Can't seem to start exercising ;-/

Everyday I say I'm going to work out but, I never do it!!!


  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    i'm so with you on this... every excuse in the book
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    you can eat more when you exercise. it is what makes me do it.. i eat some or most of my exercise calories back. I get almost 800 extra when i do. LIke today.. I didn't exercise and I miss those calories so i can eat more.

    I found after a week of making myself.. it got easier...and it is like not dieting at all. (also do something that won't take you too much time...i work out right at no travel time..just one hour).
  • PowerShelf
    PowerShelf Posts: 7 Member
    its a habit. if you can hit 21 days exercise without missing one, it gets a lot easier. After that, it can be difficult to stop >.<
    Also the sense of accomplishment is awesome.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I can say this much: There's lots of days that I've skipped my work-out becaue I'm too tired, worn-out, in a bad mood, the planets aren't aligned, my cat needs me, etc. I almost always regret it the day after and wish I'd done it. But never have I done a work out and felt worse after it (barring injuries of course, which I'm so far keeping to a minimum). You have to make it a priority and just do it. After awhile, like PowerShelf said, it's a habit and you start to feel fidgety on days when you really can't work out.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    One trick I've used to get going is to put on all my workout clothes when I wake up. Then at some point I get my wrist watch on. Then put my hair up. Then at some point shoes go on. Then I force myself to get up and go toward the front door or wherever I'm going to work out in the house without giving myself time to think do I want to, should I wait an hour, blah blah.

    The only thing I make sure of is that I had something to eat within the past three hours or so and I make sure to wait a bit to let it settle. Other than that, no excuses.
  • pink_ribbon_1
    pink_ribbon_1 Posts: 46 Member
    I was in the same boat. I find it easier to break it into little pieces. 3 ten minute walks, 6 five minute walks. It all adds up! Start with baby steps, literally!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You have to just decide to do it......and do it. No one can do it for you. Its worth it. And isn't long before you will WANT to do it....I never would have beleived it, but its true. Just do it.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I started with walking. It's really hard to find an excuse to not go for a walk, because all you need is a pair of working legs. Build the habit with daily walks, and then switch to 'real' workouts. Worked well for me, it may work for you too. I now hit the gym six times a week, 3 cardio, 3 weights.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    And isn't long before you will WANT to do it....I never would have beleived it, but its true.

    This is true, too.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I started with walking. It's really hard to find an excuse to not go for a walk, because all you need is a pair of working legs. Build the habit with daily walks, and then switch to 'real' workouts. Worked well for me, it may work for you too. I now hit the gym six times a week, 3 cardio, 3 weights.

    This x 100!!! It's all I did to lose the weight besides count calories. I think sometimes people think they have to get right into the very physical workouts and you don't when you are just starting out. Small steps if you need to are good. Now I go to the gym too.
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Definitely can be a challenge to get it in everyday - start with small goal - 3 x's a week - even 30 minutes worth and then increase a bit each week.
    Find a workout buddy - meet them at the gym or at home or for a walk or workout video- helps if you have someone else on board with you!
    Find something you really enjoy doing - I LOVE Zumba - the music, the dancing - it goes fast and it is a real calorie burner!
    Switch it up - go for a walk, try yoga, take a dance class, learn to rock climb, play basketball, go swimming - something that is close to home or work and easily accessible.
    Taking aerobic classes is great - you get to know others in the class and have their support and encouragement to keep going.

    It's just getting out the door that can be the tricky part - put your exercise on your calendar like any other activity - you are worth the time and effort and it will not only help you to lose weight faster - you'll tone up and feel better inside and out!

    Best of luck!:flowerforyou:
  • 199orBUST
    199orBUST Posts: 47 Member
    Put some good music in your ears and go for a walk. Better yet, a run. This will cause the body to release "endorphins".
    Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in your body. With this energized view it will be easier to graduate to an exercise routine.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You have to just decide to do it......and do it. No one can do it for you. Its worth it. And isn't long before you will WANT to do it....I never would have beleived it, but its true. Just do it.

    ^^^^THIS!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I always say that I never regret working out... but I always regret it when I don't. I tell myself that almost every morning when I get up to go to the gym at around 4:45 a.m. And I'm always in a good mood when I'm done. And that mood carries me through most of the day :)
  • cat_pro70
    cat_pro70 Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't start exercising, I started playing! With both a Wii and an Xbox with Kinect in the house, I was moving and jumping around more than I thought I would, and having a great time doing it. Then I moved to some games specifically for exercise and then I started using videos. Now I have worked out almost every day and am in phase 2 of JMBR. Just find something fun to do to get moving and then mix in other exercises and you'll be on your way.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    You have to just decide to do it......and do it. No one can do it for you. Its worth it. And isn't long before you will WANT to do it....I never would have beleived it, but its true. Just do it.

    ^^^^THIS!!!!! :bigsmile:

    yep! Something I'm trying to get out of the habit of is doing things "tomorrow" If I think of doing something or going to the gym or what ever it may be.. EVEN if it's in the middle of the night I'll at least put my hrm on and turn on the music n dance for a bit, 5-10 minutes minimum, or do a few cheater pushups or run in place for a minute or do some squats etc. ANYthing is better than nothing. and doing little workouts throughout the day does make a difference, yes full workouts are better, but if you can find something that you find tolerable and start doing it a few times a day it's a start!
  • queens2014
    queens2014 Posts: 19 Member
    I find it helps to start something with a finish line....rather than just forcing yourself to go to the gym aimlessly everyday, try something like the 30DS it gives you a finish line to get you motivated and by the time you get to the end of 30 days exercise will be an everyday habit :)
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Do it, exercise, move, jump, tumble, who cares how you start, what you start with, just get you *kitten* moving. Do it, NOW!!
  • I don't exercise on the days I work. I work 12 hour shifts. But I have finally adopted the habit on my days off and feel kinda sluggish if I don't do something. I've been bicycling and doind Jillian Michael's 30 day shred cause it only takes 25 min.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    This is my biggest obstacle.

    Sometimes I have to ask my MFP friends to virtually poke me with a cattle prod to get me off my @$$.
    But I eventually get up & do it 5 out of my 6 goal days a week.
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    me too. i hate myself sometimes.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    You have to break through whatever mental barrier is holding you back and just start moving. Tell yourself you're going to go for a 5 minute walk because that's easy, and who doesn't have 5 minutes to spare for a quick walk!? A body in motion stays in motion, so just get moving! And little by little, day by day, you'll find yourself moving more and more. Then you won't be saying, "I'm going to do it", you won't even have to think about it, it'll just happen.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Try taking a dance class or zumba or some other class -- especially one you have to pay for in advance. Then you have to go becuaes you already paid for it and, if you are like me, going to that class will inspire you to exercise outside of class. Another way -- make a work-out date with a friend. if they are expecting you then you have to show up or give them a reason why and you know the reason is probably lame so you have to do it!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Then you just don't want it bad enough..

    No one and nothing can motivate you if you don't have the intense desire to change.

    Baby steps to start,,,

    Like bob and jillian say.. if you are watching TV all night, get up during the commercials and do some jumping jacks...

    Do anything through the day to make yourself move more. It doesnt have to be a cardio class or weights session.

    Choose a farther away bathroom at work to make yourself walk more, climb the stairs at the mall instead of taking an escalator., get off the bus 2 stops early and walk the rest of the way... Once you start leading a more active life it will be easier to make a few more baby steps into more serious workouts throughout the week...

    You have to make it a habit.. Schedule it in your phone as a reminder, do whatever it takes to just move a little more throughout the day on a regular basis and it will become part of your new healthier lifestyle..
  • I have to say I agree with you, I do want it but I must not want it bad enough, I am going to start with baby steps NOW!!! Thanks so much for the encouragement!!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member

    jk :)

    but seriously, I went through the responses really fast but I saw some stuff about creating new habits. That's really all it is. Absolutely force yourself to work out every other day (or whatever you decide) for 2 weeks. Make it a promise to yourself you'll get through the 2 weeks no matter what, no excuses. After that, it will become routine (especially if you do it at the same time each day). I started out with the 30 Day Shred. I promised myself I would do it for 30 days, and I did, and 8 months later I pout on my rest days! :)
  • fredaro2002
    fredaro2002 Posts: 35 Member
    One trick I've used to get going is to put on all my workout clothes when I wake up. Then at some point I get my wrist watch on. Then put my hair up. Then at some point shoes go on. Then I force myself to get up and go toward the front door or wherever I'm going to work out in the house without giving myself time to think do I want to, should I wait an hour, blah blah.

    The only thing I make sure of is that I had something to eat within the past three hours or so and I make sure to wait a bit to let it settle. Other than that, no excuses.

    I have actually SLEPT in my workout clothes!!! Then when I wake up, I had no choice but to put on my tennis shoes and push play on the DVD player.
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    You really have to challenge yourself! Try to find some friends to workout with you, set a short term and long term goal and just push yourself! I like having programs to follow (like C25K) and I use to set up a monthly schedule of workouts for me. Like one person says, it takes a month to form a habit. Tell yourself you will go to the gym 4-5 times a week for one month, and see what happens! Good luck!
  • SABollman
    SABollman Posts: 100 Member
    I did not realize that. 21 days. Maybe I can do that. I would love to get to a point that it is just part of my daily routine.
  • SABollman
    SABollman Posts: 100 Member
    Now that is a good Idea! (sleeping in the exercise clothes) :smile: