If you Stay/Work @ home & have advice for a SNACKER plz HELP

I am really trying to take control of my snacking, but it seems especially difficult when I am home alone. I am finding this website to be a great distraction. I have also set up the house so that there is no junk food. But you know, where there is a will there's a way. Not in the good way either. :devil: Last time I was home I was snacking on toast and butter! I will still find stupid things to snack on.


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I work at home. I find it easier than when I was in the office. At home, I have access to food that I prepare and select. In the office, if I forgot to bring something, I either stay hungry or pick something from the vending machine (and that never goes well).

    I keep my house stocked with fruits, yogurt, string cheese, whatever else I might be in the mood for that's healthy and "snack" calorie appropriate (I generally aim for around 100 calories-ish). If I have a lot of stuff around and a lot of variety of stuff and it's all stuff I enjoy, I really don't have a problem sticking to healthy foods at home. I also actually eat meals-no differently than in the office. So I have breakfast, lunch (and sometimes dinner) during my work day. I don't look at being home as being in an all you can eat buffet. I just look at it as a day at the office that I no longer have to drive an hour each way to get to.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    I work at home. I find it easier than when I was in the office. At home, I have access to food that I prepare and select. In the office, if I forgot to bring something, I either stay hungry or pick something from the vending machine (and that never goes well).

    I keep my house stocked with fruits, yogurt, string cheese, whatever else I might be in the mood for that's healthy and "snack" calorie appropriate (I generally aim for around 100 calories-ish). If I have a lot of stuff around and a lot of variety of stuff and it's all stuff I enjoy, I really don't have a problem sticking to healthy foods at home. I also actually eat meals-no differently than in the office. So I have breakfast, lunch (and sometimes dinner) during my work day. I don't look at being home as being in an all you can eat buffet. I just look at it as a day at the office that I no longer have to drive an hour each way to get to.

    ^^^^^VitaminDDD ROCKS!! Take her advice..:smile:
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    I don't work at home, but have a hard time avoiding snacks when I'm home alone on the weekends. I'm the same way, even with healthy snacks I will find something to snack on. Do you drink enough water? Try keeping ice water with you at all times, and drink it! Also, when you find yourself craving something, can you take 10 minutes to go for a brisk walk or do some stretching? Just something to distract yourself for a while.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Ask your boss for a gig back in the office.
  • coriengelke
    I'm careful about maintaining an eating schedule. I've found that I fall off the wagon less when my body knows what time the next ration is coming. I stagger my meals and snacks so that there isn't too much time in between. Also, I try to choose snacks that are healthy. (Almonds or avocados are my favorite) They seem to stick with you longer than snack crackers or something sweet.
  • heidra
    heidra Posts: 3 Member
    just say no. i know that sounds easier said than done, but tell yourself that you can eat at these times and thats it. if you eat at any other time just eat celery or cucumbers. i got this from the game on! diet plan and it really worked. on that diet you would be penalized for snacking. it was a team point sort of game. it really helped me look at snacking as unnecessary and something to be avoided. so i eat 5 times a day and thats it. if you train yourself to do that, there is no need for snacking. it also helps to drink 3 liters of water a day!
  • sbjmorgan
    sbjmorgan Posts: 158 Member
    I make myself drink a full glass of water before I have a snack. Get yourself one of those large insulated cups with a straw and drink two or three a day.

    Keep a bowl of fruit in your office/work area. I have an open plan house and stay downstairs all day - thus I keep a bowl of oranges, apples, bananas and grapefruit on my table. It's a shorter trip than to the fridge and I don't have to hop baby gates, so i'm more likely to eat those. Heck, maybe even try baby-gating yourself away from the kitchen for a while and put all your snacks for the day in your office.

    If blocking off your kitchen won't work for you: Measure out all your snacks and put them in baggies. (Buy some reusable baggies if you don't like using plastic) Figure out what calorie allowance you're going to have for snacks today and then put all your snacks for one day in ONE place in the fridge. Drink one glass of water and then visit your "snack area" in the fridge when you're feeling like snacking on something and pick one.

    If you don't want the snack in the fridge, you're probably not hungry. Pop in some gum and drink some more water. :)
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I'm a SAHM, and because my husband loves to snack, there's always plenty of temptations around, though he tries to keep them out of sight. I found the way to avoid temptation for me was to set a time at night, after dinner, when I could have a snack. Knowing it's coming keeps me from snacking during the day, even when I'm most tempted. When I was logging my exercise calories (as opposed to eating TDEE -20%) I would tell myself I could only eat my snack after I worked off the calories first. That made me get up and exercise every night, as well as keeping me from munching during the day.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Steak. Or ground beef. Or eggs. Pork and chicken should work pretty well, too. Every time you think to yourself how good some buttered bread would taste, substitute for one of those until you are not snack-happy anymore.
  • dellaj5
    I work from home, too. The best advice I can give is to keep Healthy Snacks (veggies, fruits, etc.) close by to grab instead of unhealthy ones. Another thing I do is get up and take a walk outside for a minute and walk it off. Nothing like a little Fresh Air to take out the Bad Karma. :)
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I work from home and love to snack!

    I keep healthy snacking items on hand and plan on having a few hundred snack calories each day--though some days I have even more, depending on my work out and meals.

    I make sure at least one of my snacks is a piece of fruit and generally keep my snacks to a single serving or less (measuring it out and putting away the package).
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    just say no. i know that sounds easier said than done, but tell yourself that you can eat at these times and thats it. if you eat at any other time just eat celery or cucumbers. i got this from the game on! diet plan and it really worked. on that diet you would be penalized for snacking. it was a team point sort of game. it really helped me look at snacking as unnecessary and something to be avoided. so i eat 5 times a day and thats it. if you train yourself to do that, there is no need for snacking. it also helps to drink 3 liters of water a day!

    I work at home also. I like the above advice. What gets me off track looking for "stupid stuff" to eat is not having properly planned or having lunch ready to eat. Plan your meals and plan your snacks in advance and have them ready to go. I also read the people mag about how they lost half of their body weight. One thing stuck out in my mind is the woman said: "I used to eat something every time I even passed through the kitchen." That is mindless "see food" eating and I can be very guilty of that. Wanting to eat versus being hungry.
  • AprilRod5
    Water has been my go to when im craving a snack! Just wait a couple of minutes after drinking a bottle of water and if your still wanting something go for something smarthealthy!! That has really helped me. Oh and if you dont care for water like me just add some crystal light for some FLaVoR!!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    10 almonds and protein power mixed in with skim milk.
    Curbs my appetite everytime, hope it works for you.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Plug in the day's menu either the night before or in the AM, and plan to eat five or six times a day. If you're a snacker, it helps to know that the next snack is only a couple of hours away. That way, you're only working on two- or three-hour intervals of willpower.
  • sandyfitnotfat
    I actually did better at this when I was a stay at home mom through the week. I could control meal times and I could control exercise time. Believe it or not exercising does curb the appetite some and makes you feel SO accomplished. Also if you want a snack then YOU control how healthy it is.
  • AmyS1975
    AmyS1975 Posts: 143
    I work from home every now at then and really have to fight the urge not to snack. I drink a lot of green or flavored tea instead of eating and try to eat at the same hours I do at work, breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack. The next time you are tempted to go to the kitchen, do ten jumping jacks and sit back down. :-)
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Last time I was home I was snacking on toast and butter! I will still find stupid things to snack on.

    Maybe you should eat some smart butter instead of the stupid kind. This butter is smart and it also balances:

  • klmetcalf89
    klmetcalf89 Posts: 25 Member
    Gum has become my best friend when making a snack for my little one or just to keep me from snacking everytime i sit down at the computer. That and lots of water
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    It has taken me throwing out pretty much everything that is unhealthy and keeping very little in my pantry for me to be able to curb my nighttime snacking. Even then, I'll raid the kitchen at times and snack on whatever is available. It's a process. T_T