I am finally under 200... say what?



  • lotusspark
    That is so cool. =)
    I've been so close, yet still struggling w/that elusive number.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    Looking forward to the day!:drinker:

    Regarding your question... WOW, I actually think I do! Never thought much of it until you asked... this will get my brain churning, so glad you shared what you did:heart:
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    Like many here, I am there too! Congrats to you, nissamorin, you have done a tremendous job and deserve accolades for your achievement. I reached 199.9 a month ago, but I had to go through a wrestler's routine to hit that weight (minus the laxatives). I am now legitimately below 200 but would like to lose another 25 pounds. After losing weight very fast, my decreases have slowed dramatically, but I'm still going in the right direction and probably more importantly, I have made habits of many much healthier lifestyle choices. All who have posted at or near the 200 level can be proud of their success. Best wishes to reaching your final goal.
  • nissamorin
    nissamorin Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you fitnesspal-ers! Glad to see so many people who are fighting the good fight. I guess the issue of self-sabotage (the word that resonated with me the most from these replies) is one I fight a lot and it sounds pretty common. I'm feeling better now that I have a couple workouts and nights sleep behind the be 19#. I couldn't say exactly what but I can feel something about my perceptions changing and some of the fear evaporating. I'm trying to fully realize that this IS my new life and I WILL get to keep it so long as I want it.

    I would much prefer this problem to the overwhelming weight of morbid obesity I've always felt even if that weight wasn't something I was actively acknowledging. Keep at it everyone!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    congratulations on turning time back 13 years!!! you're amazing!!
  • Ashleymeganlove
    That's ONEderful!!! Welcome to onederland. I can't wait to meet you there. :):) Keep up all of the great work.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    What you have done is an amazing feat!. I think thats what it boils down to...seeing the progress is what makes us push ourselves even more...keep going..you are going to get there!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    YAY! congrats! I remember when I got under 200! Remember this day when you are really down! Keep up all your hard work!!!!
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    congratulations. you are awesome. :-)
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Did anyone else get sad when she said 8th grade was in 2000? :)

    Great job. ONEderland!
  • aa62579

    I just hit my first goal of losing 20 lbs and my next big goal is getting under 200, which is about 23 lbs away now. I can't wait to join everyone in Onederland - I've been away far too long!
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    WTG! yes, YAY YOU! what's great is you are recognizing some behaviors in yourself... so now instead of hindset you can leverage foresight and plan for it as you continue on your path to your next goal. ; ) Well done!
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    Did anyone else get sad when she said 8th grade was in 2000? :)

    Great job. ONEderland!

    Oh yes - that was my first thought LOL

    Happy Onederland! The self-sabotage monkey is hard to toss; it keeps creeping back up on me. I keep having to remind myself that I deserve to be lean, healthy, happy and whole. Repeat as many times as needed - I DESERVE ____; so I DON'T WANT ____.
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS!! That's got to be an amazing feeling!

    I've been struggling to hit that mark for 2 months now (I thought I'd be able to get from 215 to less than 200 in 2 months, apparently not!), and it's definitely frustrating! I've been hovering at around 203 for about 3 weeks, but I WILL break past this, I just have to learn to be more patient.... (of which I have none, apparently).
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Congratulations! Yay you is right! I can't wait to join that club with you! Have a great day !
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Outstanding! So happy for you! :)
  • rocketpopsicles
    I started at 290.
    Currently at 272.4.

  • StephCoff1969
    Dang right... Go you!!! That is an awesome feeling... I cried like a little girl when I finally got to Onederland... Looking at your ticker gives me hope and inspiration... Thank you!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    It could be that when you were at a higher weight, you were more desperate to lose it. Once you lose a little, you're not as desperate anymore. Something like that. Lol...They talked about that on the Curves Complete videos. I've been there n done that, as well. I wonder if it's sort of a self sabotage kind of thing. When I was younger and trying to lose, I would lose a little weight, and when someone told me I was looking good, I'd wind up slowly going off my diet, and quitting. IDK why. Not this time, though! I'm kicking booty! :D