

  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I don't eat them for lunch, they're more calories than I want to eat during that time, but when I'm busy and get home late from school or work I do eat them for dinner. To make them more filling I pour them over a bunch of some sort of low cal veggie (basically any veggie w/out butter or 'sauce.') I normally saute up some cabbage or shredded carrots, roast brocolli, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Lean Cuisines are fine for getting into the hang of it, and long term if you want. But I second everyone else about the sodium and how the frozen meals aren't very filling.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I started that way (lets be honest, still am doing it that way) because I just know every day what my calorie intake is going to be for at least one meal, which gives me some wiggle room while I work out what calories are in my snacks and dinner. Obviously we all would love to work towards a better diet that doesn't involve processed foods, but baby steps will get us there!
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    When I first started keeping track of my calories I ate a smart ones 5 days out of the week but I knew that I didn't want to rely on prepackaged meals or processed foods to stay within my calories so I slowly started making my own food. It was a great way to jumpstart my weightloss and get used to eating fewer calories. So I say go for it but don't count on it long term.
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I think they are fine to have. They are high in sodium though. I ususally keep one or two in the freezer for when I am in a rush or feeling lazy. I feel pretty filled when I eat them. I rather save leftovers though.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I think they're okay to have around in a pinch, but I wouldn't recommend a regular diet of frozen dinners such as Lean Cuisine. I find they aren't filling in the least, have a whole bunch of sugar and sodium that I don't want, and they can be pricey for what you're getting. You can make a much more satisfying and healthy alternative that's quick and less costly in the long run.

    But, if it works for you, then absolutely keep going with it.
  • When I first started, I ate lean cuisines. It's certainty not bad but I'm relieved that I know that I don't need to eat those anymore to lose weight. Those things are NOT filling! :laugh: What I mean is, you can eat them if you want. That's fine. But honestly preparing your own meals is so much better. It's not hard.

    Your diary isn't open, so it's hard to provide any help to you.

    I will try to make it visible so u can see it(:
  • Thank u everyone for your thoughts on this! It's nice to hear others opinions when I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing lol
  • I have eaten 1 lean cusine a day at lunch because i don't want to order out like my co workers and lost so far 25lbs do what works for You

    That's great! That's exactly my thing everyone in the office eats out every day n always offers it to me and I've found if I keep leen cuisines in the freezer I won't be tempted!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    There is technically nothing wrong with it if you are satisfied, but you could absolutely find healthier and more satisfying options :)
  • i have been dieting and exercising for almost a month now. i cut out soda completley and only drink water. i eat a lein cuisine everyday for lunch. is this bad? i have not lost any weight sense the beggining of last week

    I eat a frozen dinner every day for lunch. Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, Weight Watchers...

    oh and Sushi.

    I LOVE sushi!
  • jerseyman42
    jerseyman42 Posts: 4 Member
    I do both. I personally LOVE Healthy Choice steamer meals. They are very cheap $2.50 each at Walmart and they taste awesome. Top Chef series winners create them. There are some others but these steamer meals are pretty filling to me and low in calories, sodium and fat. I always felt the smart ones and lean cuisine meals were too small. I mean as an example I had Beef in a merlot sauce with potatoes and string beans and it was delish. Also i love pasta and they have a grilled chicken with raviolis. I am very busy so i like that they are very fast to make. I would say whatever works for you and has good nutrients is a A+
  • I do eat frozen dinners from time to time, but I find it easier and better to cook for myself. A meal takes 3-5 min to heat up, and I can grill a chicken breast and steam broccoli in 5 min.
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    i have been dieting and exercising for almost a month now. i cut out soda completley and only drink water. i eat a lein cuisine everyday for lunch. is this bad? i have not lost any weight sense the beggining of last week

    Be careful of the sodium, it tends to be high in those prepackaged meals. you may be retaining some water.


    No they aren't necessarily bad - I will grab one of those in a pinch if I'm short on time and I do keep 2 or 3 on hand at home for times when I get in late and am tired or have to do a lot of running around on the week and and need a fast lunch, stuff like that. I don't like to have them as a habit though because they are not filling enough for me and the sodium content is too high for such a small portion.

    If it's convenient and it works, it's probably not bad IF you make sure to drink lots and lots of water each day. The high sodium no doubt causes retention so you'll want to flush that out. "Water flushes water" as my sister tells me. Its weird but true.
  • HollyBmomof3
    HollyBmomof3 Posts: 11 Member
    I eat them everyday. I love them. I haven't had any issues losing weight. I am picky about which ones i pick though.