Women with PCOS

Is there any women on here that has this condition? If so would you please pass along your wisdom on the type of diet that you need to eat. I have a great support network and they say that I need to eat certain things, but with the research that I have done it contradicts some of these things on a LARGE scale. If anyone has a great website or something from their Dr I would greatly appreciate it!


  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Is there any women on here that has this condition? If so would you please pass along your wisdom on the type of diet that you need to eat. I have a great support network and they say that I need to eat certain things, but with the research that I have done it contradicts some of these things on a LARGE scale. If anyone has a great website or something from their Dr I would greatly appreciate it!

    I have it. I've been able to reduce symptoms by controlling the total amount of carbohydrate and essentially being careful about the amounts of sugar I eat.

    I am not a low carber, but being careful has allowed me to lose weight and reduce the symptoms.
  • kiki1524
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    Yes, I have PCOS, but it's sort of a tough nut to crack because the syndrome can manifest very differently with different women. I used to be on this site http://www.soulcysters.com/ and the message boards a lot. There is some research out there to suggest different "types" of PCOS, though certainly it is all related to impaired endocrine function.

    BBL . . .
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    OK, had to go to a meeting, LOL.

    So anyway I'm sort of in the PCOS minority because I was never really overweight or obese. I did have trouble losing the baby weight after my second child, but finally did it about a year and half after he was born. I was diagnosed with PCOS when we were first trying (and failing) to get pregnant though. My Reproductive Endocrinologist said that about 80% of his PCOS patients were overweight; 20% are not.

    If you have certain symptoms / aspects of PCOS, it can definitely make losing weight more difficult, but not impossible. I do workout very regularly, but I freely admit my diet is not the greatest. I think for at least some of the PCOS population, a low glycemic index diet is ideal, but I won't claim that I personally follow any such thing. If a doctor tells me I have to, then I will but right now I'm hoping that just vigorous exercise and maintaining a healthy BMI will work. :)
  • lotusspark
    Yes!! Cutting way back on processed foods helps..increase fruit/veggies..
  • CLWitzke
    I was diagnoses at the age of 28. They were just really beginning to figure things out about it at that point. I am on thyroid medication and metformin. The metformin really hasn't affected my blood sugar... I have been tested on the medication and off and my glucose levels stay the same but it has leveled out my testosterone. I started with MyFitnessPal last February and I have been able to loose weight. I am exercising every day. I agree that cutting down on carbs and sugars has helped too. My body fights itself enough on it's own... it doesn't need to fight sugar too. Keep pushing! You can do it!
  • kiki1524
    Thank you everyone! Everything was helpful in doing some reseach on foods that were good for this dasterdly thing! lol
  • iliveintheshire
    Read up on the glycemic index! It is key to understand the correlation between diabetes/insulin/insulin resistance/PCOS to help lose weight with that condition. Good luck!! =)
  • ladyshands
    I have PCOS... from what I know we need to minimize carbs... stay away from sugars... I have been grilling all of my meat or baking it, trying to drink more water or juice and trying so earnestly to stay away from breads and sweets, which we tend to crave more.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    Yes, the only thing that has worked for me is a low carb/low GI diet.
  • ranganayakee
    ranganayakee Posts: 67 Member
    I have PCOS and I tend to gain weight easily and battle it out to lose it. Metforfmin didn't work for me but a well balanced diet along with intense workouts (1-2 hours a day for 6 days a week - which included lot of cardio and weights) helped me in controlling my weight. I am not a medical expert, but I felt yoga played a big role in balancing the hormones. Some of my favourite poses are shoulder stand, plough pose, bridge pose and if one can manage it the headstand. I used to do yoga every alternate day for close to an hour. I also felt the sun salutations very relaxing.