Diary. Public or Private?

Mine is currently on private; but I'm considering making it public. Hoping it'll help make me more accountable. However, I'm worried that if I do open it up to viewers... will I still be 100% honest as to what I ate for the day? Hoping I would be... :blushing:

Have any of you switched from private to public and realized it helped? or hindered?


  • Roxyann
    You can also set it so only people you are friends with see it. Thats how I started out and it really helped getting feed back from others.
  • stacey2022
    stacey2022 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm new and still at private but really don't have any friends yet! When I get some good quality friends I will start sharing! :)
  • lillauraseymour
    lillauraseymour Posts: 63 Member
    i like having it on public as it keeps me accountable and helps other to support me if i do have a bad day
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    It is not that bad, at the end of the day you are what you eat right? So if you want support open it, accountabliliy is good
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I like having mine only open to friends. If you have it open to everyone, then you get too many opinions and people who disagree with your plan, without knowing anything about you. Having it open for friends, helps keep me accountable without fearing judgment from total strangers.
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I have mine open to my friends only. It is not a perfect diary but it is honest. I like them to be open as it gives me additional ideas for meals. I don't critique other diaries because I feel what a person eats is their own business.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    My friends can view mine
  • Swooldridg
    I like having mine only open to friends. If you have it open to everyone, then you get too many opinions and people who disagree with your plan, without knowing anything about you. Having it open for friends, helps keep me accountable without fearing judgment from total strangers.

    Thanks! This is what I was worried about.... If i decide to have a Reese's cup one afternoon.... I didn't want to feel incredibly guilty when a million people tell me how awful my choice was lol
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    Mine is public and it has helped me a lot! You just have to force yourself to be honest
  • Swooldridg
    It is not that bad, at the end of the day you are what you eat right? So if you want support open it, accountabliliy is good

    Direct and to the point. I like :) I think I've made my decision... :) Thanks!
  • Swooldridg
    I'm going to allow friends to see it. I think it'll help. :)
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I think we can help each other with meal and snack ideas by being open..also calorie counts. It is interesting to look at what the successful folks are doing.

    However, it comes down to accountability..will you be honest? I keep mine open to only my friends simply so we can learn from each other.

    If I ever get real successful and know for sure i have this down and I'm losing great.. I'd open it to the public to help other people out..but won't until then.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    Do what works for you. Some prefer private, others prefer public. Everybody is different. I like mine private because I get experimental at times, but I am doing just fine on my own. Not everyone does fine on their own, so they may want assistance.

    Don't let yourself feel pressured to open your diary if that's what you don't want to do. It's your diary, and nobody has a real need to see it if you don't want it that way.
  • ChocoCheeseaholic
    ChocoCheeseaholic Posts: 55 Member
    I didn't know this was even an option, so I just set mine to friends only because it would be great to feel accountable. I love the idea of my friends encouraging me when things get rough.

    How do you actually see other peoples' diaries though??
  • erg2013
    erg2013 Posts: 84 Member
    Mine is public - since I joined last month.
    I am really not worried about what people think about what I eat - I am doing the best I can.

    Why do I have it public then? Well, I like to view other's diaries to get ideas of new foods or combinations to try. I really appreciate when others have their diaries public. So I feel I should do the same.

    I I am not judging anyone. If their diet does not make sense to me, I move on. If the approach is similar (body type, calorie goal, etc) then I view it as an opportunity to learn. We all have different approaches.

    And if I have a question someone may take the time to view my diary and give feedback.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Open to friends, not to others. I am only accountable to myself. If I had a question, I would open it. But I don't ever see that happening. I love the forums, but I see what happens way too often.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I didn't know this was even an option, so I just set mine to friends only because it would be great to feel accountable. I love the idea of my friends encouraging me when things get rough.

    How do you actually see other peoples' diaries though??

    If you click on a person's profile, you have the option of seeing their diary if they have it open. Many don't.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I stated out as private, and have stayed private...
    1) I want to be as absolutely positive HONEST with myself.
    If I'm denial in any way I can't educate myself, see my patterns or modify my behavior.
    I can lie in my diary, I can lie to my friends, I can lie to myself, but my body knows every mouthful i eat. My body know the difference between nutrition and empty calories.

    2) Every one and their brother has a different food theory... Gluten Free -- Sugar Free -- Raw food --Vegan -- Fat Free -- No eating 4 hours before bed. -- Only fruit in the morning -- no fruit in the morning.

    And I have a hard time blocking out other folks opinions or taking them with a grain of salt (Oh, I forgot Low-Sodium)

    I'm very much about small sustainable changes. I have to start where I am right now. I KNOW my diet is perfect. But I make a couple of changes at a time until it becomes habit and then work on the next changes. I just can't think about everything all at once.

    And what I'm looking for is a GOOD BALANCE between good nutrition and a good life, balancing health and enjoyment. Not the OPTIMAL DIET.

    3) I have a rebelious streak tell me not to eat or do something it becomes the forbidden fruit and I gravitate right toward it. Or tell me to do something and I'll dismiss it. The whole accountability thing, just becomes other people telling me what to do. So not matter how awesome the advice I get I'd probably just do the opposite, I'll cut off m nose to spite my face. So better just to keep my own counsel.

    4) If I get to a point where, I'm not seeing results. Or if I have a specific question I MIGHT open my diary for a limited time.
    But really doubt that I'm that brave.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,096 Member

    Thanks! This is what I was worried about.... If i decide to have a Reese's cup one afternoon.... I didn't want to feel incredibly guilty when a million people tell me how awful my choice was lol

    I realise you are exagerating but does this happen that much? - mine is open but no-one has commented about any of my choices except one friend who made a friendly comment about coffee.

    I think this only happens if you post 'I know everything' threads

    PS; I dont even know what Reese's cups are?
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I opened mine because I was answering questions about being gluten free and dealing with intollerances. There are always questions of "what do you eat?" and I don't mind if others can see my diary. I honestly haven't had any unsolicited comments.