Jillian Michaels Body Revolution??

Had anyone completed this?? What are ur thoughts what were ur results??

I'm currently doing insanity but I have alot of weight to loose still. My plan is to alternate insanity and a 3 month program. I'm trying to deduce between body revolution and turbo fire. I'm leaning towards BR evaluate I want to drop weight and tone at the same time verses drop weight with TF and tone with insanity.

What are ur thoughs


  • Jillyfish99
    Jillyfish99 Posts: 34 Member
    I did it for a week, then hurt myself doing something else. I plan to start it again next week. I enjoyed it. seemed good.:smile:
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    I can't speak to TF as I know nothing about it, but I'm in the second month of JMBR and I like it a lot. It's quite challenging without being too overwhelming. I like her pacing--there's always an easier exercise following one where you think you're going to die.

    You should definitely have some heavier weights than she uses though. Doing lat rows and squats with 8 lbs is just silly (I use 5,8,10, and 15s, depending on the exercise.)

    I don't mind Jillian's personality, although that is an issue for some folks.
  • ManuArg
    ManuArg Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting JMBR on Tuesday, February 19th, when I come back from vacations. I am currently using JM 30-day Shred and 6 Week 6 Pack and helps me keep my weight in check. I am very anxious and I am a terrible emotional eater, which is really hard now that I am juggling work, my kids, my home and studying.
  • dhaney
    dhaney Posts: 3 Member
    I found BR at my local Walmart for $87. Doesn't come with the bands but I already have these through beachbody and lifelineusa. I own P90x, Insanity, TurboFire and Chalean Extreme. I haven't done BR yet but if I had to make a guess, I would say it's similar to P90X for intensity and Chalean Extreme in that is takes less than an hour for a workout. Turbo Fire is a dancy high intensity (although there is a modifier to make it low impact) 90 day cardio program that you can also hybrid with CLX post 90 day. Turbo Fire is slightly less intense than Insanity but are equal when it comes to the cardio and HIITs. I seem to think the BR is just a blend of cardio and weight training equally but I guess I will see when I start it on Monday, huh? LOL
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    There is a JMBR group on here with a "graduates" thread if you want to see success stories.
  • Bubbas12
    Bubbas12 Posts: 79 Member
    There is a JMBR group on here with a "graduates" thread if you want to see success stories.

    Where can I find this thread?
  • I'm on week 6 starting on Monday and I'm loving it. My clothes are getting so loose and I love how she starts out fairly easy (but still challenging) but she gets more intense as the weeks go on. I just started with MFP to help with my caloric intake now so that I can get the most out of it all :) She definitely gives results!!! I'm also much stronger than I was 6 weeks ago!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I am starting JMBR on Tuesday, February 19th, when I come back from vacations. I am currently using JM 30-day Shred and 6 Week 6 Pack and helps me keep my weight in check. I am very anxious and I am a terrible emotional eater, which is really hard now that I am juggling work, my kids, my home and studying.

    Sounds like you have a lot on your plate with being a mom and going to school. You and anyone here are welcome to join my group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/11603-6-week-6-pack-who-is-with-me- I am finishing up week 2 of 6w6p and really like the workouts. I plan to do Jillian's various workouts this year. I am interested in body revolution as well. I am still relatively new to exercise so I'm not sure if I am up to that yet. After 6w6p, I plan to do RI30 or Banish fat, boost metabolism. I already did the 30 Day Shred which helped me build strength and stamina which I am still building in 6w6p.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    I completed JMBR in November. I then have been doing Turbo Fire since December. Each person is different and has different lifestyles. I loved JMBR because the workouts are consistent, short length (30 minutes) and there's a balance of cardio and strength training. I like Jillian's blunt attitude, but it's not for everyone. I lost 15 lbs, tons of inches and am stronger than I've ever been - I can do military style push ups now :)

    Turbo Fire is a lot of fun - high energy cardio kickboxing and Chalene (the instructor) is peppy and positive. TF didn't work for me because the most frequent workouts were 45-55 minutes plus warm-up and cool-down. I needed something to do quickly when I wake up so I could take a shower and head off to work. This program also only has 2 strength DVDs that aren't used that frequently. I think you'll like this system if you enjoy Zumba or high energy aerobics.

  • Love Body Revolution.

    I have completed two rounds. First time lost little over 20 pounds. Second round almost 20 more pounds.

    Love that each workout is 30 challenging minutes. It excuse proofs your workout.

    I think most workouts are effective if you do the program. I see people reference Turbo Fire, P90X and Insanity. I have done P90X and Turbo Fire. Both are excellent workouts. I think Turbo Fire has the best music out of all the programs. I now mix these workouts to create my own programs.

    Good luck. I don't think you will regret trying Body Revolution.