Buddy survey



  • Donnaovercomer
    Donnaovercomer Posts: 55 Member
    Age: 39
    Gender: Female
    Married? yes
    Kids? 3
    Goal weight: 130-140
    Current weight: 187
    Height: 5ft 4"
    Favorite exercise: running
    Least favorite exercise: push-ups (because I have a hard time doing them)
    Pets? Yes - 3 dogs, 1 cat
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: Nope
    How often do you work out? 6-7 days, 5 days at the gym, weekends outside walking/running
    Current program you're using: Aerobics, stretches and weight training
    Best workout song: ANYTHING by Maroon 5
    Worst workout song:
    In the gym or at home: both
    Outdoors or indoors: outdoors
    State you live in: Florida
    Fastest mile: 14:00
    Heaviest lift: N/A
    Favorite healthy food: salad with baked chicken
    Favorite naughty food: pizza
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Age: 37
    Gender: female
    Married? yes
    Kids? two girls aged almost 3 and 6 and a half
    Goal weight: 131+lb (105+lb LMB, 20% body fat)
    Current weight: 130lb (101lb LBM 22% body fat)
    Height: 5'1"
    Favorite exercise: lifting heavy weights
    Least favorite exercise: cardio machines
    Pets? no
    Calorie goal: 1850 TDEE / 1570 cut / 2100+ bulk
    Special dietary needs: low blood sugar = PTSD gets worse
    How often do you work out? approx 4x a week
    Current program you're using: I design my own workouts
    Best workout song: vindaloo*
    Worst workout song: anything slow and depressing
    In the gym or at home: at home
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors
    State you live in: Bahrain
    Fastest mile: pfft... no idea... haven't done any running since I lived in London and used to run for buses
    Heaviest lift: calf raises using my husband as a barbell. Trying to work up to being able to do squats using him as a barbell. none of my lifts are that heavy YET
    Favorite healthy food: berries, brussels sprouts, chicken, laban (not all at the same time though) and vindaloo* (the healthy version that I make)
    Favorite naughty food: 85% dark chocolate. although any chocolate is good. and vindaloo* (the regular recipe)
    Favourite drink: earl grey tea*

    *because I'm English
  • Hairwyz
    Age: 33
    Gender: Female
    Married? No
    Kids? Daughter (5)
    Goal weight: 175lbs
    Current weight: 333
    Height: 5'4"
    Favorite exercise: Dancing/ Brisk Walk
    Least favorite exercise: Toning
    Pets? Yes a little loveable / blind / stay named curly that we have had 5 years.
    Calorie goal: 1200/Daily
    Special dietary needs:
    How often do you work out? Daily / Trying to increase a lil more each day
    Current program you're using: "Walk away the pounds / Hip Hop Music
    Best workout song: You got me good...... By Ciara
    Worst workout song: Anything slow... Need upbeat music to keep me moving
    In the gym or at home: At Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Indoors
    State you live in: Missouri
    Fastest mile: 3.5
    Heaviest lift: N/A
    Favorite healthy food:Grilled Chicken Salad
    Favorite naughty food: Pizza / Long John Silvers
  • em435
    em435 Posts: 210 Member
    Age: 22
    Gender: Lady
    Married? No
    Kids? Heck no
    Goal weight: 140
    Current weight: 187
    Height: 5ft7
    Favorite exercise: Running
    Least favorite exercise: Can't think of one
    Pets? None. Does the FosterKittenCam count? http://new.livestream.com/FosterKittenCam/RipleysKittens
    Calorie goal: 1650ish
    Special dietary needs: Nada
    How often do you work out? Every other day
    Current program you're using: Diet and Exercise
    Best workout song: Too many to list
    Worst workout song: Any song without vocals.
    In the gym or at home: Both
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: I'm European but if I was in the States: Florida, baby!
    Fastest mile: 11:30 (I'm a slow coach)
    Heaviest lift: However much a push up is.
    Favorite healthy food: Nuts
    Favorite naughty food: Chocolate
  • melw2910
    melw2910 Posts: 73 Member
    Ok here goes

    Age: 38
    Gender: Female
    Married? No
    Kids? No
    Goal weight: 9 stone (126lb)
    Current weight: 11 stone (154lb)
    Height: 5ft 1inch
    Favorite exercise: Dancing
    Least favorite exercise: Running
    Pets? Labrador retriever puppy
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? Aiming for 4 times a week
    Current program you're using: Classes and gym
    Best workout song: Depends on what I'm doing - I'm a rock chick so anything heavy
    Worst workout song: Cheesy pop
    In the gym or at home: Both
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: UK - South Wales
    Fastest mile: Pass
    Heaviest lift: 30kg
    Favorite healthy food: Spinach
    Favorite naughty food: Chocolate
  • KittyPulse
    Age: 22
    Gender: female
    Married? no
    Kids? no
    Goal weight: 60
    Current weight: 88
    Height: 1.7m
    Favorite exercise: jillian michaels body revolution
    Least favorite exercise: dont knw
    Pets? 3 jack russels
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: no shellfish, starch,dairy
    How often do you work out? everyday
    Current program you're using: home workouts
    Best workout song: toya delazy pump it up
    Worst workout song: adele songs full stop.
    In the gym or at home: home
    Outdoors or indoors: both
    State you live in: country-south africa
    Fastest mile: dont knw
    Heaviest lift: dont knw
    Favorite healthy food: probably avo or nuts
    Favorite naughty food: chocolate brownies- i bake the best

    thats me:)
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Age: 53
    Gender: female
    Married? Seperated
    Kids? One of each (thats 2!)
    Goal weight: 10st 10lb
    Current weight: 17st 6lb
    Height: 5'6"
    Favorite exercise: Gym circuits (eventually!)
    Least favorite exercise: swimming (clammy changing rooms!)
    Pets? 2 dogs 2 cat 2 chickens
    Calorie goal: 1390
    Special dietary needs: gluten and lactose free
    How often do you work out? Not often enough!
    Current program you're using: My Own Thing
    Best workout song: I haven't really got that far
    Worst workout song: Lighthouse Family!
    In the gym or at home: Gym
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: Devon UK
    Fastest mile: ?!?
    Heaviest lift: !?! ....actually that would be me getting off the sofa
    Favorite healthy food: Mixed salad
    Favorite naughty food: Caaake!!! (If your a Brit you'll get the the joke!)
  • Samanthalynn724
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Married? Nope.
    Kids? No.
    Goal weight: Healthy: 120-117
    Current weight: 128
    Height: 5'5"
    Favorite exercise: Jogging
    Least favorite exercise: Uphill biking
    Pets? I've got a cat, Tigger.
    Calorie goal: About 1,500
    Special dietary needs: I'm allergic to strawberries?
    How often do you work out? 3-5 Days a week.
    Current program you're using: N/A
    Best workout song: Art of Losing - American Hi-Fi
    Worst workout song: Taylor Swift
    In the gym or at home: School
    Outdoors or indoors: Both
    State you live in: Washington
    Fastest mile: 7:48
    Heaviest lift: 70lbs
    Favorite healthy food: Apples, Carrots
    Favorite naughty food: Bread, all kinds of bread, or corn dogs.
  • roblewis72
    Age: 40
    Gender: Male
    Married? Separated
    Kids? 1 Girl
    Goal weight: 13st
    Current weight: 15st 1lb
    Height: 5'11"
    Favorite exercise: Running
    Least favorite exercise:Circuit training
    Pets? None
    Calorie goal: 1630
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? 5 days / 1 Racing / 1 Rest
    Current program you're using: My Own Thing
    Best workout song: Anything with a good temp, got to be British though.
    Worst workout song: Anything American!
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: Essex, UK
    Fastest mile: 8.30 ish
    Heaviest lift: Dunno
    Favorite healthy food: Spag Bol
    Favorite naughty food: Dairy milk.
  • LosingMandy
    LosingMandy Posts: 41 Member
    Well this sounds fun. Haha. I'm Mandy and this is me!

    Age: 26
    Gender: female
    Married? no, but am with an amazing boyfriend, coming up 1 year.
    Kids? no
    Goal weight: 65-75kgs, depends how the weight sits.
    Current weight: oh no, you have to buy me at least three drinks to get that info. ;-P I will say that I have a lot to lose though.
    Height: 1.65m
    Favorite exercise: running
    Least favorite exercise: running (it's a love/hate thing)
    Pets? Two cats
    Calorie goal: 1350, but not afraid to go over on big exercise days.
    Special dietary needs: nil, just a little picky.
    How often do you work out? Try to 5-6 times per week, usually at least 4.
    Current program you're using: personal trainer once per week, les mills classes and Cto5k.
    Best workout song: prefer an audio book for the ultimate distraction when running your guts out.
    Worst workout song: none, really depends on mood.
    In the gym or at home: gym
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors
    State you live in: south Australia, Australia
    Fastest mile: snails pace
    Heaviest lift: about 35kgs, I think, not a big lifter yet.
    Favorite healthy food: plain Greek yogurt with chocolate protein powder
    Favorite naughty food: hot chips and gravy. It's my downfall everytime.
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    Here's a quick and fun way to meet like minded fitness buddies! Fill out the survey, then come back later and add the peopke with similar goals!

    Age: 25
    Gender: female
    Married? as good as
    Kids? yes 4
    Goal weight: 145lbs
    Current weight:119lbs
    Height: 5"6
    Favorite exercise: jogging
    Least favorite exercise: pushups (bad wrist)
    Pets? a dog
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: n/a
    How often do you work out? 3 times a week
    Current program you're using: 30ds
    Best workout song: wiley- heatwave
    Worst workout song: anything beiber
    In the gym or at home: either
    Outdoors or indoors: outdoors
    State you live in: uk (yorkshire)
    Favorite healthy food: home made chicken kebab
    Favorite naughty food: jalepeno poppers
  • lilttlered
    lilttlered Posts: 11 Member
    Age: 35
    Gender: F
    Married? Separated
    Kids? 3
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 242
    Height: 4’11”
    Favorite exercise: step aerobics
    Least favorite exercise:
    Pets? Tortoise named Digger :)
    Calorie goal: 1600
    Special dietary needs: I cut gluten and lactose from my diet
    How often do you work out? 3-5 days
    Current program you're using: my (dr. generated) own blend of diet and excercise
    Best workout song: not sure yet but I have been listening to Lady GaGa
    Worst workout song: anything slow
    In the gym or at home: both
    Outdoors or indoors: winter in MI so mainly indoors, when sping comes I will go outdoors more
    State you live in: Michigan
    Fastest mile: none so far
    Heaviest lift: none so far
    Favorite healthy food: currently oranges and bananas
    Favorite naughty food: brownies (that could change depending on mood or day lol)

  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Age: 25
    Gender: F
    Married? yup
    Kids? no
    Goal weight: 50kg would be nice.
    Current weight: 54kg
    Height: 160cm (5'3'')
    Favorite exercise: dancing :)
    Least favorite exercise: push ups ..>.> weak arms.
    Pets? bunny :)
    Calorie goal: 1200 now
    Special dietary needs: alcohol :D j/k
    How often do you work out? not enough but I try to do something every day
    Current program you're using: nothing specific
    Best workout song: -
    Worst workout song: -
    In the gym or at home: home
    Outdoors or indoors: indoors
    State you live in: -
    Fastest mile: -
    Heaviest lift: -
    Favorite healthy food: chicken :P just plain chicken.
    Favorite naughty food: home made bacon pizza. :B~~
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Seriously people why don't you just hand out your SS# , your Mother's maiden name , your address, DOB, sexual preferences and where you work while you are at it.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Age: 48
    Gender: Male
    Married? Yes
    Kids? 2
    Goal weight: 165
    Current weight: 201
    Height: 65"
    Favorite exercise: lifting weights
    Least favorite exercise: running
    Pets? 2 dogs
    Calorie goal: 1750
    Special dietary needs: none
    How often do you work out? 4 times/week
    Current program you're using: Use P90X - not daily, but as part of routine
    Best workout song: -
    Worst workout song: -
    In the gym or at home: both
    Outdoors or indoors: either
    State you live in: TX - originally from PA
    Fastest mile: Fastest ever - 6:24 / currently 9:40
    Heaviest lift: -
    Favorite healthy food: chicken - roasted
    Favorite naughty food: pizza or cheese-burgers
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Seriously people why don't you just hand out your SS# , your Mother's maiden name , your address, DOB, sexual preferences and where you work while you are at it.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

    Sure, should I post it here or just send it to you? Do you really this little bit of information will lead to identity theft. Lighten up Francis.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Married? Yes
    Kids? 2 girls
    Goal weight: 160lbs
    Current weight: 198lbs
    Height: 5'6"
    Favorite exercise: Walking
    Least favorite exercise: Running
    Pets? 1 cat, fish.
    Calorie goal: 1400
    Special dietary needs: None
    How often do you work out? 4 days
    Current program you're using: done 30 Day Shred, currently using Zumba and start Insanity month two next week.
    Best workout song: Anything with a good beat!
    Worst workout song: Slow songs.
    In the gym or at home: Home
    Outdoors or indoors: Outdoors
    State you live in: Plymouth, UK
    Fastest mile: I walk a mile in about 15 minutes.
    Heaviest lift: I don't
    Favorite healthy food: chicken, anything with chicken!
    Favorite naughty food: Ben & Jerrys
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Seriously people why don't you just hand out your SS# , your Mother's maiden name , your address, DOB, sexual preferences and where you work while you are at it.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

    Sure, should I post it here or just send it to you? Do you really this little bit of information will lead to identity theft. Lighten up Francis.

  • roblewis72
    Seriously people why don't you just hand out your SS# , your Mother's maiden name , your address, DOB, sexual preferences and where you work while you are at it.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

    Do you know where to send your Mothers Day and Fathers Day cards to?
  • shelbystatic
    shelbystatic Posts: 61 Member
    Age: 21
    Gender: F
    Married? Taken
    Kids? 0
    Goal weight: 140ish
    Current weight: 195
    Height: 5'5"
    Favorite exercise: Zumba
    Least favorite exercise: Flat Flys
    Pets? A half Lab half Great Pyrenees named Bear
    Calorie goal: 1200
    Special dietary needs: just picky
    How often do you work out? every damn day
    Current program you're using: zumba 3x a week, yoga 1-2x a week, weight training 5x a week
    Best workout song: Anything that makes me think of how sexy I will be when I reach my goal.
    Worst workout song: Strip by Chris Brown. I need to delete it I always skip it.
    In the gym or at home: Mostly at the gym
    Outdoors or indoors: Indoors mostly until the weather improves
    State you live in: KansASS
    Fastest mile: idfk
    Heaviest lift: 50 for now
    Favorite healthy food: Apples! or cucumbers with salt and pepper
    Favorite naughty food: Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza no tomatoes from Mazzio's