Success with Dukan??

A friend of mine had a baby 7 months ago and put on a bit of weight (about 45lbs). She has done the Dukan diet since July 2012 and is in the "maintenance" stage now after loosing all that she put on shy of 5lbs..She looks absolutely amazing.
I am now on day 2 of the "attack" phase.
Does anyone have any feedback on this diet plan? success stories, advice??


  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    My former boss is on it...she is in the maintenance phase after being on it for a year. I hadn't seen her in that timeframe, but saw her a week ago and man oh man, did she look awesome. She lost 70lbs and she says she is so happy and never going back to what she used to be (190-200 lbs) - she even throw out all her old clothes. I was very intrigued by the whole Dukan diet and looked up some things on line. It is a very strict diet during the attack phrase and you only get to choose from 100 foods which are all non carb. I just know for myself, that doing no carb was going to be very very hard for me, so what I am trying to do is do is low carb foods instead. I am going to see how this works for me first and go from there. I wish you the best of luck and would love to become a "friend" to see how you do on this.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    I'm not critisising cos I don't know anything about it but....:yawn:

    I thought this chap had been widely discredited and was currently hanging his head in shame? (or rolling around laughing in piles of money)
  • JustCallMeTes
    JustCallMeTes Posts: 32 Member
    Someone from my job did it and lost all of her post pregnancy weight.. I'm starting tomorrow :) I bought the book and it tell you EVERYTHING you need to do! Let me know if you're planning to do it too.. I could always use a buddy!
  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Hey there, I am on day 3 of the "attack" phase...the hunger pangs are starting to ease a little and the answer seems to be to make sure you have something at hand to eat so that you dont go into that "eat anything" to satisfy. I have to say I went to bed last night feeling good and full...Let's hope I keep going. I do intend to!!! I am also going to the gym and doing the required cardio and some weights...
  • diaryoffatgirlslim
    Hi guys
    I am on day 4 of a dukan restart. I started in Sept last year after having my baby but with the silly season and numerous out of town visitors coming to see the baby, there was alot of eating out. Luckily I didn't gain by eating whatever I wanted over the last few months, but I regret wasting all that time when I could have been much slimmer right now.
    When I did attack last year, I struggled big time. I wasn't hungry but I missed veges ALOT. It was the longest 5 days of my life but was totally worth it because the weight came off.

    This is the only diet that has seemed to work for me so far, I have tried Weight Watchers, Biggest Loser, Light and Easy.. restricting my calorie intake hasn't helped me budge any weight for some reason, just kept me busy counting calories.

    Dukan is just easier for me because I don't need to measure/count everything and can eat whenever. So far, I have lost 5.9 Kg, another 3 Kg until I reach pre-pregnancy weight and then another 12 to goal!
  • amyjude
    Awesome!!!! Keep it up!!!!! I'm on day 19 and have lost 10.4 lbs. I've had two 'not great' dinners that definitely caused a bit of a setback, but was RIGHT BACK on the plan the next morning. You'll do it!!!!
  • Ree1109
    Ree1109 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm three days in on my first attempt and have dropped 2kg (4.4lbs)
    Any advice is welcome. I'm planning on trying to stick with the Attack Phase for another week.
    The food isnt too restrictive if your a little inventive with how you do it. I'm definatley not bored.
  • calajane
    I tried it two years ago and quickly lost a lot. the change was remarkable, but when I slipped I slipped hard and got the worst jojo effect yet, gaining twice what I lost.

    Strict diets are simply not for me, especially when my family can't be on the same diet as I am (my mom's diabetic), so now I just count the calories and hope to lose weight, even if it takes me longer.
  • CoRyan2
    CoRyan2 Posts: 5 Member
    I tried the Duken Diet and lost a fair bit of weight, I found it very hard to stick to and when i gave it up, the weight returned with vengence.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Oh my mum and dad do dukan and haven't looked back at all in terms of weight loss; both have reached and are maintaining their Dukan target for sometime; when i go round on their attack day they eat some weird food. The only caution I have the amount of eggs they ate; so they have done a cholestrol test and in my mum this had noticibly increased; i'm not saying the weight loss hasn't been a huge health benefit but i would have a test before you start and during the diet at sensible intervals, just keep an eye on it. Hope this helps, ps Im a convert to the oat bran defo keeps you filled up!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am month 14 on Dukan, have been at "stabilization" or maintenance for over 6 months. The strict no carbs is only for a very few days, the attack phase. We have a Dukan group here on MFP. Oat bran daily is a must on the cruise phase or "losing weight" phase ii of the plan.

    I lost 46 pounds and do my best to combine dukan with logging here on MFP ... it is not for everyone, but for me, life changing and a lifestyle I can own!
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Love it! Lost 20lb, my exact goal to lose, and kept it off when I went into stabilization! I was in last phase for 4 months, didn't gain a single pound. It sounds really tough but once you are into it, it is so easy.

    I am now 4 months pregnant, but you can be sure that as soon as I get the clear from my doctor after birth, I will be back on Dukan to lose my pregnancy weight!
  • beautmel
    After putting on a few unwanted kg's over xmas I'm trying to shift it. Started the Dukan on Sunday. Weiged myself on Monday and lost 1.5kg! I had some veg and half a cup of oats on Tuesday so cheated a bit but I went to the gym in the evening and thought I needed some carbs for my workout. Anyways, super strict again yesterday with the attack phase but come this morning I've gained 100 grams. Going to do another day of attack today and see what the scales say tomorrow.

    Good luck everyone!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I had a couple of friends do it and they gained it all back plus some more.
  • Kimmybean13
    Kimmybean13 Posts: 18 Member
    The dukan is a life long diet. The people who fail on it or gain everything back are people who ignore what the diet actually says. I know this because I was one of those people who for no real reason ignored the advice that is actually given. The life long commitment doesn't even ask for much, just one day a week to keep it off forever. Of course there are people out there who claim to have 'dukaned' but have gained back weight, and every single one of those people I have come across have in reality given up on the diet. The diet isn't the issue, the diet isn't wrong, it's biologically sound developed by a doctor. Every person I have read about discounting the theory actually re-states the theory wrongly, usually because they are regurgitating second hand information which doesn't actually reflect what Dr Dukan said.
  • lori_en
    lori_en Posts: 133 Member
    I did it for the best part of a year and lost about 20lbs, but it was very difficult to maintain and about a year to the day of starting it I had gained all my weight back.

    For me the Dukan Diet didn't work and made for a really hard year, but it has helped me in terms of how I see different food etc, so I eat a lot better than I did before I was on the diet. Through eating normally but healthily, I'm now at the lightest weight I was when I was on the diet and I'm finding it a lot easier to maintain now than I did before
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    May be a silly question, but doesn't it encourage to eat whatever amounts of allowed food? Doesn't it teach to overeat so you never eat hungry? That's why I am not on Dukan. I am trying to learn to eat sensibly and drop binge eating.
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    It teaches you that you can eat certain foods in unlimted quantities, yes, everything within moderation. Its a very structured diet, and if you read up properly and follow the diet to the end, anyone can have success with it, I think people who do Dukan and gain their weight and more back, didn't follow all the principles of the diet.
  • alycat1990
    alycat1990 Posts: 88 Member
    Personally I tried the Dukan diet in July of 2011 - it lasted for about 2 weeks before I wanted to stab myself with a fork from not eating any carbs.

    From personal experience I have had much more success with weight loss using my fitness pal - and logging all foods - including breads, rice, and fruit.

    I may be no doctor - but I know from my schooling as a nurse that its important to incorporate all food groups into your diet. Including fruit and grains.

    I also know that too much protein can cause kidney failure, and I know that is a large debate with the cons of the dukan and atkins diet due to their "unlimmited" amounts of proteins.

    To me the large time-frame of rotating days of pure proteins and veggie/protein days is too long to follow - and unrealistic.

    Sorry if this is very antagonistic - and critical - especially for those that HAVE had success with this diet - I'm just saying it doesnt work for everyone, and I was a prime example. Just make sure you research it through before doing it and talk to your healthcare provider.
  • Timetochange4ever
    I've never heard of this diet before, can someone give me some more info like what you would eat in a day etc?
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