, then, loose 3 pounds in 1 week. Go figure.
    As others have suggested, I do measurements at same time too, so, I know that the inches are dissapearing anyway.

    I think that's a great way of showing how the process of loosing weight isn't totally linear. While in theory it is just a math equation, our bodies don't react like completely perfect machines always using fuel in the exact same way at the exact same rate--there are fluctuations.

    I weigh myself every morning but only record it once a week. If I had recorded my weight every single day you would see crazy fluctuations from day to day. Even some of my weekly weigh-ins have showed no loss or even a little gain, but over time there has been a consistent downward trend--which is far more important than seeing a particular loss on a scale exactly when I think it should happen.

    This is completely irrelevant but if that's you in your profile pic kaitlinj, you look fantastic!!!