What muscles does quad skating tone?

Just Wondering what areas of my body will tone up from quad skating.
Thighs, Calves, Bottom, Hips (love handles) its mostly lower body?
I'm working on my 'derby stance' so i know being in a squat will help with toning.
also wondering how many calories it'll burn.

I'm aiming to do an hour a morning and skating 11.2km
I'm about 168-170cm tall and 67kg
I have a fairly healthy diet (1480 cal a day)

and what other exercises i can do at home ( with no equipment and easy for a beginner) can i do to help tone up my whole body and strengthen my core. I was going to do push ups, plank, sit ups, squats, lunges. but i know that's not targeting my whole body.

thank you :)
