Alcohol and Bad food on weekends? Any advice?

Ok, So I typically only consume alcohol on the weekends, but when I do, I drink a lot. BEERS! My weakness! During the week, I exercise 4 times a week and eat pretty healthy. I do pretty high impact exercise too (P90x, Crossfit, Cardio, etc) On Fri & Sat, I usually drink and eat not so healthy food.

Just wondering if anyone else has a healthy balance or advice on how to maintain or lose weight while still drinking on the weekends and cheating with bad food?


  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    How much is "a lot"? How many calories do you drink/eat during the weekend? And how much do you eat on a regular day?
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    On a regular day, about 1200 calories. All lean meat, protein, veggies, and fruits. I also do zumba, crossfit, P90x, and strength training during the week. On the average Fri or Sat would be something like this.....

    Friday = Chessburger & Fries - 6 beers at the most
    Saturday- Breakfast (at restaurant ), Wings, Fries (restaurant) and probably 6-10 beers....maybe even Bloody Mary and White Russian :( Night= Leftovers
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Wow, you sound like fun to hang out with haha. No advice sorry.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Only drink out of your exercise calories to make sure you're getting all the nutrition you need out of your food first, and be that person tracking every beer on her phone app and stopping when your remaining equals zero. It sucks, and although you don't have to entirely deprive yourself to get results, you do have to be honest with yourself.

    Same with the bad food; if you stay under calories you'll still lose weight, but if you up the proportion of healthy food (say no more than one bad meal a day and weekends only) you'll be less hungry for the junk in the long run.
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    That's great advice! I really like the idea of using my exercise calories for the beer. I should definitely make a "cheat day" instead of a "cheat weekend". It's always seemed to work for me in the past. However, I'm getting older and out on a few lbs during the Holidays. Thanks again!!
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh my! Yes, I have to be honest with myself. It's way too many calories if I am going to lose weight. I have to find a healthy balance. Make better choices on weekend food. It's tough for me!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    On a regular day, about 1200 calories. All lean meat, protein, veggies, and fruits. I also do zumba, crossfit, P90x, and strength training during the week. On the average Fri or Sat would be something like this.....

    Friday = Chessburger & Fries - 6 beers at the most
    Saturday- Breakfast (at restaurant ), Wings, Fries (restaurant) and probably 6-10 beers....maybe even Bloody Mary and White Russian :( Night= Leftovers

    Okay, let's say you dring 15 beers a weekend, thats about 2175 calories, add in another 2-3 mixed drinks probably another 1000 calories. Over 3000 "empty"calories in 2 days is quite alot. Add to that all the calorie dense food you have during the weekend and it's more that enough to stall your weight loss.
    During the week, do you just eat 1200 calories and that's it, or do you eat back your exercise calories? It looks like you work out alot and you need more than 1200.
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey thanks! THIS is my problem. Honestly, I probably eat even less than 1200 calories during the week (saving them for the weekend). the weekend I am STARVING! No, I do not eat back my exercise calories.

    I know it seems strange, but this worked well for me for the past 2 years. Now I am at a standstill. Gained weight during the Holidays and can't get back on track.

    I go out A LOT and really don't want to sacrifice that. I do think I can do something about my food on the weekends. Maybe cook these types of food at home in a healthier way..........
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Personally I look at it all in an average, some days i'm over some I am under. At the end of the week / month if I am netting a deficit I will lose, getting caught up in too fine of numbers can drive you nuts, but some people can't handle that broad of an out look either.

    So long post short, do what you can work best with.
  • You have to let loose and enjoy a little but for what it's worth, try working out at least one weekend day.

    If you're doing PX 90 or running 4-5 miles on Sat you're less likely to have too many on friday night I've found!

    Good luck.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Eat more during the week. i am not surprised you are starving by the weekend. And don't think "i can't have a cheeseburger because it's Wednesday". Buy some lean beef patties, grill it, put it on a bun, load it with veggies and enjoy.
    And you don't have to sacrifice going out, just drink less, and make smarter choices. Can't help much here since i don't really drink, but i think there is lower calorie beer, and you would probably be better off ditching the sugary mixed drinks.
    good luck!
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    Good advice!!! Thanks!!
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much for taking the time to help! I truly appreciate it!
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Hey Wendy,
    It seemed as though when I turned the big 3-0 and found myself recently single the weight loss stalled simply because after a good weekend of boozing not only did I just have a weeks worth of calories in an entire weekend I also lost my motivation/get-up and go to get to the gym on Monday. The sleep I did get on the weekends wasn't "good" healthy sleep and so I was tired and dehydrated on Monday's and lost the energy. It started to take until Wednesday's before I actually felt rip rearin' ready to go and make my work outs affective. By then I had only 2days to "get back on track" before Friday night came around.

    Then the cycle continued........

    For me I can't be Healthy and Fit and promote it and then go and get a good jag on while trying to be an example of what a healthy fit young lady is. I can't walk into my job or my gym on Monday's still smelling of bar as it comes through my pores.

    30 probably was one of my more fun years, carefree and lots of partying! I'm almost 33 and I've just decided that if I want to go out and enjoy a dinner or night out on the town I will not deprive myself of it. But the hangover and the building back of the electrolites as well as my peace/frame of mind to be in a healthy life style just can't be an every monday type of deal.

    I wish you the best in continued weight loss success and finding the plan that works best for you!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Work out Saturday'll be less likely to want to "blow it" Saturday night.
  • wendybonds1
    wendybonds1 Posts: 12 Member

    You hit it on the nose! Haha! I just recently turned 30, got married in October, and I'm very "happy" with my life right now. Which for me......add's on lbs! I know I will do the same thing in the next year, especially if I have a baby! I've definitely figured out that the "hangovers hurt more than they used to". I CANNOT drink Sundays-Thursdays if I want to be presentable at work. I work in the hospitality/sales industry and there is a lot of drinking and eating going on. I try to stay on track.

    So thankful for all the great advice and feedback.!
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    You have to let loose and enjoy a little but for what it's worth, try working out at least one weekend day.

    If you're doing PX 90 or running 4-5 miles on Sat you're less likely to have too many on friday night I've found!

    Good luck.

    So true. I've recently started half marathon training and I HAVE to run Saturdays and Sundays. One Saturday (late) morning run after a Friday night of drinking was enough to make me stop and think whether it was worth it for me. I haven't stopped drinking (no way that would happen), but I've definitely cut back. I'm by no means a model citizen on the weekends - I love my junk food! - but working out on the weekends has made me realize how much my diet/alcohol consumption affects my workouts.

    You could try changing your weigh-in day to Monday morning - maybe that would be motivation to eat healthier on the weekends?