I need help curbing my appetite.

Okay, maybe it's not my appetite. All I know, is that I can eat a full breakfast (eggs, grits, toast) or even a footlong Subway, and not too long after, I will have the desire to snack, or possibly even eat more. I'm not overweight (125lbs at 5'4) but I am looking to cut off 10lbs, while building muscle (which obviously means I may lose no weight). I'm mostly concerned with inches around the middle, since having 2 kids didn't help me out there.

If nothing else, I probably just eat for taste, because there are even sometimes I feel full, but finish those last few bites just because it tastes good.


What are some healthy, appetite curbing meals and snacks that are EASY. I already cook a completely different dinner for the rest of my family than what I eat, so I don't want to go too complicated.

I'm a little picky, and if I find something I like, I tend to eat a lot of it for a while...



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You might want to cut back a little on each meal - eat until you're not hungry instead of til you're full. Your stomach will adjust it's size to the new proportions. Also the more fiber/less processed stuff you can eat will keep you feeling fuller. So, you might want to substitute oatmeal for the grits, for example.

    I also like the AB diet cookbook for simple tasty nutritious ideas.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I used to eat a lot of oatmeal, but I'm all oatmeal'ed out for a while. Lol. I think I eat for taste more than anything. I am probably full long before I stop eating. I don't know why, it's just something I've always done. I have already started by using smaller plates and bowls, since I almost always clean my plate. At least I'm eating a little less and using willpower not to get seconds.

    Thank you, I'll check out that cookbook.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Sounds like it might be more mental than phisycal - are you hungry, or do you just feel like snacking? I know the very second I walk into my parent's house I want to eat... but it's not because I'm hungry, it's something psychological about that house. Which means it's a matter of self control and changing habits.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Eat less carbs and more proteins and fats. The latter tend to keep you satisified much longer.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    I feel the most full when I get more protein with every meal. What are your macros set to?

    ETA: I just read the part about meals - you might want to check out skinnytaste.com, or google the best recipes for protein rich diets. Things like lean meats, beans, nuts, eggs, greek yogurt, cheese, etc.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    Sounds like it might be more mental than phisycal - are you hungry, or do you just feel like snacking? I know the very second I walk into my parent's house I want to eat... but it's not because I'm hungry, it's something psychological about that house. Which means it's a matter of self control and changing habits.

    I'm probably not actually hungry. I don't work right now, so I'm home all day with my 2 year old. I eat breakfast as soon as I get home from dropping my 3 year old off at school, and then if we have nothing planned, I'm just watching TV or reading for a while, then do my exercise after lunch before I pick up my daughter. Anytime I sit in front of the TV I've had to start keeping a bottle of water next to me, because I do get the urge to snack. I used to snack on brownies and poptarts and cookies every night in front of the TV. I stopped buying them, so that helped that... but now I will still find something. Recently, I've started making cinnamon toast. Which I guess is at least better than the cookies, but still pointless eating.

    I'm living with my dad right now, and I hate it here. I feel like I'm the only one that cooks, cleans or does laundry ever... and so maybe the food is just my stress relief until I can leave. I'm really trying though. I did learn that my willpower isn't strong enough if its in the house, so I just stopped buying any snack foods that I used to like. (Hot Cheetos, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, poptarts, ice cream) And I also had to stop baking because I would sit and eat half a peach cobbler or 2-3 slices of cake in one sitting.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    Considering I may not actually be hungry, I guess some suggestions on snacks that will actually benefit me would be awesome as well.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I feel the most full when I get more protein with every meal. What are your macros set to?

    Not sure what you mean by Macros, but if you mean MFP goals.... MFP has my Protein goal at 49 for the day. I already got 30 with breakfast. I feel full and satisfied, but I do have the urge to snack, already. It's been about an hour and a half. I had 3 eggs and grits, with a glass of milk.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member

    I post recipes on my blog. Try the white bean dip it's awesome! I found it on whole foods' site. I'd also try adding artichoke hearts to it.

    Edit: the dip is about 60 cal for 2 tbsp I think
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Hunk of meat + hot pan = filling delicious meal! ;)

    I bring almonds to work to snack on. If you measure out an ounce they are very filling and you can munch on them when you feel a bit hungry. I also love mandarins and my bag of them says "cuties are for kids" so maybe your kids will like them too! String cheese is also a good filling snack as well as yogurt. I am currently working on a blueberry yogurt secret spy powers of Michael Weston theory.
  • slamb1020
    slamb1020 Posts: 80 Member
    Eat less carbs and more proteins and fats. The latter tend to keep you satisified much longer.

    i agree.. having smaller meals every 2-3 hours with less carbs and more protien will help with keeping you full.. also DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! water water water! :)
  • readyAIMfire
    readyAIMfire Posts: 12 Member
    Head hunger is a nasty monster! Really pay attention to what full and empty feels like. I would recommend supplementing some protein in the form of smoothie/shake here/there throughout your day. Works for me!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I have no idea if this would work for you, but I MAKE myself drink 10 ounces of water before eating anything. It gives me time to think if I really want/need it and also may take away some of the imaginary hunger feeling. Before eating anything in the morning, I also drink 10 ounces of hot green tea. It's easy for me at work, because I only bring appropriate portioned sized things so I can't over eat. Try not to put yourself in the position where you are able to eat that much.
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    Two things: Water and protein. More of both and they will make you full longer. Drinking more water will also keep your hands and mouth occupied.
    Smaller meals also. I used to eat 6 meals a day and believe me after eating that often I was sick and tired of eating.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I feel the most full when I get more protein with every meal. What are your macros set to?

    Not sure what you mean by Macros, but if you mean MFP goals.... MFP has my Protein goal at 49 for the day. I already got 30 with breakfast. I feel full and satisfied, but I do have the urge to snack, already. It's been about an hour and a half. I had 3 eggs and grits, with a glass of milk.

    don't be afraid to go over on protein... MFP puts it's levels too low

    Oh I do usually go over. I got 30 witih breakfast, I have at least 10g in a protein bar after a workout.... and I really love chicken! I probably hit about 80 daily, at an average.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I would say to have some fruit on deck. Strawberries, watermelon, mangoes, etc...I has helped me a ton. I have an awful sweet tooth and I needed something to combat those snickers bars. lol. Also, try drinking water as much as possible. It helps to flush your system and helps keep you from feeling hungry. I have learned that we may feel hungry but it's really just boredom.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I have no idea if this would work for you, but I MAKE myself drink 10 ounces of water before eating anything. It gives me time to think if I really want/need it and also may take away some of the imaginary hunger feeling. Before eating anything in the morning, I also drink 10 ounces of hot green tea. It's easy for me at work, because I only bring appropriate portioned sized things so I can't over eat. Try not to put yourself in the position where you are able to eat that much.

    That's what I'm trying to do now. I'm trying to keep water near me all the time. I stopped making sweet tea, (I dont even like green tea) so the only things I drink are water, orange juice and milk. I bought myself a couple packages of rubbermaid divided containers and I'm going to try to premake some lunches and snacks to go in them, so I don't over eat. Since I always tend to have the desire to clean my plate, if it's the appropriate portions, I can't do that.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I would say to have some fruit on deck. Strawberries, watermelon, mangoes, etc...I has helped me a ton. I have an awful sweet tooth and I needed something to combat those snickers bars. lol. Also, try drinking water as much as possible. It helps to flush your system and helps keep you from feeling hungry. I have learned that we may feel hungry but it's really just boredom.

    I believe it with the boredom! I'm picky with fruit, I do like strawberries, watermelon, grapes and kiwi though. That's about it.
  • CharityEaton
    I am the same way, but I workout in the morning. However, consider that you have gone ALL night with nothing to eat so your body is really hungry if you have a fairly active morning, getting kids up and at it!
    I get up at 615 and spend the next 2 hours getting everyone out the door. I eat breakfast with the kids hen after they are all gone I do my workout around 845....followed by a protein drink.at about 945 to 10am...then by noon I am starving again. I eat a decent lunch and then by about 2 I need a snack an dinner is usually around 530-6pm and I will be STARVING for that and I still haev a snack around 8pm and head to bed around 1030-11pm.

    I also average about 100g of protein per day with 50 grams coming before lunch. It helps! Also, almonds are a great sanck, mix that with a few dark cchocolate chips and you have a great snack. Apples and peanut butter, carrot sticks with hummus, sweet peppers. Lower cal whole grain cracker/chips are fine too just measure out one portion and put the bag away.

    I'm a stay at home mom so the food is here all day. I also chew a whole lot of gum! It keeps me from snacking.
    find something to do that keeps you from being able to eat.....like for me, it's really hard to eat and play the piano or crochet so I go do that when I'm feeling like snacking!