Zumba Skeptic



  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Ok, that video is a hot mess. Hahaha...If you use the DVDs or have an excellent instructor Zumba is a fabulous workout and lots of fun. Calorie burn obviously is going to vary from person to person, depending on weight, height, intensity, etc...

    Zumba has been great for my obliques and waist. I love it.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    Zumba is fun and you move your *kitten* while doing it.
  • nyemu
    nyemu Posts: 43
    I was a proud member of the skinny fat brigade for years, as long as I looked good in my clothes exercise wasn't an option. Joining MFP has changed that. I think zumba works for those of us that aren't naturally athletic , I look / feel like an awkward giraffe when I run, can't punch/ kickbox/ spin/ taebo to save my life :sad: but zumba I CAN do (with a lot of practice and persistence!) and I feel wonderful, alive and sexy while I'm doing it!

    My sister bought me the zumba dvd set and now I'm addicted, I work out in the privacy of my home (mainly weights, stability ball and now zumba) It's given me confidence, I give my workout all that I've got and for the first time in my life I'm sweating from physical exertion (grew up being told that ladies don't sweat they glow and don't run but sashay!!) Zumba has done amazing things to my figure as well, it's given my waist definition. Also my husband has taken to sneaking in to watch.:blushing:

    Do what makes you happy, I really wish I was a bad a** but I'm not, I imagine if I were I'd pobably look at zumba the way you do.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I go to Zumba usually twice a week and I decide what classes i'm going to based on 1. what time it's offered and 2. who is the instructor. We have 3 instructors that i love and it's lots of fun. I usually burn 600 calories per hour 50 minute class so i really think it has a lot to do with how much effort you put into it. The instructors always say, give it 3-4 times of coming to class before you decide if you like it or not, because it takes a while to get the choreography down.
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    Do people really use the word "spastic" like that still? Sigh.

  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    I have a friend who loves Zumba so much she does it many times a week, and lost 60 pounds doing just that!
  • Lanara23
    I love Zumba! And I think to get the real atmosphere and feel you'd need to go to a class.

    What's so great about it is that you don't even realise you're working out because you're having too much fan.

    Give it a go before canning it :)
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I tried it and just couldn't get into it. however, i love to do other things that are more structured. so i think it works for some and others just don't find it fun.
  • Samanthahahaha
    The instructor, music and environment all make a huge difference. I've gone to quite a few classes and while most have been fairly enjoyable, my favourite instructor is so passionate about her routines and music it's just infectious, and we all have an absolute blast!

    ^ This! Every instructor has freedom to what they want; they can pick their own music and own moves, so some instructors I love, some are eh. I am a Zumba fanatic and actually can teach it too (though I haven't yet). To me, it doesn't feel like exercise so I just love doing it. It goes by so fast and I love getting better at dancing! But it is basically only cardio so that is something to keep in mind. Another thing I really like is that it is very welcoming, you do not have to be a good dancer to get a good workout and have fun at a Zumba class.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    I L:heart: ve me some Zumba. It's a great calorie burning IF you put in the effort but at the same time it's just great fun so doesn't feel like exercise.

    I think the key is finding the right class/instructor. My current instructor is amazing fun and always demonstrates different levels for each move so you can pick what suits you individually. I've also got Zumba on the WII for days when I want to workout at home.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    I do Zumba because to me it's fun and burns calories. I started because of a bad right ankle. Aside from lifting weights 2-3x a week, I also walk, jog, swim, ride an exercise bike, and do RIPPED classes for my cardio. I used to jog 4-5x a week but because of my bad ankle, I can't jog as much, and only jog 2x a week now. Zumba is easy on my bad ankle and going by my Polar HRM, I average anywhere from 800-1200 calories per hour. Yes, I look like a spaz and it probably doesn't help being a 6'3, 300+ lb man in a class of 20-30 females. Do people point, stare, and laugh? Yes, I've noticed, but I don't care.

    Good for you! I have a few videos at home but I am so nervous about going to the classes.. I guess it's time to sign up.. I'm just afraid I'll end up looking like I'm trying to play twister instead of Zumba. lol I have a polar Hrm as well and *hopefully* I'll see similar numbers :) Keep doing what you love :)
  • smithntuck
    smithntuck Posts: 113 Member
    I have two left feet, am a total clutz, and am very uncoordinated...that being said, I was invited to a zumba class by a friend and am now totally hooked! I've gotten better at it over the past month, and I KNOW I've worked out by the time I'm finished with the class. My exersize options are pretty few due to having 2 young kids and a husband that works crazy hours. I work out at home, but having that accountability in a class, especially when you want to quit after 20 minutes, works better for me. I do better when I have others working toward a similar goal. Plus there are ALL sizes and fitness levels where I go, and it makes me feel good about myself that I'm actually somewhere in the middle instead of the worst in the class, lol
  • DebraAukett
    DebraAukett Posts: 128 Member
    You're watching the wrong people doing Zumba. Look at the originals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AXidatDerg
    This is the dvd I do this week, so much fun. And yes, you NEED the music
  • TheMisses22
    TheMisses22 Posts: 16 Member
    Well you asked for an example of a video so here you go.... this video is the exact song and routine we do as a warm up song.


    You have to go to an actual class and try it out to see if you like it and you may have to try different instructors. Some are awkward and some are very sensual with their routines some are more pop trendy music/routines. You just have to find someone you like. I like to dance and dancing is a great workout and so I LOVE Zumba. I get to hear great music, dance and get a great calorie burn. I am overweight and dance my *kitten* off so I burn on average 750-850 calories in a 60 minutes class. (according to my HRM). I also do Zumba toning which is Zumba dancing with weights worked in and that is also a great change of pace.

    All in all... Zumba sure beats spending a boring hour on the elliptical or treadmill!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Do people really use the word "spastic" like that still? Sigh.
    And from me. We'll assume that you are from the US where I understand calling someone 'spastic' to be acceptable, but it isn't in the UK and I don't expect you will get many comments regarding Zumba from here. Most people in the UK won't have got past your wording to understand the point of the post.

    Sorry, what was your point again? That you don't like Zumba?
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    I agree it's all about the teachers!! I've had 4 different instructors... two made me want to do bodily harm to myself... and the other two were amazing! I took it the first time as a college elective so I was able to learn the moves before they were really thrown out there and I think that makes a huge difference!

    There are good Zumba instructors and bad ones... I had one for example who couldn't ever decide what she was doing and was very flighty... Another one who had no enthusiasm and I'm pretty sure wasn't actually qualified to teach Zumba...

    Good ones are hard to find!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Zumba classes vary by gym and instructor. In my gym we have two very energetic instructors. The more senior one has instructors from other gyms attend her class, usually lasts an hour and a half and is VERY energetic.

    There is a wide mix of abilities in the classes I've attended, as it takes awhile. I've been taking Zumba for a few months, have the shoes and the shirt but still get lost sometimes.

    Here's my blog post on Zumba:

  • anjsdav
    anjsdav Posts: 34 Member
    Here's a great link to help you figure out how many calories you can burn while doing Zumba. I used this before I got my HRM and it's pretty close!


    @Kim, thanks. I usually just put it in as aerobics / dance / jazzercise. Its all good. Even if the calculation is a little lower than the real burn, I get to be pleasantly surprised by loosing weight faster than expected if I keep my goals but I can't say that I have lately :).
  • sjanney007
    Okay sorry for offending any of you or MANY of you I should say, but I only post this question so someone can correct me cause I'm sure you are not all into what looks to me like glorified aerobics.

    I've seen good latin dancing, and good aerobics classes but this looks like neither and this was the 3rd video I found. So please show me some good video of this thing you are all loving so much? Otherwise I can only think that the appeal is that it's done to very very good music? Played it without sound so I don't know that's all I can think, it just looks odd.

    I don't want to look like this...

    Funny how the one person who "should" have rythm is the only one who doesn't?

    IDK. It just does NOT look like something I want to be doing. (only interested because it seems to burn lots of cals. and lot's of my "friends" list do it and they don't seem like spaz's?)

    It depends on the instructor. Most classes are about 70% latin and the rest is up to the instructor. (there are so many types of latin dance...so many different cultural influences) I lost 49lbs AND toned up while doing Zumba three times per week two years ago. With that being said, I put my all into it and definitely felt the burn. There were body resistance moves thrown in along with great core building moves. A good instructor knows how to build the intensity and then bring you back to cool down properly, so you get maximum burn. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Also...you are with a bunch of your friends..great music....leaving it all out on the floor. Some of my good friends who are also instructors are from Panama...and trust me...the latin influence is there. It's all about proper technique. There is also Zumba toning which incorporate toning sticks of various weights. If an individual isn't getting anything out of their Zumba class....they either aren't doing it properly or they aren't putting anything into it. Zumba may not be for everyone...but it sure gave me some awesome results!
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I tried zumba a few times, and i'm not much of a fan. They offer it a couple of times a week at my gym, and I've taken it, but i like the other classes that they offer much better. I don't crack as much of a sweat zumba-ing as i do in my African dance class. I like Zumba-ing on days where my knee hurts and i need a lighter work out though.

    I think its fun all the people in my class seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.... but to me its not as good as the other workouts my gym offers.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPmuP6x1f3Y <---- zumba class at one of my gym's other locations lol

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G1AkJ-97ng <---- these are the "good videos"