27, pcos, needing to lose over 100 lbs- losing faith/hope.

Hey everyone. My name is Nikki, and I am 27 yrs old. I am at my heaviest i have ever been in my entire life. Weighing in at 240lbs. My lowest was back in 2007 weighing in at 155 lbs. SO in a few short yrs I have destroyed myself. However i have been overweight my entire life. I am losing faith in my ability to lose weight. I begin the journey and a short min after i give up. My fiance used to be skinnier. We got together in Nov 2010 and weighted 202 lbs. Now hes pushing 340. I was 207 then. He gets discouraged and then jokes hes going to get to 500 lbs soon enough. I feel responsible because there are many nights were i feel so exhausted i dont want to cook, which leads to fast food. Our sex life at least on my side has suffered greatly. I suffer from pcos and my hormones are beyond whack. I dont have babies. So unlike a lot of people i cant "blame" the babies on my fat. Nope, im responsible. Cant blame the fork or spoon either. Ive tried the magic starvation diets like hcg, iv tried a diet even more insane with a dr who i think was about to kill me (lost 47 lbs in 3 weeks- ya i think he was trying to kill me!) and iv also done phentermine, which yes helped me get down to 155 lbs but well obviously if you dont change anything different you will just bounce back further.

So a little about me. I have no energy. ALLLLL the time. Constantly tired. My thyroid is fine. Iv been checked out. Medically im good. But im SOOOO tired. I have mild arthritis in my hands and i have compartment syndrome in my legs which means after walking a little bit my legs go into excruciating pain. So losing faith here.. Need friends. Motivation.. Someone whos willing to ***** to me, and let me *****. Someone open and someone willing to not be so polite. I need friends who can be like dude you feel off the wagon and split your head open. your getting fatter.. ect ect.. i dont need sugar coating.


  • MsFree09
    MsFree09 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey Nikki! You sound just like me. I'm 260 and this is the heaviest I've been EVER. At the beginning of 2012 I weighed 220-225, then I met my boyfriend and now I'm 260 and he's 235 from 190. Don't get discouraged!!! It's better if you guys try to lose weight together. I don't know where you live but try walking (leisurely at first) with your boo. Then, build up. Do fun activities together if you hate the gym and the thought of working out. My boyfriend and I play Wii together (Wii fit and Michael Jackson Exp.). It's the same as doing cardio but you're having fun together. Instead of taking meds and starving yourself.....eat smaller portions. You can also eat 5 times a day: 3 meals and 2 snacks in between to rev up your metabolism. Weight loss doesn't have to be this total life jolting 180. You can slowly work your way up. It's helped me and it helps because it doesn't seem so drastic. Add me as a friend and we can def talk some more!
  • Hi Nikki!!

    Liz here, I'm about to hit 31. PCOS as well. I want babies so badly, and I've finally - FINALLY gotten it into my head that NOW is the time to change. So I'm on my way.

    Feel free to add me, I think you can do that on here? But I'm always happy to have folks to cheer on, or try to encourage.

    A few things that worked for me:

    1) Whatever weight you're at now, it's a shorter journey to your goal than if you wait another month.
    2) You're on here, so you've got some motivation. Good for you! I know you want people to be your motivation, and I'm sure some of us can do that - but I bet you know deep down that you need to have that motivation in yourself with a few outside nudges.
    3) If you do nothing else, track what you're eating. And commit to it. I'm planning to track even after I hit my goal weight, and I'm ok with that. My portion sizes get out of whack if I don't, and this is for life.
    4) When you're discouraged, read the success stories. These are real people, who were just like you are now. They didn't get that way overnight, but they did it. And you can (and will!) too.

    It's hard, but you've taken the first step of owning it. (Not blaming other things.) But direct that energy into yourself. You're worth it, you're worth the time. Find ways around the time - freeze meals on the weekend, stock the fridge with quick meals. (Sandwiches, yum!) You go girl, you can do it!
  • gloryofthis
    gloryofthis Posts: 46 Member
    hey! I"m bev I'm 240lbs and have pcos and have issues with my hips and knees and carpel tunnel in my wrist, we're practically the same lol!
    i need what you need so if you want i would happily hold you accountable if you would return the favour!
    gimmie a shout if you need anything, i'm here every night lol <3 xx
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi Nikki, you made the right choice by coming to MFP. You will not find a quick cure to weight loss as you have already discovered. It takes hard work and daily commitment. For me it was changing my mind set and getting on a journey to health not dieting. It has been a slow battle but I'm down 80 lbs and still at it. I have bad days (which are getting fewer) and good days. I forgive myself on the bad days and just keep going looking at the end goal. I didn't like exercise and would only do 10-15 min. at light intensity, even now I only do 30 min 2-3 days a week. Watch portions, measure everything. Make small changes and know that it is going to take time. You truly will only fail if you give up. If you keep on the path you are on your health problems will get worse and you'll die young, If you change now you'll be better overall. Self confidence increases, energy level goes up, sex gets better, pain gets less and on and on the list will grow.

    You have to do the work, You have to say no and put the food away, no one can do it for you. But you CAN do it .
  • kumanekochan
    kumanekochan Posts: 88 Member
    I agree, i've been slowly making changes over the last month. I first started just tracking everything I ate, then i added drinking more water, than i added cardio.
  • Hi Nikki
    You can do it! I was 285 when I found out I had PCOS back in 2010. Got put on metformin.and went down to 271 without changing anything. Didnt exercise or change the way I ate. it did make me **** my brains out be prepared! But it got rid of the sugar cravings. And oh I was warned about getting pregnant but I was like ...ya OK. my daughters are 16 & 14 and the baby is 14 months LOL so it did happen BE CAREFUL!!!!

    So long story short...a month ago I got back to business working out again. Iwent back to longing my food and starting using my wii and last friday I joined a gym. today I am down 7 lbs!

    You can do it! Look at my food and exercie log. I ate wendys & toppers pizza. I've drank wine and booze. Figure out your plan and you and your man work it together. goto water aerobics. there are 2 classes at my gym. I like one instructor better than the other and the old people kill me! And then I go in the hot tub and relax. I haven't missed a day of the gym since last friday tomorrow will be one whole week. Friend req me! YOU CAN DO THIS
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Nikki - please read my timeline on my profile. I was also 27 when FINALLY diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance. It probably saved my life at that time. Friend me if you'd like - I was 290lbs and I am currently 167 and in the best shape of my life!
    Best of luck sweetie!
  • You can do this! I am 30 and have PCOS also. When I first started MFP I thought I wasn't going to get anywhere but I lost 30 lbs fairly easily and now I am out to lose 30 more and I will be at a place where I am satisfied.

    Take baby steps. Log EVERYTHING! Even if it is a Big Mac that you know you should not be having. But most importantly make your calories count. Avoid empty calories and try and swap veggies for your normal carbs. With PCOS carbs are the devil for us.

    Just remember there are plenty of people here to encourage you every step of the way.

    Good luck. I know you can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • You sound so much like me, only I'm 29 with PCOS. I'm 260lbs and need to lose at least 100lbs of it. It's hard, and it sucks, but we can do it. Feel free to friend me if you want/need the support. I'm here every day, trying to get the motivation to keep going.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    You can do it. I didn't think I could, but once I got on Metformin (you didn't mention if you've been prescribed anything to help with the inherent insulin resistance that goes with PCOS) and cut carbs out, I went from 275 pounds to 134 pounds in two years.
  • ladycoy
    ladycoy Posts: 41 Member
    We are all here for you MFP is a great tool, make good use of it and everyone here! you can do it girlie, we all can
  • dvdfox67
    dvdfox67 Posts: 5 Member
    One day at a time. And don't look back. Look forward! If you slip up one day, it doesn't mean you've failed. You haven't. You just correct yourself the next day. You won't be able to be perfect every day. Forgive yourself for that!

    Do it for YOURSELF because you're worth it. If you're doing it for anyone else but yourself you will give up. The hard part is convincing yourself that your ARE worth it. But I, for one, KNOW you are. Everyone is. Become your own biggest fan.

    Don't hate your current body. It's you and you're it. Forgive yourself for gaining weight and move on. Don't hold a grudge against yourself. Grudges destroy you.

    Put your head down and do it. Just think about all the people in the world that have battled their weight and won. Are they better, smarter, stronger or harder-working than you? No way they're not!

    You've got this. I know you do. Now go do it!
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance as well and I know how difficult weight loss can be. I really hope you find the strength to continue your journey to weight loss and better health. I just started (well, again) on January 1st and my goal is to lose another 38 lbs by July. Thought that was plenty of time but my losses have slowed immensely so we'll see. One thing that's not an option this time is giving up. I hope you won't either!
  • Nikki I understand & I'm here for the same reason. Im still trying to learn so I don't have any answers but I can offer my support as I need some to. Ladies if you are accepting friends please add me as well. I will also be requesting some of your advice.
  • queennellie78
    queennellie78 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 34 and also have pcos, I have 200lbs to loose. I am 10lbs down I would love to be friends and help each other on this journey. I related to everything you posted . its nice to see people with the same problems working to over come them. I have only been on mfp for a few weeks but I am loving it so far:)
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi Nikki!

    So what are your goals? Obviously, to lose weight. But, do you want to just be skinny? Or do you want to be healthy as well? Do you want to get stronger and have more muscle tone?

    I do not have PCOS, but I understand how it can be a very discouraging syndome as I have a couple friends who have it. I do not have a lot of weight to lose. But I don't feel any of this matters. I believe that people trying to be healthy can motivate each other no matter what our individual goals are or how much weight we want to come off. If you'd like to be my friend then I would have no problem giving you opinions about your food and exercise diary. I am here to help people if they want it but I don't do sugarcoating (don't get me wrong, I'm here for me too, but I also want to help others).
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi Nikki!

    I have not been diagnosed with PCOS but my doctor truly believes I have something like it. I also cannot have children and I know how devastating that is. I started this journey at 288.6, the highest I've ever been. After watching my sister have a heartattack at the age of 38 (just last year, I'm 33 myself) I decided that I needed to take action. I've been lucky, my blood pressure is normal as of right now but we all know that can change in a heartbeat.

    Take small steps, something like (if you drink them) eliminating regular soda from your diet. I can't drink diet soda because the taste honestly disgusts me so I have only had one soda in the last month when it fit into my calories and I wanted a treat. That alone can save hundreds of calories a day. Also, walking is something I've made sure I've done, even if it's just parking further back in the parking lot when going somewhere. I have a gym membership that I try to use at least three times a week depending on my workload at my job (sometimes I'm doing a LOT of running/lifting/etc), and I go for 20-30 minutes until I feel I can go longer without wanting to die. :)

    The food part...that's probably the hardest thing to switch up. The main thing I did was be SURE I only eat at home, except for the lunch I pack and bring to work daily. If we go out to splurge, it's one meal, one day a week. Sometimes we do get Subway for breakfast before we go to the gym or grocery shop/run errands, but even then it's something healthy - usually egg white and cheese on an english muffin. Water is also essential. I lost a good amount my first week just by drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    You can do this! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want more encouragement!
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    33 and I've done and been right where you are, and it's HARD! .. The main thing is you have to remember to not give up, good days, bad days, ok days.. LOG YOUR FOOD... or at least come in here and keep reminding yourself that this is a journey your not giving up on.

    I started in 2011 tipping the scales at 300lbs.. I lost a good deal on my own about 20lbs, then started personal training and the summer came, and I had surgery (for hyperplasia, which is PCOS related) and everything came back! From October 2011-Jan 2012 I pushed, and pushed and pushed HARD.. and I lost 50lbs!! Worked out every single day, ate under 150g of carbs and learned how to eat the RIGHT foods (less sugar, more protein)..

    I was so happy at 250lbs.. then my doctor put me on Provera in Feb of 2012.. and that stalled EVERYTHING... so from Feb 2012-June 2012 I only lost the same 5lbs over and over again, I did manage to get down to 248 at the end of May early June.. However mid June I was taken off Provera and by August I had went right back up to 260-265!! STUPID PROVERA!!! My doctor just said it was the lessor of two evils (I WANT babies!) ..

    So I've been fighting those 15lbs ever since then, but every day I log into MFP.. until Saturday this last week, I was 585 days logged!! .. (missed a day due to my stupid phone!) .. but regardless if it was a good day or bad day, if I had a ton to say to my friends or nothing at all... I LOGGED .. and THIS IS WHY I"M STILL HERE!!

    Im not ready to give up yet, and NEITHER ARE YOU!! So take what you can, get moving, and stop using PCOS as an excuse!! Take control of your life... this is your life, don't let PCOS control you.. You CAN DO THIS! ..

    A few tips:

    1) Know what you are eating! Research Low Glycemic foods, these are the foods that will help you control PCOS.. and insulin resistance! They are foods that process slower in your body, preventing your blood sugar from spiking.

    2) Workout! It lowers insulin, biking is proven to lower insulin levels more effectively then walking or running!

    3) Lean on your friends, especially your Cysters, they KNOW what you are going through and how you should be eating.. many others on this site don't get that...

    4) Don't give up, it's ok to have a bad day, it's ok to eat 300 carbs every once in awhile ... but realize the consequences and accept that, get right back into it the next day!

    5) Are you on Metformin? if not consider it, it helps control the insulin in your body, so that its not being stored as fat.. There are many side effects, these usually go away once you've taken it awhile and once you've realized there are things you can't eat.

    ** I forgot to say, with the weight loss, I was able to get all my numbers into the normal range, My insulin was 132 and it was tested this last month at 18 (normal) !!! my glucose was 117 and it was tested this month at 91 (normal!!!)... so don't just focus on the scale focus on everything around you!
  • Wow, I didnt realize that so many PCOS sufferers were on here. I have had it for over 15 years and am over 300 pounds right now. I am 43 years old and super TIRED all of the time. I recently joined a gym but am having a really hard time going. I understand exactly how you feel and am here for you if you need to vent. I am super excited to see some of these posts because I think we can all support eachother in our journey to health and hopefully some confidence.
  • This is definatly a great place for motivation and to help you reach your goals. My husb gained a lot of weight since we got married and i've gotten him to start watching his food intake, He follows my examples so we are trying together to lose weight. It is important to get the support from your man and friends. You can do this even a few mins a day of exercise will help. I was extremly tired all the time and the past few weeks i have so much energy. i walk every day for 40 mins, and a lot of fruits and veggies. but walking does help decrease stress and it is a good form of exercise for you. feel free to add me i'm always looking for new friends i will support you in your goals:)
  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Nikki,

    I have arthritis in my feet and hands. When I wake up in the morning it is painful to move them. My feet on the other hand (no pun intended) do not bother me anything like they did when I started my journey. I was also tired all the time but I have found that the more exercise I get the more energy I have. I started slow and you would not believe my workouts now.
    All that being said this is a change that you and only you can make. We can all cheer you on or yell if that is what is needed but you have to change your mind that this is not another diet or pill. This is a permanent life change. I have been on my journey for almost two years. I still have a ways to go but I am farther than when I started.
    Make today your day ONE and get started NOW!!!!
    You can add me if you would like. I hope you the best on your journey to a new life.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. I've dropped 128 in seven months and more importantly my BP has gone from 145/95 to 122/82 and pulse rate from 92 to 63. I don't have all the answers, but I have found some things that work. Take care all and do something good for yourself today and everyday for the rest of your lives.
  • Same story here. PCOS, insulin resistance, hypothyroid and a form of endometriosis called adenomyosis. I have been netting 1200 calories a day for years and work out and am on the medicines I need to be and I don't lose weight. (The only time I lost weight was when I was eating 400 calories a day, which is NOT GOOD. ) It pisses me off like you would not believe to see people who eat more than me and work out less than me lose weight and I don't lose an ounce. I eat correctly for my health issues and my doctors just tell me to keep it up, that I am doing everything right. SO! My point is that it helps to concentrate on health instead of weight. When I don't exercise, I am a miserable *****, so I just keep on going and do the best I can.

    Also, a HUGE issue with some people (including me at times) is that when they screw up, they give up. Don't! That is the great thing about MFP. If you eat too much, just work out! Do anything, clean the house, work in the yard, run up and down the stairs, do some situps. If you have a really bad day and go way over your calories, just get over it, forget about it and keep trying. It is okay to screw up once in a while. We all do it!

    I would love for you to friend me, as we are in the same boat. Anyone who wants to friend me is welcome to. I love the motivation it provides me!
  • Some hope for you....I was 35 with severe PCOS (lost most of my hair) and I lost 40 pounds. Low and behold, I became pregnant and had a 8 pound 5 ounce baby girl. I did not take any type of hormonal supplement....I just lost weight. My sister also became pregnant after losing 60 pounds and she has PCOS as well.
  • Read your post -

    Have you gotten a second opinion about your thyroid?

    I'm 25; have PCOS, and in the last 6 months - been diagnosed with underactive thyroid.

    At my heaviest - I was 240 - I'm currently weighing in at 220 - 3 weeks after joing MFP.

    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet - which is VERY hard, as I love to drink, and I'm in Catering - so I love to eat. I've also begun working out.

    It's hard work - but let me tell you - it's the most rewarding thing to see the results. I don't visually see the difference in me yet - my friends do, I just see nothing but fat. My goal is to another 100 pounds - Add me on here if you'd like some inspiration ever.

    You're definitely not alone in this!

  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Hey, :)
    I am alot like you I am currently at 177.4 and have lost 12 lbs. But I have Neuritis in my neck and get shock like migraines and was on meds that caused me to gain weight very very fast and now its twice as hard getting the weight bk off. But my meds are switched and am slowly getting there. Hang in there this site works and there is great support but its a slow process. Feel free to add me too on here if you want. Reminds me alot of myself. Am trying to lose around another 40lbs atleast. :)
  • I am so sorry you feel so miserable and hopeless. It breaks my heart.
    I weigh more than you and also have PCOS.
    My only advice is start small and gradually go from there.
    I have made the mistake many times of going all out and hard at the beginning only to fail miserably a few months down the road.
    I am not sure if this is possible but I recommend hiring a trainer that is all around great. - fitness, nutrition ect - and visit with that person as often as you can afford. They are not just there to kick your butt for an hour, they can be so much more than that.
    Please, please hang in there and feel free to add me. I struggle every day to be better than yesterday and I would love to support you!
  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Nikki! Neli here, I am 28, single mother of three babies and my heaviest was 264. I was told by the man I loved that he would never marry me and that i was too fat for sex. I was and still am so heartbroken... but I kicked him to the curb and have embraced my inner beauty by allowing myself to be beautiful inside and out! Don't waste another moment...it's life or death for you and your hubby. You can DIE because of this weight so strap up your shoe laces and get your buns in action! NO EXCUSES! There are people who have one leg who are out there changing their lives...you will open doorways you never knew existed once you admit your faults and start the journey to change. Say NO to bad foods, say YES I CAN be healthy and YES I WILL transform myself into the amazing butterfly God created! Add me!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    25, PCOS as well...and working on hitting that 100lb mark :) Started at 291 in Jan of last year.

    We can get it done hun!

    I have zero energy myself. Depression and fibromyalgia guaranteed that but tiny steps add up. Feel free to add me if you wish. I dont wanna put my whole sad story on here but just know that it is possible. Diet is more important than anything else, and there are easy, QUICK meals for the tired among us.

    All the best.
  • Hi!! What dose of metformin are you taking? How long did it take for you to begin seeing a difference?

    Well, this didn't post in the right place. OOps. I was talking to sbbhbn.