Exercise Ettiquette (mini rant)



  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I used to be the cleaning staff at a gym and was amazed by how disgusting people are. I went to clean the shower once and someone just popped out their tampon and left it on the floor NASTY!!!


    Thankfully I haven't come across that yet. Well my membership is up in March, so I guess until then I'll have to sweat it out (pun, aha)

    But yeah......its pretty bad. I mean cmon people, the disinfectant sprays are in 3 different areas of the gym, yet since I've gone I've probably only seen about 5 people total who actually use them, myself included. Ugh....
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Remember people, bad stuff (ie staph infections) can be transfered via gym & shower equipment. If the gym doesnt provide it carry a spray bottle of disinfectant & a spare towel only for that purpose.

    Yeah. Google MRSA (a staph infection that is going around in some gyms). You won't ever not use the disinfectant before you get on a piece of equipment after that.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I go to an all girls gym. Problem Solved. Until you get to the change rooms....VOMIT. I refuse to use those showers!!
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    Yikes. Never, ever had a problem at my gym (or any gym I've been to)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I used to be the cleaning staff at a gym and was amazed by how disgusting people are. I went to clean the shower once and someone just popped out their tampon and left it on the floor NASTY!!!


    Thankfully I haven't come across that yet. Well my membership is up in March, so I guess until then I'll have to sweat it out (pun, aha)

    But yeah......its pretty bad. I mean cmon people, the disinfectant sprays are in 3 different areas of the gym, yet since I've gone I've probably only seen about 5 people total who actually use them, myself included. Ugh....

    Ummmm. We're in February, March is next month isn't it worth ONE MONTHS membership to you to find a better gym now? I would, just cut your losses and go to a new place.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Sounds like a crappy gym. As for those guys that drop weights hard, nothing you can do there. Don't let it bother you. There is always going to be people that do that at gyms.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Why are people so paranoid about sweat on the machines? Germaphob much?
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Sounds like you need a new gym! People are considerate at my gym for the most part, and the staff is always cleaning, no matter what time I work out.

    Mine too, for the most part. I think it also helps that there are cleaning stations throughout the gym and the staff is really good about stocking the stations. I wish more people would rerack the weights but the staff is also good about picking up after people so I've never encountered anything disgusting, which is great because this gym is in the perfect location and I am paying a ridiculously low corporate membership rate.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    My gym is clean. There are disinfectant stations with lots of paper towels and spray cleaners. And a huge trash can beside it for the used paper towels.

    Peer pressure to clean is strong at my gym. I like that everyone cleans everything. And the staff still comes behind and cleans again.

    OP, it sounds like you work out at a college or in a frat house. I'm sorry your gym is like that.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    sounds like a gym management problem there.
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    It might be that they never learned. I had never gone to a gym before I went to my campus one, and there's no information anywhere about where to get spray bottles or towels, or where to put them when you were done. In fact, I went several weeks before I actually saw anyone using it, and realized that I probably needed to be doing the same.

    My gym is still irritating, in that aspect. I want to clean up after myself, but I have no idea where to find any bottles or towels. I try to nab whatever someone else left. Which they probably only left because, like me, they didn't know what to do with it when they were done.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Why are people so paranoid about sweat on the machines? Germaphob much?

    because it's gross!
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I use a small women only gym. Everyone seems to clean up after themselves, thank god.

    Me too, and so far been pretty lucky most are considerate. One thing when I joined I wasn't told about where the wipes are, towels to be used or where I put the dirty ones.

    I think a huge responsibility is on the gym when they sign you up to let you know about these things. I did already know it is pretty common sense but they have to have it accessible.

    Another reason to is what others have said, the gym can hold many nasty germs. ecckkk
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Why are people so paranoid about sweat on the machines? Germaphob much?

    Paranoid? Hardly. I would think it common courtesy to clean up the bodily fluids you spill on things many people use.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I use a small women only gym. Everyone seems to clean up after themselves, thank god.

    Me too, and so far been pretty lucky most are considerate. One thing when I joined I wasn't told about where the wipes are, towels to be used or where I put the dirty ones.

    I think a huge responsibility is on the gym when they sign you up to let you know about these things. I did already know it is pretty common sense but they have to have it accessible.

    Another reason to is what others have said, the gym can hold many nasty germs. ecckkk

    You know what, now that you mention it when I first started at the gym I wasn't told about the disinfectant wipes, or heck, even how to properly adjust the weight machines. I figured it out on my own rather quickly though. I guess a run-through of gym etiquette would probably be rather helpful when people sign up to this particular gym.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You could apply this rant to any publially shared place. Last sunday, the ushers had to clean up a pew where a family let their young children eat and spew dry cheerios all over the pew,left used kleenex's and employ juice packs in the pew. Seriously? I don't even leave trash in a movie theater...
  • Chrissy180
    Chrissy180 Posts: 30 Member
    So I'm just getting into the groove on the treadmill and a really nice older lady gets onto the treadmill beside me. Just as she kicks her treadmill into high gear I'm confronted by the overpowering smell of her very sweet perfume!!! I mean it gave me a instant headache it was so strong. People drive me crazy!! I know that it was not intentional, but you are at the gym where people are running, panting and sweating. Come on!!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    The sweat and used paper towels everywhere is just disgusting. I would either speak to management or find a cleaner gym.

    As for people dropping weights, if they are dropping the weights on the little machines, that's not cool. I'm assuming you're not talking about Hammer Strength type "machines" that use free weights.

    If you're talking about people dropping weights in the free weights area, all gyms should have some sort of rubber flooring or mats to both absorb sound and keep the weights from being damaged. You might want to look out for that at whatever gym you go to next.

    I see people complain about this all the time, so I think it's worth pointing out that there are indeed certain lifts that do include dropping the barbell, and others that require dropping the barbell or dumbbells, especially when training at or near your max. Of course there are also those situations where people need to "bail" on a max lift and will drop it so they don't kill themselves.

    Grunting and exhaling loudly is also part of lifting heavy stuff, like it or not. People grunt and breathe hard when they're exerting themselves...as unpleasant as that may be, it's just how it is. If the lifters are screaming out naughty words, I think you'd be right to complain. That's a bit beyond acceptable gym behaviour. But merely grunting, exhaling loudly....no, not really.

    I wear headphones constantly when I'm at the gym, with my music turned up pretty loud. It works--I don't hear anything!

    I've read that Planet Fitness doesn't allow grunting or the lifting of heavy weights--maybe try that place.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Another vote for finding a new gym. The staff at my gym are constantly going around cleaning up machines by removing trash, wiping down cardio machines, wiping down weight machines, etc. And I don't go to an expensive or fancy gym, or even the upper levels of the gym franchise I do belong to.

    This is my experience too! I belong to the local YMCA. It is only just over a year old, and it is super clean. The trainer and fitness monitor in the fitness area clean when they are not helping members with fitness stuff. They are constantly pushing a broom, re-racking weights, wiping machines down, etc. There is also a local sheriff's department program that puts local teens in volunteer positions instead of sitting home during suspension from school...so it is not unusual to see a couple of younger teens escorted around collecting dirty towels or wiping machines too :D
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I'm just getting into the groove on the treadmill and a really nice older lady gets onto the treadmill beside me. Just as she kicks her treadmill into high gear I'm confronted by the overpowering smell of her very sweet perfume!!! I mean it gave me a instant headache it was so strong. People drive me crazy!! I know that it was not intentional, but you are at the gym where people are running, panting and sweating. Come on!!

    Yes--many people will have migraines triggered by perfume and asthmatics will often have an asthma attack triggered by perfume. To spare those people misery, it would be good to use the "1 foot rule" of perfumery (my grandmother taught it to me). You have a non-perfume person take a whiff and if they can smell your perfume more than one foot away from you, you are wearing too much. Perfume not only creates problems for the migrainous and asthmatics, it can be unhealthy for the person wearing the perfume. There are neurotoxins in most perfumes (you can google this "neurotoxins in perfume"). I'd much rather smell someone's natural stink. :laugh: