Standing Desk

Thinking about setting up my workspace so I stand all day at work... thoughts? Anyone do this or want to do this?


  • outside, this is a bad idea. I did it when i was younger. It helps with your legs and while that is a good thing it helps you develop no lower body strength. I would recommend a fitness ball in order to sit on if anything, it will help with your core and also tone your butt and abs better than just standing(I used to work as an umpire for a baseball team so I stood most of the game and then went and played baseball after that)
  • penguinkaty
    penguinkaty Posts: 4 Member
    While the fitness ball is a good alternative, standing is better than sitting. I've been standing for over a year and so many things are better - my posture (which helps my core), my stamina, I have zero tension anymore in my back and shoulders... it's not for everyone but for me it was an incredible change. I melted inches on my waist within the first few weeks, and that was before I really shifted my eating habits. If you listen to music while working, standing makes you more apt to dance around, or at least sway :) Throughout the day you can also bounce on your toes, do squats, stretch... Just don't count on the standing to be your only "workout" and give it a shot.
  • cparkburke
    cparkburke Posts: 27 Member
    You're less likely to have cumulative stress injuries if you can change your positions. Standing all day will hurt you a different way than sitting all day... ask anyone with varicose veins. I'd look for an adjustable desk so you can sit and stand in intervals.
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I do this a few days a week at least. It not only helps me concentrate I feel better for not sitting all day. I just use a box under my keyboard, althogh now my work is finally buying me an adjustable standing desk that allows me to stand when I want or lower it and sit.