lost weight before joining and have lost more since as well

:happy: Hi, I started the South Beach diet (sort of) on January 1st. I lost 25 pounds in the first 2 1/2 months, but grew tired of writing everything down and always having to look stuf up. A friend told me to try this site and I have enjoyed it thus far. Also, I have added another 5 pounds to my loss and am down 2 pants sizes. I look forward to more wieght loss online on my way to goal:happy:


  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Welcome aboard!
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats! I lost 9 pounds before joining & have lost 9 more since. I think this site helps with accountability + the ability to know restaurant food's calories. There was an article recently that said having to record something daily in regards to weight loss helps people lose more. :)
  • yolsweet
    yolsweet Posts: 14 Member
    Congradulation and keep up the good work.