Help... 3 weeks to go.


So I joined MFP about 2-3 weeks ago and have been logging everything, lost 5lbs so far. I've been swimming about 4-5 times a week and going on a long walk/run once a week. I only have 3 weeks to go til I travel to the dominican for a holiday so I'm wondering if you can help.

I really need to pick up my fitness routine so I can feel comfortable on holiday in a costume. I can't afford a gym, I am a member of a pool so can swim whenever I like. I live near the beach so can go on walks/run but I find it difficult to run cause of (sorry for the graphics) my boobs really hurt. Like, really hurt. I have a good support bra and everything they just are so sore !

Anyway. Do any of you have any routines you can do in the house? Or anything that doesn't cost too much money to do, but will be beneficial and help me really tone up and feel better about myself in the next few weeks? I mean, I know this is a lifestyle change and I have been working hard.... 4-5 times swimming is better than what I used to do which is nothing.

Do you think it would also help if I worked on my abs everyday before bed/when I woke up?

Any advice will be much appreciated !


  • Rumph1
    Rumph1 Posts: 8
    I get up each mornng at 5:30 and do some strength training - small weights - 5 pounders and do 4 reps of 15 t0 18 count - tris, and bi's and shoulders, and sometimes back...on the other day I do 4 sets of 18 for my legs from and back. This seems to have changed my body shape - and burn more calories sitting down. It also allows me a few more extra calories during the day.
    I have recently moved up to a 10 pound weight for my bi's...which is good. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Invest in a dvd (like $15) such as 30 day shred or biggest loser.. you can tone up in 3 weeks no prob!
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    Agreed. 30 Day Shred shows results really fast. you'll lose inches and tone up in time for your dominican holiday if you do it daily for sure. and it's only 22 minutes!
  • brightlightkatie
    Ok.. I've ordered it from amazon but it takes a week to get here which only leaves me two weeks ! I can do it....
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    have you tried your local library? Mine had it...
  • missmagoo
    missmagoo Posts: 5
    You mentioned not being able to run because it hurts too much.

    If you like to run then you should try wearing TWO support bras. I know that sounds crazy but it really works!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    While you are waiting for your 30 Day Shred to arrive, make up a chart and do some strength exercises at home like lunges/squats/push ups/abs/tricep dips. Look online, usually health and fitness magazines have a section with great exercise ideas. It will help get you prepared for the 30 Day Shred!!
    Good luck!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    best thing I have just started to do - 2 bottles of water used as weights! look online for some toning exercises such as waist twists using weights as well as squats. sounds odd but hold a bottle in each hand (anything from 500ml to 2litres) and drop each shoulder from side to side - as if you are bending slightly to each side. ok this is not the best description but im hoping you can grasp what im talking about. it tones your sides up and strengthens your arms!
    hope this helps!