what I want most right now is



  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    my heating pad and a glass of wine.

    love, love this!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    to know that everything will be ok :(

    oh do I second that one!!! wow!
  • My bed ... and someone to cuddle up to ... mmmm
  • kendunn579
    kendunn579 Posts: 391 Member
    My wife to get home from work. Not seen her for 4 days!
  • foofoodust
    foofoodust Posts: 2 Member
    I could eat the north end of a south-bound skunk...........
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    to be able to go running
    ballet lessons (tomorrow night)
    to know I can lose the weight
    some chicken
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    A nice smooth piece of chocolate...
  • Chili. And pancakes. Separately.

    Or together...hm.


    A fun night out. Or in. Maybe out and then in. Ooo. I'd better stop there.
  • Desired01
    Desired01 Posts: 10 Member
    Flamin Hot Cheetos!!! but, I'm having an apple instead :sad:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Cake :love:

    At first I really wanted pancakes, but instead I had some healthy cereal with strawberries.

    Now I want some real deal cake. I might go for it if I work out today. But I want the cake first hahaha.
  • A large thin crust pizza with double cheese, P,M, B, Z, T, PINE, GO AND A....(can you tell I have worked at many a pizza places?)

    A couple bottles of wine

    The season's of The Big Bang Theory that I havent seen
    The Walking Dead to START BACK UP ALREADY!!!!!
  • ValerieZ84
    ValerieZ84 Posts: 98 Member
    Cheesy Gordita Crunch with extra baja from Taco Bell... Or a good New York white slice... Or anything with a ton of cheese... and soda... and

    Well... its one of those days where I have to keep reminding myself that being thin is a better reward than eating what i like all the time. Im having celery with fat free ranch :sad:
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Money. And sex.

    I think there's a perfectly good solution for this.. But I have more self respect than that. *Sigh*
  • CheriLMT
    CheriLMT Posts: 220 Member
    someone to do my dishes! and money
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    someone to do my dishes! and money

    this and how about clean the bathroom too...:laugh:
  • someone to do my dishes! and money

    I'll do your money, you'll have to find someone else to do the dishes ...
  • Yea I'm ready to lose weight now, lol
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    A long vacation on a warm beach.
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    I just saw another thread for Peanut Butter .... So I really want Peanut butter now... haha
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    A long romp in the sack.