Horse Meat Scandal



  • euphoriabuzz
    euphoriabuzz Posts: 8 Member
    Wow wasn't expecting so many replies. Thanks everyone for the good debate. Another thought I had was to do with the 'it's not harmful' comments. Of course properly maintained and slaughtered horse meat is not harmful, but if this meat has been dishonestly added into the food who is to say it has come from legitimate sources. Maybe it's the stock no-one else would or could take due to disease or drugs etc. You may say this is unlikely and far fetched but... I am sure all of those in the UK remember the BSE / CJD scandal where we were also told for a long time by the Government there was 'no risk to human health'. Subsequently it killed 166 people in the United Kingdom, and 44 elsewhere along with many pets who were fed it in the leading branded foods. I think this is where the worry comes from in the UK. People do not generally trust our Government to tell us the truth,
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I get all my meat from the local farm shop...all of it.

    It tastes better, it isn't pumped with water etc, I'm confident in it's natural..ness..., and it's a hell of a lot cheaper!!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member

    I don't know. It looks pretty healthy other than the pharmaceuticals injected into them. Then again, we all know most cows and chickens are juiced more than your average pro athlete.

    I would dare say that horsemeat was the healthiest thing to happen to fast food in a long time.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    And while everyone is up in arms about horse meat (we eat all kinds of other animals for crap's sake) the banks, the bankers and the politicians are all shafting us really badly as usual...but hey, horsemeat in burgers sells papers and gets people crazy...being done over financially and what not, well not so much....or so it seems...carry on, there is nothing to see here *eyerolls*
  • AmandaW01
    I'm not a vegetarian, and never will be, and I'm not hypocritical enough to get all squeamish over horses when I cheerfully chow down on baby sheep - BUT I do get very squeamish at not knowing what I'm eating. If nothing else this may make more people consider their diets and their consumption of overly processed foods. I will be frequenting my local butcher's more - there if you want mince they mince a piece of steak in front of you - at least you see what goes into it, and they will allow you to see them making their sausages (with minced pork shoulder and seasoning) if you wish. It may cost a few pence more, but rather that and know what I'm feeding my kids than playing Russian Roulette with the food industry!
  • roblewis72
    I guess that's why horse radish sauce goes well with beef! :-)
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I don't tend to buy the products the horse meat has been found in so I'm not overly concerned to be honest! I just hope they don't find more meat products which aren't what they are supposed to be. I don't think I'd eat horse by choice as we've always had them growing up so they feel more like pets to me than food.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    Maybe we should look a bit outside the box and realize that, whatever processed food we eat, it will be bought in A, coming from the plant in B, which gets the ingridients from C,D,E and F. This ingredients have been grown, slaughtered whatsoever in G,H and so on. Not only foods that contain horse meat now. . Any processed food, even the so much loved pizza from the freezer.
    We have to decide if we want this or not. I definitely want to know what I eat and what I'm feeding my children'grandchildren. It is our responsibility and we CAN choose. If we chose NOT to buy this crap then they are not making enough profit and maybe then we can make the right step to better food production. We would also protect the animals that are shipped over the whole planet just because slaughtering is cheaper here and processing cheaper there. These animals are not protected at all because the regulations are different in every country. Just google what Romania is doing with their surplus on horses.
    That';s why I buy local and do not eat processed foods. We have the choice.
  • von100blue
    von100blue Posts: 9 Member
    Is anybody really concerned about the fact that our food contains bits from all over the place, the cost to our nation in terms of our health, employment, farming and industry is outrageous. For gods sake why, when we have a recession, can't we produce food to feed our nation in our nation. Chefs have been advising for years to eat stuff in season and locally produced; the money goes back into our economy, our communities, rather than shareholders of huge global corperations; the more we produce and buy locally the cheaper food will get, we will have genuine competition to ensure a fair deal. Farmers in Britain are paid a pittance for their produce only to have it shipped all over the world to come back as ready meals; who knows what's added along the way and for pity's sake, think of the animal's welfare.
    You only have to watch some of the programmes on health and safety and food hygiene to realise that if there's a buck to be made then people take shortcuts; they don't care about the health of the nation or whether their practices will spark an outbreak of e.coli. or whether the meals they offer contains meat stuffed with anti biotics and hormones that will lead to illness and antibiotic resistant bugs. The only problem is to them is if they get caught doing it. I believe that if we eat meat we should honour the animal that feeds us by letting it grow as nature intended; without hormones and antibiotics to counteract questionable rearing practices just to make an animal bigger or ready for slaughter sooner or for convienience because huge corperations have a contract with a farmer to supply cheap meat.
  • von100blue
    von100blue Posts: 9 Member