27, pcos, needing to lose over 100 lbs- losing faith/hope.



  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Nikki,

    I have arthritis in my feet and hands. When I wake up in the morning it is painful to move them. My feet on the other hand (no pun intended) do not bother me anything like they did when I started my journey. I was also tired all the time but I have found that the more exercise I get the more energy I have. I started slow and you would not believe my workouts now.
    All that being said this is a change that you and only you can make. We can all cheer you on or yell if that is what is needed but you have to change your mind that this is not another diet or pill. This is a permanent life change. I have been on my journey for almost two years. I still have a ways to go but I am farther than when I started.
    Make today your day ONE and get started NOW!!!!
    You can add me if you would like. I hope you the best on your journey to a new life.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. I've dropped 128 in seven months and more importantly my BP has gone from 145/95 to 122/82 and pulse rate from 92 to 63. I don't have all the answers, but I have found some things that work. Take care all and do something good for yourself today and everyday for the rest of your lives.
  • Same story here. PCOS, insulin resistance, hypothyroid and a form of endometriosis called adenomyosis. I have been netting 1200 calories a day for years and work out and am on the medicines I need to be and I don't lose weight. (The only time I lost weight was when I was eating 400 calories a day, which is NOT GOOD. ) It pisses me off like you would not believe to see people who eat more than me and work out less than me lose weight and I don't lose an ounce. I eat correctly for my health issues and my doctors just tell me to keep it up, that I am doing everything right. SO! My point is that it helps to concentrate on health instead of weight. When I don't exercise, I am a miserable *****, so I just keep on going and do the best I can.

    Also, a HUGE issue with some people (including me at times) is that when they screw up, they give up. Don't! That is the great thing about MFP. If you eat too much, just work out! Do anything, clean the house, work in the yard, run up and down the stairs, do some situps. If you have a really bad day and go way over your calories, just get over it, forget about it and keep trying. It is okay to screw up once in a while. We all do it!

    I would love for you to friend me, as we are in the same boat. Anyone who wants to friend me is welcome to. I love the motivation it provides me!
  • Some hope for you....I was 35 with severe PCOS (lost most of my hair) and I lost 40 pounds. Low and behold, I became pregnant and had a 8 pound 5 ounce baby girl. I did not take any type of hormonal supplement....I just lost weight. My sister also became pregnant after losing 60 pounds and she has PCOS as well.
  • Read your post -

    Have you gotten a second opinion about your thyroid?

    I'm 25; have PCOS, and in the last 6 months - been diagnosed with underactive thyroid.

    At my heaviest - I was 240 - I'm currently weighing in at 220 - 3 weeks after joing MFP.

    I'm on a 1200 calorie diet - which is VERY hard, as I love to drink, and I'm in Catering - so I love to eat. I've also begun working out.

    It's hard work - but let me tell you - it's the most rewarding thing to see the results. I don't visually see the difference in me yet - my friends do, I just see nothing but fat. My goal is to another 100 pounds - Add me on here if you'd like some inspiration ever.

    You're definitely not alone in this!

  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Hey, :)
    I am alot like you I am currently at 177.4 and have lost 12 lbs. But I have Neuritis in my neck and get shock like migraines and was on meds that caused me to gain weight very very fast and now its twice as hard getting the weight bk off. But my meds are switched and am slowly getting there. Hang in there this site works and there is great support but its a slow process. Feel free to add me too on here if you want. Reminds me alot of myself. Am trying to lose around another 40lbs atleast. :)
  • I am so sorry you feel so miserable and hopeless. It breaks my heart.
    I weigh more than you and also have PCOS.
    My only advice is start small and gradually go from there.
    I have made the mistake many times of going all out and hard at the beginning only to fail miserably a few months down the road.
    I am not sure if this is possible but I recommend hiring a trainer that is all around great. - fitness, nutrition ect - and visit with that person as often as you can afford. They are not just there to kick your butt for an hour, they can be so much more than that.
    Please, please hang in there and feel free to add me. I struggle every day to be better than yesterday and I would love to support you!
  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi Nikki! Neli here, I am 28, single mother of three babies and my heaviest was 264. I was told by the man I loved that he would never marry me and that i was too fat for sex. I was and still am so heartbroken... but I kicked him to the curb and have embraced my inner beauty by allowing myself to be beautiful inside and out! Don't waste another moment...it's life or death for you and your hubby. You can DIE because of this weight so strap up your shoe laces and get your buns in action! NO EXCUSES! There are people who have one leg who are out there changing their lives...you will open doorways you never knew existed once you admit your faults and start the journey to change. Say NO to bad foods, say YES I CAN be healthy and YES I WILL transform myself into the amazing butterfly God created! Add me!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    25, PCOS as well...and working on hitting that 100lb mark :) Started at 291 in Jan of last year.

    We can get it done hun!

    I have zero energy myself. Depression and fibromyalgia guaranteed that but tiny steps add up. Feel free to add me if you wish. I dont wanna put my whole sad story on here but just know that it is possible. Diet is more important than anything else, and there are easy, QUICK meals for the tired among us.

    All the best.
  • Hi!! What dose of metformin are you taking? How long did it take for you to begin seeing a difference?

    Well, this didn't post in the right place. OOps. I was talking to sbbhbn.
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I truly recommend you read The PCOS Diet and follow that. The lbs kept melting when I did that diet - it really is not a diet - it just makes sense. Also after 5 years infertility I went on to have my pride and joy. Also look into clean eating. It is work and you will need to plan but it will be so worth it.

    Look into your thyroid - for me that was a key issue too. I go every 6 months to get it checked again. I also have Arthritis and it's difficult to work out but I'm doing baby steps.

    You can do it - look at it 10lbs at a time. Good Luck!
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Nikki, I am 25 and also have PCOS. I delivered my baby 6 months ago and have been stuck on 225 since then. But do not loose hope, you will be able to do it!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you are NOT alone! i started at 265lbs. my fiance is maybe 180lbs. he can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. i have pcos.. type 2 diabetes.. high blood pressure.. high cholesterol.. just to name some. i am not perfect. i kinda gave up and would just eat and do whatever my fiance did. blamed it on him and his habits. those brownies or cookies i made were for him. yet im sitting there eating them too! not like he ever forced me. i have had every excuse until now. enough is enough. the health problems are not an excuse. and being tired and all that is my own fault. i dont have kids because of all this. i had fertility issues and the doc pretty much said join weight watchers. we cant do anything unless you want to see and pay fertility specialists. i blamed it on being on the birth control shot for many years. then it hit me bad. my fiance got cancer. chemo can lower if not kill a mans sperm count. so because of me not taking care of myself. i may never have kids. weight takes over your life. i never felt comfortable in a swim suit. i would avoid things i had to be active. and now me and my fiance are planning to get married in october. last year i picked a dress only cause it was on sale and the few that would fit me. i never had that fall in love with my dress moment.

    i would love the add and a friend! i am not perfect. but i have lost over 30lbs so far since jan 1st.
  • I just read It Starts With Food. It gives a scientific explanation for what goes on with insulin resistance and autoimmune things including arthritis. They suggest taking all processed foods out of your diet as well as grains, white potatoes, sugar, legumes and dairy for 30 days to see what foods might be causing your issues. They suggest when you are ready to try adding things back in one at a time to see how your body responds. Inflammation in your body can cause much of the problems you are having. I don't have PCOS, but I have had chronic illness and huge resistance to weight loss or lose a few and stall out, then gain. I have been doing the Whole 30 for 3 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. I eat meat, veggies and fruit. I feel so much better! There are lots of testimonials on their website of how folks with many different health issues, including the same as yours have had a complete turn around. I have a dear friend who has lost 75 pounds (in about 9 months and still losing, has a ways to go) on this program and introduced it to me. It is suggested that you give it a try for 30 days. That isn't long and can change your whole life!
  • Same story here. PCOS, insulin resistance, hypothyroid and a form of endometriosis called adenomyosis. I have been netting 1200 calories a day for years and work out and am on the medicines I need to be and I don't lose weight. (The only time I lost weight was when I was eating 400 calories a day, which is NOT GOOD. ) It pisses me off like you would not believe to see people who eat more than me and work out less than me lose weight and I don't lose an ounce. I eat correctly for my health issues and my doctors just tell me to keep it up, that I am doing everything right. SO! My point is that it helps to concentrate on health instead of weight. When I don't exercise, I am a miserable *****, so I just keep on going and do the best I can.

    Also, a HUGE issue with some people (including me at times) is that when they screw up, they give up. Don't! That is the great thing about MFP. If you eat too much, just work out! Do anything, clean the house, work in the yard, run up and down the stairs, do some situps. If you have a really bad day and go way over your calories, just get over it, forget about it and keep trying. It is okay to screw up once in a while. We all do it!

    I would love for you to friend me, as we are in the same boat. Anyone who wants to friend me is welcome to. I love the motivation it provides me!

    This sounds just like me pcos hypothyriod and endo . I have to eat ridiculasly low cals in order to loose weight normally . but my new meds seem to be helping ive been netting between 800-1200 a day and lost 23 pounds since new years day x
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I just turned 34 and have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed 6 of so months ago because my TOM would not go away. I finally had a D&C and then started birth control to "flush out my system". Since then it has been great, except I am not pregnant yet. I started the journey for me but also for my future family. I am down 17 lbs. so far but have tons to go. I do take Metformin also. I am hoping once I hit 50 lbs. lost that I can start trying again for a child.

    My husband is also on the journey because he also put on weight after we met. It is common to happen when you get comfy with someone.

    I am here EVERY DAY and log in several times a day if you/anyone need support.
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    HI! I am here to tell you all DON'T GIVE UP!!!

    I started MFP at 29yrs old, and at my heaviest 240lbs. I also also have PCOS. I've been overweight since childhood.

    My husband and I married in 2002 and it took us until 2006 before we finally were able to have a child. Years of trying with no luck, and Six months of fertility treatments before we finally got pregnant. I luckily only gained 15 lbs during the pregnancy and delivered at 240lbs. I quickly lost the 15 lbs afterwards, but before he was 6 months old I was back to 240 where I stayed until 2011.

    February of 2011 some family told me about MFP and that they were all getting on it, so I figured I'd get on and just see what they were doing. I started logging my foods and by May of 2012 I was 1-2lbs away from my original goal of 175. Before I could loose that last 1-2lbs, I found out I was PREGNANT! No fertility treatments!! After trying for baby #2 for 6 years, we were pregnant again, just by loosing 65lbs.

    I did VERY LITTLE exercise, I logged my foods, gave up all sodas, and watched my portions. I always made sure to eat at least 1200-1400cals per day. Anything less and I would stop loosing. NEVER in a million years did I think I could loose any weight. I've tried every trick in the book. Now I realize its simple math, and I can still enjoy treats, just in moderation and in correct portions!

  • Hi Nikki! Neli here, I am 28, single mother of three babies and my heaviest was 264. I was told by the man I loved that he would never marry me and that i was too fat for sex. I was and still am so heartbroken... but I kicked him to the curb and have embraced my inner beauty by allowing myself to be beautiful inside and out! Don't waste another moment...it's life or death for you and your hubby. You can DIE because of this weight so strap up your shoe laces and get your buns in action! NO EXCUSES! There are people who have one leg who are out there changing their lives...you will open doorways you never knew existed once you admit your faults and start the journey to change. Say NO to bad foods, say YES I CAN be healthy and YES I WILL transform myself into the amazing butterfly God created! Add me!

    Good on you! He wasn't worth your time hunny x
  • Welcome to MFP, Nikki!

    I'm 27 and was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I have managed to keep my weight under control for the past 4-5 years (before I even knew what was going on with my body) by continuing to stay active. In fact, it took going to see 3 separate doctors before I was diagnosed because I was at a healthy weight.

    PCOS does make maintaining your weight a daily struggle, but it's very possible and I know you, as well as all the other women suffering from PCOS, can do it. One step at a time :)

    Best of luck and message me if you have any questions!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Hi Nikki - I have PCOS too but wanted to let you know there is hope and you can do this :) 6 years ago I weighed 380 pounds....now I weigh 198 pounds (182 pounds lost) it has been a slow process...but by exercising, eating clean healthy foods I have managed to lose that weight with about 40 pounds to go. Should you or anyone be looking for friends feel free to add me...ive attached a link of my progress pics so you can see it can be done :)
