If you Stay/Work @ home & have advice for a SNACKER plz HELP



  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Last time I was home I was snacking on toast and butter! I will still find stupid things to snack on.

    Maybe you should eat some smart butter instead of the stupid kind. This butter is smart and it also balances:


    For a more serious answer though, I don't work at home but I snack at work all the time -- I try to pack veggies for myself to snack on for the most part. Baby carrots and celery sticks are pretty filling!
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Key for me is to plan my eating and snacks. Breakfast right after working out (between 6:30 and 7am), snack at 9:30, lunch at noon, snack at 2:30-ish, dinner with the family, then walk away from the kitchen. There are days where I watch the clock like a bloodhound, waiting for the next snacktime. (yes, I'm that bad). But if I know what I'm having (I'm stuck in a celery/pb and fiber one brownie rut right now, but it works for me!) and when I can have it, it helps. I also am a huge fan of crystal light (ok, actually I buy the walmart generic great value) energy drinks in the afternoon. I mix one packet with 32 oz water (it fills my water bottle) and guzzle that when I have a sweet tooth attack and it's not snack time. It satisfies the sugar craving and fills my belly, and it's easier to talk myself out of snacking when I feel full. Snacking/grazing all day is a big reason why I gained this chunk of fluff, and getting it under control is my key to losing it.
  • You may know some of what I am going to share, but if not I hope it all helps. First I cleaned out all junk foods, so the only foods to snack on where healthy ones i.e carrots & hummus, celery & PB or Almond butter etc. I also choose healthy snacks like animal crackers with no icing, I make my own trail mix etc. I only allow myself the right serving and to help me stay with the allowed serving, I place ex. animal crackers you are allowed 16, so I put 16 in a snack size container or baggie and that is how I control things. Plus I think before I put things into my mouth, I ask..how much have I eaten, am I really hungry, do I really want to exercise more today just so I can have the extra calories or snacks...That helps me. Plus, I get up and get busy with a project or a game, something that will keep my mind off food. :smile:
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I work at home. I find it easier than when I was in the office. At home, I have access to food that I prepare and select. In the office, if I forgot to bring something, I either stay hungry or pick something from the vending machine (and that never goes well).

    I keep my house stocked with fruits, yogurt, string cheese, whatever else I might be in the mood for that's healthy and "snack" calorie appropriate (I generally aim for around 100 calories-ish). If I have a lot of stuff around and a lot of variety of stuff and it's all stuff I enjoy, I really don't have a problem sticking to healthy foods at home. I also actually eat meals-no differently than in the office. So I have breakfast, lunch (and sometimes dinner) during my work day. I don't look at being home as being in an all you can eat buffet. I just look at it as a day at the office that I no longer have to drive an hour each way to get to.

    This. Is almost exactly how I handle things!
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    I also work at home and I agree that it's easy to get off track. I feel like it was worse when I worked in the office because people would bring in surprise cakes, cookies and other treats that I don't keep in the house. I look at it this way, when I'm at home, I can control what is available to me. If I'm going to eat extra snacks, at least they are healthy ones.

    I do keep vegetable stock/broth (low sodium) and if I'm feeling like I have to eat something, I first distract myself with work and if that doesn't work (and it's not time for a snack), I have a cup of broth. It's warm and while its not necessarily filling, it usually does the trick.

    Meal planning also is such a huge help. If I have things made and planned in advance, I'm less likely to eat something that I shouldn't.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    I work at home.

    I keep my immediate environment free of anything that i can eat other than some carrots, celery and green peppers and a 32 oz cup of water.

    I cleaned out the pantry (much to my kids' dismay) of any junk food as i don't want to test my willpower. (I take a slightly different view than the 'just say no' crowd).

    I shut the door to my office to create privacy, seclusion and to avoid thinking about hte rest of the house (like the kitchen and pantry).

    Anytime i get up to leave my office, I take a big drink of water.

    I also keep a LOT of books around and read when i take a break. helps prevent my natural move to snacks.

    Good luck!
  • Hi Robin, I am at home always as I suffer from chronic faigue, and as a result piled ont he pounds! However, I do like and enjoy healthy food over junk, as junk makes me feel horrible. I eeat carrots, celery with low fat dips, apples that I cut up first and have to eat or they go brown. Orange juice, I water down first, as this eeks out the calories and is thirst quenching - perhaps sometimes you are thirsty not actually hungry? Thin slithers of cheese with apples are lovely, or ryvita/cracker breads with low fat phillidelphia with fruit. Yoghurts, pre-prepared mango/pineapple from the shops, grapes - all of these can be eaten and are filling and you really don't have to worry about the calories! I also make sure that any amount of cleaning I do I add to my cardiovascular exercise, you will be amazed how much 20 mins cleaning will wipe off your calorie count!
  • And as with Lisa, I meal plan. As i am at home and my partner works, I only do one shop per week, so all the meals are written on a board in the kitchen - we both love our food and luckily I love cooking. I have managed to keep the food interesting but low fat and my partner loves it - he doesn't notice because it's tasty. If you have a good varied appetite for food, try Thai recipes, Chinese, homemade ofcourse, and for a treat homemade chips. Casseroles and hotpots are easy to make and have very few calories if you make them yourself. We eat a lot of fish, chicken etc and I use all styles of cooking to keep it fresh.

    Hope this helps!