

  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    I am only four weeks in and I started at 400 pounds. I have overhauled my eating like you wouldn't believe. I stuck to my calorie goal and ate sooooo good this week and didn't lose a damn thing. I'm so frustrated!!! I shouldn't be not losing anything this early in. WHAT THE EFFF??!????

    Monday will be the start of week 4 for me and I have lost 0lbs but still I keep plugging away, keep at it, it has to have results some time (soonish I hope)
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    Maybe try some little things - ie: switching to 1% milk, or instead of one of those bars some whole wheat toast with peanut butter?
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Having read all of the previous posts, I'm going to agree with most of what has been said.

    Reduce your processed foods! That stuff is horrible for you! If it's a time thing, try taking a few hours out of your Sunday to prepare and package foods for the upcoming week. Put some in the freezer and some in the fridge! I am on a weight-lifting program and I spend 2 hours on Sunday preparing my food for the upcoming week, and again an hour on Wednesdays for things you can't freeze (like salads). I reached my goal last month and have set a new goal.

    Another thing to keep in mind - MEASUREMENTS!!! THESE are more accurate than a scale!


    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice any differences.
    It takes 8 weeks for friends and family to notice.
    It takes 12 weeks for everyone else.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    1800 calories is nowhere near enough for someone who is 400 pounds, and most days you do not even come close to that. where did you get your numbers? I suggest you at this BY HELLOITSDAN:
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    If your diary is accurate, you aren't eating enough. I weigh 306 and eat around 2000 calories per day. You can probably go as high as 2500 (or even more) if you're close to 400 pounds. If you start exercising, even if it's just walking a little or getting up and down off the couch 10 reps at a time***, you can eat even more.

    Also, some weeks I lose three pounds, and then I won't lose any for a week or two. Weight loss is funny that way. You won't lose every week, and you might even see a gain here and there, but if you take your weight lost over time, it averages out to 1-2 pounds per week. My average is right around 1.5 pounds per week.

    Try to reduce the take-out. Sodium will cause you to retain water and bloat, which messes with the scale. If you have a high-sodium day, drink extra water to make up for it.

    ***Don't laugh. This is great exercise for people who can't walk very far yet. Weighing 400 pounds means it takes a lot of work to stand up repeatedly.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I am only four weeks in and I started at 400 pounds. I have overhauled my eating like you wouldn't believe. I stuck to my calorie goal and ate sooooo good this week and didn't lose a damn thing. I'm so frustrated!!! I shouldn't be not losing anything this early in. WHAT THE EFFF??!????

    When I first started trying to lose weight, I cut fat and watched what I ate and walked every day. After 3 weeks, my (then) husband lost 11 pounds and I gained 4!! Come to find out I had hypothyroidism. Might want to see your doctor just to make sure there isn't any underlying problems that might be slowing your progress.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Try eating more whole foods instead of processed foods and just walk.. drink lots of water.. I will bet anything in the world, the weight will fall off you and you will feel like a million bucks!!! It is not just about weight loss, but nutrition.
  • MrOFM
    MrOFM Posts: 41
    You had 12 or 14 grams of protein total yesterday!

    Thats one thing that has to change 1st!!

    Protein has been proven to be the most important thing you need to lose fat and not muscle mass.
    Your crabs are pretty much all simply also!

    Then you eat out a ton! That has to change maybe one or 2 meals a week wont hurt you to bad! But 4-5 time a week your not helping yourself at all.
  • melissataylor1986
    melissataylor1986 Posts: 41 Member
    I had a nasty diet coke habit. Just because it has no calories, doesn't mean it won't make you retain or even GAIN weight. Google how diet coke effects your body. It's horrible for you. Once I cut out any sort of soda, I lost 5 lbs in a week after being on a plateau for a long time. It's not easy, but you can do it!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I agree with those who mentioned your diary totals - before I even looked I'd wondered if you were eating enough for your body (as I did the exact same thing when I joined MFP the first time; it's common for those of us with a lot to lose!). The road map doesn't work for me because the BMR calculators that are used to determine what we should eat are way too far off. You might see different results though and the thought behind it makes perfect sense!

    A lot of people worry about diet soda intake - my fiancee drinks diet coke every day and is losing weight consistently. Sodium is definitely a concern if you're not getting a ton of water to flush it out - I'm over several times a week but I'm drinking 12-16 glasses of water a day so it flushes right back out. Processed foods - yes they're not as good as cooking fresh but depending on your lifestyle sometimes it's hard to find time to sit there and cook 21 meals a week, even if you cook weekends and put them aside to have during the week (which is an awesome tool that I try to use when I'm not out of town on the weekends like I normally am!).

    Take everyone's suggestions, and find out what you can do and what just isn't feasible at this moment. And re-evaluate often. I cut out all fast food altogether (except one trip to Taco Bell the first week). We do allow one restaurant meal per week without worry about the calorie count, and it's on a day we go to the gym so we have extra calories there anyway so it usually fits in. If you need a friend in this journey or just want to talk, message me!! You can do this and you're already making great progess!
  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    You have to create a calorie deficiency in your daily food intake as well as start working out...start simply by walking on the treadmill. It happens, sometimes the scale is our biggest enemy just keep in mind that you will never be big again because this is a lifestyle change. Best wishes and good luck!
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    First, your diary is ALL over the place:

    With a lot of take out food- which can be astronomically high in sodium and the portions are notoriously off from published calorie counts. I also don't see much in the way of precise measurement. I would suggest getting a home digital scale, log EVERY bite you eat from here forward, and try to plan to keep a more consistent calorie target rather than the low-high swings. You don't have to eliminate take-out, but maybe aim for more home-prepared food, if you can, for a while to get a handle on your calories and sodium. Good luck to you! Don't give up, you WILL get there, sometimes it just takes some patience to figure it out.

    Edit for epic full paragraph run-on sentence.

  • cljabusc
    formula for weight loss:

    clean foods+exercise+water+sleep=results

    I looked at your diary and saw alot of "lean cuisine", "diet coke". you should try eating more natural foods. The less steps food takes from the ground to your mouth, the better it is for you! raw veggies, raw fruits, lean meats, whole grains. Your body will thank you for it.

    PS - diet coke is bad for you. like really bad. if something says "diet" or "low fat" its not necessarily good for you. do your research, look at the nutrition!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I had a nasty diet coke habit. Just because it has no calories, doesn't mean it won't make you retain or even GAIN weight. Google how diet coke effects your body. It's horrible for you. Once I cut out any sort of soda, I lost 5 lbs in a week after being on a plateau for a long time. It's not easy, but you can do it!

    I can say with almost absolute certainty that diet coke is not the problem here.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I didn't lose anything this week either. ;( But I didn't gain it all in one week either. I'm going to add more excercise.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Wow, you've really gotten a lot of great advice here and there's nothing I can add really other than what's already been said. I looked at your diary and noticed the same things as everyone else on here...

    *Drink more water!!

    *Up your calorie goal a bit and EAT (good stuff). Dan's road-map was a godsend for me. (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 )

    *Add more lean protien

    *Measure your body...everywhere...MANY times my scale would get stuck but my body was changing and inches were going away that I never would have seen on the scale. The scale is EVIL and very deceptive. MEASURE your progress by inches lost and how your clothes feel.

    *Add more whole foods (if it's packaged to sit on the shelf for an extended period of time, get it out of your house.

    *Start moving...walking etc. No one says to start training for a marathon...just do something for a short period of time as you work up your tolerance and endurance. Aim for a little muscle ache tomorrow telling you you're working hard!

    *Eat less processed foods...less Lean Cuisine, granola bars, candy, diet cokes (try to replace this with water or green tea).

    *If you haven't done it already, take "Before" pictures. Front, back & Side views. Every month, take updated pictures wearing the same thing each time. You'll often see changes in the pictures that you may not see in the mirror.

    *Don't freak out.

    *Stay here!! MFP is your new home away from home. Stick around, make friends and have FUN! These are changes you are making to your lifestyle...for long term success. Your diary looks like you're on a diet. This is not what this is about. Small changes gradually will make you healthier, happier, and you'll look and feel amazing quickly! You don't want to start over again at 500 lbs. 2 years from now. Make this happen today, for YOU. You deserve it!!

    :flowerforyou: You can do this.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Your body real does have a way of trying to resist change, just be patient! I didn't really lose anything my first 4 weeks,and then boom, 5 lbs in one week.

    I can understand not wanting to do exercise yet, but you might want to consider at least a short walk a few days a week. Maybe start 'bribing' yourself a little - if you are going to eat that piece fo cake you have to go for a 15 walk first, etc. You won't necessarily lose a lot of extra weight because of it but you will feel better, you will start thinking about the relationship between food and exercise differently, and it has so many more benefits then just weight loss.

    You can do this!!
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    You are trying to make a change which is good. Take a good hard look at what you are eating though. Cooking at home at first is always the way to go. You know what is in what you cook. Buy healthy food and you will eat healthy food. Go for a walk everyday. No one is saying you have to go crazy and jump right into Insanity or p90x ect. If you stop eating out and cook good meals at home and go for a walk (even just 30 mins) you will see a big difference. Don't wait for the scale to go down to get active. Good luck!
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    I also saw, McDonald's, Red Lobster, Pizza Hut, Dairy Queen and Papa Johns etc.
    Looking at your diary, I would suggest you replace some of the processed foods with fresh foods, especially add in veggies. Instead of Kraft singles, get some real cheese. You are choosing pretty well within those processed foods, but they still have a ton of salt and plenty of added sugar, both of which can throw off the readings on the scale when they are your main source of nutrition.

    Agreed - I read where you said you overhauled your diet a ton already. A calorie of processed 'food" and a calorie of fresh healthy real food are not the same calorie. You'll see a difference when you make this change. I promise. Feel free to send a friend request.
  • Thighbone
    I know it's hard as hell to exercise at that weight. I am still tipping the scales at just under 400lbs. I am starting this to talk to people and meet people with the same issues I am having. I have the hardest time getting my big butt out of bed or out from behind the desk to workout. First of all, not only is the workout a pain to do, but it is extremely more difficult when you have to do it carrying around your own weight! So start off easy.....walk. Just go for a two 10 minute walks a day, hell start with one ten minute walk a day. I am just getting to the 45 minute mark and adding stairs. My back muscles would burn like you would not believe! So I walked....I started at 20 minutes and moved up from there. I will come and you will begin to lose weight, but like one of the posts said don't focus on the weight so much, focus on cutting out the fast food and the exercise. Every little bit matter! To hell with the calorie counting right now! Just try to eat more whole food, and get in ANY exercise you can. You have this entire community of people to back you in your endeavors. Start small and you will lose big in the end! :happy: