Learning to love myself

Richelle73 Posts: 23 Member
This is my first week, I am soooo Excited and Love this program. But am sad that non of my friends after 2 invites haven't joined me. I am going to do my best to not let that be my joy kill..... This is the first time in my life that I am taking care of me and its time to strive and push myself to a better, healthier, happier me.


  • hboughey
    hboughey Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! We are all here for you! Being healthy isn't about about dieting. If I want a brownie, I'll eat.... I just need to go burn it off. lol
  • MissJuliette
    I commend you for going on to better yourself...I'm certain your friends are going to ask you very soon what you are doing amazingly different with your daily routines...this will then be the perfect opportunity to say, "remember that invite I sent you last month about...." Keep up the good work sweetie because your gonna thank yourself daily! :smile:
  • Darkraven
    Darkraven Posts: 43
    I'm with ya, the friends that did accept my invites never log on so I can understand. But I will say I've met some amazing and supportive people on here! So even if your friends haven't joined you will feel right at home in no time! Welcome!!
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    People in my life weren't super interested either until they started to see results, now they are starting to join.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Once your friends see your progress and how much you like this site, they'll probably come around. Just keep up what you're doing and you'll reach your goals! Good luck!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Don't worry about your friends. They'll have a rude awakening soon enough or see your progress and get jealous! :happy: Also, if you're worried about a support system...this is the best site to find one!! Join a group in motivation & support or just follow the threads and send friend requests with similar goals and lifestyles. :happy: Glad to have you!!
  • bksteve26
    bksteve26 Posts: 216 Member
    Trust me...you're friends are not going to be your rocks in this part of your life. Friends and the people closest to us are going to be the devils on our shoulder. Not that they dont want us to succeed, just because that's what they do. They provide us an out...always. That's why we love them. But right now the friends you need for this endeavor are right here! I had a friend join me in this journey in the beginning. She dropped off about 2 weeks in. I've been on here now for 3 months. And still going strong and loving it. You'll find that the people here offer support constantly, let you brag, let you be proud, want to hear about your struggles, want to be there for you, and want to push you to do your best and try your hardest. Stick with the MFP friends...you will actually gain some great weight loss friends. I promise you'll love it! WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Pretty soon it might even be harder to have your friends involved in your weight loss cause they are gonna be jealous of your new rockin bod!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I know exactly what you are going through. I have invited many of my friends to join me I have a couple of takers but none of them are as serious as I am about the website. They don't want to be bothered with it all (that is the attitude that they have). I guess they are just not ready to do what it takes to take back their lives. I know that there will come a time when they notice the progress that I have made and they will be asking what I did. It has helped them to want to exercise with me though and that is a plus. I agree with the posts above that say that you will find people on here that will be a support to you and you will find the best weight loss friends and support.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i know its never easy to do it alone when you invite your friends, and then some join but they arent consistent. and im glad you taking that step to live a better life and more determine :) you will find great friends that will support you NO MATTER WHAT!!! Enjoy your adventure, work through the struggles, and never to give up. <3

    there is a lot of info here, and alot of different people here and you can learn from it or remember it for next time if that happens to you. <3

    Im proud of you for taking that first step <3

  • FIREfitGrl27
    FIREfitGrl27 Posts: 199
    Welcome to the group!

    I agree with most of these posts. You'll find a ton of support here. I know exactly how you feel. I've offered this site to everyone I know, through Facebook, and I've only had a few people take interest. It's okay though because we're in this for ourselves and I believe along the way more people will start to become inspired! You just keep doing what you are doing! Good luck to your start! Stay loving you! :)

    Stop by for a chat anytime or for support!
  • monmcb
    monmcb Posts: 35 Member
    That is fantastic! Good for you! I just joined less than a week ago, i find myself on this site quite a bit, logging in my excersice and meals. You can do it, and we're here! We'll do it together.
  • jlo7
    jlo7 Posts: 45
    Welcome!!! It feels really good when you can make time for yourself. I have 3 kids myself and a husband that's like another kid so I totally understand. I am learning that working out is such a great stress reliever and afterwards I have more energy for my kids. Good luck on your weigh loss journey!
  • Richelle73
    Richelle73 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and nice things that you said. It gave me that boost!! I am not sad anymore that my friends aren't doing this with me. Its not about them anymore, its about me/us loving us and making the changes that we want in our lives. I feel motivated and am excited that we have each other and this awesome tool MFP Thank you my New Friends! =0)
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    oh dont worry too much about that. i swear my friends are totally not interested in my weight loss ideas and my sister have bigger probs on their hands. they may not feel comfortable monitoring theyre eating habits you know, i didnt want to its just i have to, maybe they dont feel they are at that stage. just check out the boards and say hi, youll soon find people who will understand this part of your life xxx