Fit medical weight loss diet?

Just wondering if anybody on here has ever tried the fit medical weight loss diet? If so whats your opinion on it?:wink:


  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    What's that? I know there's Optifast which is a medical weight loss plan. Optifast has you drink your nutrients and you're limited to 800 calories a day. You also must attend weekly or semi-weekly (2X a week) meetings. The program lasts for 4 months. It's honestly about kicking your addiction to food. The liquid shake diet helps you see food as fuel, not as a source for comfort or feeling good. You're in a group support setting. It costs a fair amount and if you miss more than 2 meetings, you get kicked out of the group (because you are suppose to take this seriously). My roommate was on Optifast for a couple of months. She lost a fair bit of weight (11% of her body weight in like 2-3 months) but didn't finish the program and gained all the weight back :/ (in addition to wasting $$$$).
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    After looking on the website here's the info: You pay them $$$$$. The idea is low-carb combined with the "supplements" which are vitamin B complexes in addition to some calcium and K+ and an "appetite suppressant".

    IF you think it's worth the money, then go for it. I honestly don't think it's worth the money. I HAVE lost all my weight on low-carb. But I keep tract of my carbs on here, for free. Fat is a natural appetite suppressant. This is your personal decision though. If you feel like you would do best with some one showing you the ropes and telling you what to do, then great. Just remember, when the program is over, you'll be on your own. If you're fine with learning and doing things on your own, might as well just try MFP first since it's free. Again, this is your decision and you know yourself best.
  • alexisnlavitta
    Options I just started yesterday but I wanted to get opinions from others if possible!
  • alexisnlavitta
    Its crazy but I have tried almost everything...I do understand where you are coming from though! Just gonna try it and see hiow it works.
  • alexisnlavitta
    By the way...great job on your weight loss!!! 43lbs is awesome!!! :flowerforyou:
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm not from AZ, so I can't speak to this particular program but I don't think it's a reach to say they're all the same. RIP OFF. I wasted thousands of dollars on such programs before I wised up.

    Save your money, eat 20% below your TDEE, and get moving.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Love your ticker pic BTW. The best dog I ever had the privilege of owning was a German Shepherd.
  • alexisnlavitta
    Well thank you!! They are my babies for sure!!! Karma, India and Ninia:heart: