just started with 100lb to loose???



  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    hi- i have about 120 lbs to lose. everyone can feel free to add me ;-)
  • whoami1
    Hi, I'm Joane - I'd love to have some friends for support.

    I'm 51 years old and need to lose over 100 pounds. I've been in denial about my weight for a few years. How did I let myself get like this? Until recently, I never saw myself as fat - just a little overweight (who was I kidding?).

    I've started my weight loss journey for the last time....I'm going to be successful but there is such a long road ahead.
  • stitcherwy
    Not sure how to add, but I would like to have someone to help encourage and to help them too.
  • tehbasketcasey
    You can do it! Just one day at a time!!!! Just think about how much healthier and better you'll feel in just a few weeks :)

    You ( or anyone else) can add me as a friend!! :)
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm just starting (for the second time... been almost a year since I stopped trying) and I have more than 100 pounds to lose.

    I'm 22. I have no kids but I want to be healthier for me.
  • hampstenj
    hampstenj Posts: 85 Member
    Just starting, with around 150 lbs to lose, lesson I've learned so far at least for me is to be extra careful on the sodium.. that sodium causes a good bit of water weight to build up that can slow down the weight loss, best ways to tackle that..

    Drink LOTS.... and I mean LOTS of water... for example today I drank appx 23 8oz glasses of water, yes it's a lot... yes you'll go to the bathroom to pee a lot, but it helps flush everything out..

    Also anyone can add me for motivation and support, I support everyone that I can every day, and would hope that people support me as well