Dry February - No alcohol for me, want to join?

So, just started MFP tracking on Monday and want to keep February alcohol free. I've not had a drop so far this month and plan to keep it that way.

Who else will make a commitment to abstain from any booze this month?

Let's do it!!

-- Benson --


  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I've been dry since January and am staying that way at least through April so I am in :)
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    I am off the booze for 12 days after a nasty addiction and trying to stay of it to my birthday 24 april so count me in.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    Dry since Jan 17th. I'm taking the GF out for dinner on saturday night so I'm gonna take the low kcal option of Vodka, soda water and fresh lime. 2 max
  • Dry since NYE!
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    I'll pass on this one
  • tanyakay87
    tanyakay87 Posts: 223 Member
    I haven't had booze since Christmas so I am all over this challenge :) BRING IT!

    HAH! And I would like to mention that the booze in my hand in the profile pic was from a while ago :)
  • rottdoggie
    rottdoggie Posts: 2 Member
    I am off the booze for 12 days after a nasty addiction and trying to stay of it to my birthday 24 april so count me in.

    Hey!! That's my birthday too!! I'm down...
  • moonstruck1965
    moonstruck1965 Posts: 3 Member
    I quit drinking alcohol at the beginning of January and I feel a lot better. I am in for continuing to abstain until I reach my goal weight.
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    I have a family member who is addicted, so I try not to drink too much... I'll do it too!
  • jojo37696
    jojo37696 Posts: 93 Member
    Sure. I'll be in. But then it's not really fair as I haven't had any alcohol in 4 years.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    ummmmmmm.... No.