Should I Stay or Should I Go Now from MFP????



  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    From this......

    Just great! No weight down, clothes are fitting the same. I hate to think I'm stuck in this body - I want change! Where in the hell is it? You know the pants I'm wearing today I used to be able to pull them up over another pair of pants. The seams would bust if I tried that today. I am really wondering if I should just quit MFP and weighing myself once a week. I've done weight loss/weight training before and I DID NOT track my cals or did I weigh myself. It worked in a short 3 months! So MFP and weighing myself is what Im doing different this time, so maybe they are the problem?!?! They sure as hell cause stress that's for sure. At least when I don't do them, I have no idea what's going on and it leaves me stress free for the most part. Should I stay or should I go now? That is the question people?

    I've been working really hard and the weight isn't going down - fine! But there's a bigger deal - my body shape isn't changing either! Clothes are still tight on me. I only have 8lbs to get to prepreg weigh, I understand that my shape still may be different now but GEEZ, were is the progress/results from all this work I've been doing. At least if i can'treach some of goal then I can start to enjoy life again.

    To this.....

    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol

    Such an aggressive response! Were you really looking for an answer?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Since you seem be very close to goal weight, you should set your goal to lose a quarter to half a pound a week if it is not already. The heavy lifting should help your reach your fat loss goals.
  • islandgirldl76
    islandgirldl76 Posts: 47 Member
    You are older, your body changes constantly. What used to work might not work now, trial and error. I have noticed that even 5 years after my last attempt at weight loss. Just be patient. Who knows if you are fighting changing hormones, additional stress in general, thyroid etc. All those things play into weight loss.

    Don't give up.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I can't see what exercise you're logging so I don't know how truthful you are being with what counts as exercise, also I don't know how you're calculating your exercise. If you are using the calorie counts on mfp for estimating your caloric burns, I find that mfp estimates are grossly over estimated, I can't trust them. If you don't have one, guy yourself a hrm. How do you have your settings? If you have your settings at sedentary then going for a walk is a valid exercise entry, however if you have it set at moderate to active going for a walk doesn't count. Additionally, and most importantly, I went through the last 18 days of your diary and added together your nets. You exceeded your net caloric goal by 1633 calories in 18 days. I noticed that particularly earlier in that 18 day period you added a lot of Quick Calories, so this excess could be even higher. Additionally, if you are not accurately measuring your food using cups and scales this could be even higher (food weighs raw and then you cook it). Are you including your cooking oils and sauces in your diary? Are you including everything that you put in your mouth? Take a critical look at what you're doing, but here's a summary:

    Stay reasonably within your caloric goal
    Weigh and measure your food
    don't forget to include sauces and oils
    log everything, and stop using quick add calories
    wear a hrm
    be honest about what really counts as exercise, for me it's anything that I do outside of my normal daily routine. So, I don't count walking my dogs, cleaning, cooking, playing with my son, etc as these are normal parts of my life. For some people, including these things works, for me it doesn't.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol

    I did want to address your discussion regarding lean meats: A whole turkey or a whole chicken is less expensive than beef per pound and much leaner. I but a whole turkey (about 15 or 20 pounds) for about $1.15 a pound. I roast it on a Saturday, pick most of the meat off, then simmer the carcass with some meat left on Sunday with seasonings. I add veggies, a starch, and some of the meat if it seems a little light on meat, and the whole turkey feeds my family of 3 for 2 meals a day for a week (with broth left over for another soup in a couple of weeks). Cooking lean doesn't have to be expensive. Also, when buying pork it's more cost effective to buy the larger pork loin (half a loin) rather then a cut down loin, the cost per pound is at least $.15 per pound less. I'll buy the larger cut, take it home cut it in 2 pound portions or just in half, wrap it in foil and then stick it in a freezer bag.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol

    a 25% deficit would put you at 1717 calories a day...(I showed your TDEE at 2289) may want to consider bumping intake up to around 1717 a day and see how that works for four weeks...just my advice...
  • porkchop_13
    I've come and gone a couple of times so i highly recommend that you takes a while for things to start working but they will. Just stay positive and keep on keepin on....:bigsmile:
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I'd skip the margarine too, it's really not that good for you.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    From this......

    Just great! No weight down, clothes are fitting the same. I hate to think I'm stuck in this body - I want change! Where in the hell is it? You know the pants I'm wearing today I used to be able to pull them up over another pair of pants. The seams would bust if I tried that today. I am really wondering if I should just quit MFP and weighing myself once a week. I've done weight loss/weight training before and I DID NOT track my cals or did I weigh myself. It worked in a short 3 months! So MFP and weighing myself is what Im doing different this time, so maybe they are the problem?!?! They sure as hell cause stress that's for sure. At least when I don't do them, I have no idea what's going on and it leaves me stress free for the most part. Should I stay or should I go now? That is the question people?

    I've been working really hard and the weight isn't going down - fine! But there's a bigger deal - my body shape isn't changing either! Clothes are still tight on me. I only have 8lbs to get to prepreg weigh, I understand that my shape still may be different now but GEEZ, were is the progress/results from all this work I've been doing. At least if i can'treach some of goal then I can start to enjoy life again.

    To this.....

    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol

    Such an aggressive response! Were you really looking for an answer?

    No I wasn't looking for an answer or any response. I just wanted to type something in here because I was bored. WTH?
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I like when people tell me good things about what Im doing and maybe suggesting new things that they think may work. Just being empathic and telling me that I will get there. That I can do it. For those of you that have done this for me, thank you so much. Sticking with it. Of course today I really did fall off the food wagon though and ate everything that fell off it as well. Fresh start tomorrow! Yipeee - stay positive!
  • ToFatToBeSick
    How long have you been a member and trying on a regular basis? You can't expect overnight results. If you gained the weight back before you obviously didn't fix the problem. Once you lose weight, you'll gain it right back if you go back to your old eating habits. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change.

    It doesn't seem like you are ready to make this commitment so I'm going to be blunt. Get rid of MFP until you're determined to do what you need to do. Stop making excuses and blaming your failure on other things. The problem isn't MFP.

    Losing weight is simple, burn more calories than you consume. That goes for EVERYBODY, you included so blaming a website that allows you to track your progress is nothing more then a cop out. In the end, you are in charge of your results.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Excuse me - BUT my weightloss did work before! The reason I am needing to lose weight again is because I got pregnant - I had a baby! So now I am just trying to lose the last 8lbs and it freaking sucks because I've been at it since March 2012 (2 months after csec baby) but just started MFP on November 1st, 2012.

    So ur right that it is simple formula - Burn more calories than you are consuming. Maybe Im not doing enough exercise? Hmm not sure - I feel I burn about 1000 cals a week from cardio and prob only 300cals a week from heavy weights. So this is burning 1300cals a week and Im eating 1500-1600 cals a day - sometimes more when Im eating exercise cals back.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    Silly me, I thought this dilemma was brought about by the rise of stupidity/lack of humor/overly sensitive feelings on the forums recently.

    As for your question, it looks like you've figured out what you would like to do. Good luck.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    If you go there will be trouble....and if you stay it will be double \m/
  • ShutUpAndLift257
    Stay and add me, I'll kick you in the tail!
  • belle19822000
    belle19822000 Posts: 62 Member

    I took a look at your diary, day 7th february, and, I would die of hunger on that diet! :explode: :explode:

    why? IMO, too much calories, too little food, and why the light breakfast? AM snack is enormous! I noticed when I eat little in the morning I feel hungry all day, no matter how much I eat later.
    I see you set around 1500 calories (without exercise calories). Maybe you can go down a bit - 1300?
    Last few kilograms/pounds are always the hardest to lose :sad:

    But if it's too much for you (counting calories I mean), then stop, go back to whatever is working for you.

    Best of luck! :drinker:
  • brookeaby1
    I'm a little confused. I read the entire forum you posted, how on EARTH are you wearing a size 28 jean at 5'9 and 140-odd pounds? I outweigh you by almost 100 pounds and I don't even wear a size 28....

    As to the weight loss;

    Did you have a c-section or an abnormally large baby belly? Chances are your stomach muscles were damaged by carrying or delivering the baby. It shouldn't be about weight but about your inches. Perhaps try measuring your waist, hips, arms, thighs etc. and concentrate on shrinking those rather than losing actual pounds. Even when I'm a size 12-14 (I'm 6' and very large framed so believe me that's small for me) I still weigh 190-200 pounds. It's about how things feel. Do my clothes fit? Am I excessively flabby somewhere I don't want to be etc. In all likelihood, if you're just 8 pounds off your pre-pregnancy weight you may never actually meet that poundage. You're a very natural healthy weight for your height but you're going to have to do quite a bit of stomach muscle work outs to repair pregnancy damage and muscle weighs more than fat.

    I think getting rid of the weigh in group is probably a great idea. Also, you have a young infant perhaps look into those floor activity workouts you can do with your baby. It creates bonding time with your child while working out your muscles and as the baby grows in size so do your work outs.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I'm a little confused. I read the entire forum you posted, how on EARTH are you wearing a size 28 jean at 5'9 and 140-odd pounds? I outweigh you by almost 100 pounds and I don't even wear a size 28....

    As to the weight loss;

    Did you have a c-section or an abnormally large baby belly? Chances are your stomach muscles were damaged by carrying or delivering the baby. It shouldn't be about weight but about your inches. Perhaps try measuring your waist, hips, arms, thighs etc. and concentrate on shrinking those rather than losing actual pounds. Even when I'm a size 12-14 (I'm 6' and very large framed so believe me that's small for me) I still weigh 190-200 pounds. It's about how things feel. Do my clothes fit? Am I excessively flabby somewhere I don't want to be etc. In all likelihood, if you're just 8 pounds off your pre-pregnancy weight you may never actually meet that poundage. You're a very natural healthy weight for your height but you're going to have to do quite a bit of stomach muscle work outs to repair pregnancy damage and muscle weighs more than fat.

    I think getting rid of the weigh in group is probably a great idea. Also, you have a young infant perhaps look into those floor activity workouts you can do with your baby. It creates bonding time with your child while working out your muscles and as the baby grows in size so do your work outs.

    Bahahahaha! Did you really think I meant BIG by size 28???? I meant a size 28 inch. or we could also say size 5/6ish. And I have a long way to go to get rid of the belly - I know. I also have lipodystrophy on the belly cause of 100s of thousands of insulin needles for my 20years of type 1 diabetes.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    And yes, I had a csection.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I would love to be 140 and size 5/6 lol