Do You Ever Gain Weight When You Weigh In?



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I have realised that the scale will depress you so I don't use it as much and for me is not the best measuring tool. It is really about fat loss for me and the change in my body composition. Since late August when I signed up on here and according to my scale I have only lost 7lb and dropped a bit of body fat. However, I have dropped a dress size, become more toned and from what I have been told, look alot younger than my 44 years.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Consider skipping the weigh-in. What's the point? it won't be accurate.
  • benflando
    Let the mirror be your scale.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    More often than not, if you stayed within your calorie range and stayed consistent, any gain is probably related to water weight (too much sodium, period or waste retention). I *used* to let it get to me, use it as an excuse to eat more and then end up gaining actual weight.

    Don't let it get you down! Just keep being consistent!
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    My trick for this -
    I keep a Joker Pound.
    My "official" weight is 120lbs right now, but the scale actually reads 119.
    I won't check in as 119 until I reach 118.
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    Yes, I have fluctuations frequently. Sometimes I know about it ahead of time, because I ate late at night the day before or ate poorly or like today I knew I'd be up because of tom bloating, and sometimes I don't. Your body isn't in stasis and does not remain at one specific weight even if you work at it. Be prepared for some up and down movement as you continue along and embrace it as normal.

    ^^^^^^^ THIS!!! It is a journey!!! you will have some ups and downs, but continue on! Good Luck! :smile:
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    There are 3500 calories in a pound, so unless you are eating 3500 calories extra, you aren't gaining weight from your food intake. My weight fluctuates all the time and I have to remind myself of all the reasons why it is possible. Swollen muscles, water retention, too much sodium, need to poop, heavy clothes, wet hair, etc. This is why I only track my weight loss and I don't enter the upswings.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I think its very important that you weigh yourself at the same time each day, i.e. first thing in the morning after you void.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I weigh every day 3 times in the am and then take the highest one and log it in. It helps keep me on track.

    why do you weight every day, let alone 3 times? This sounds like disordered weighing (not judging, I struggle with it too) You should be weighing once a week, first thing in the morning. If you choose the same day and time every time, you will have an accurate prediction of your progress.
  • WendyFlynn
    WendyFlynn Posts: 139 Member
    I just wanted to pick up on what you said about stepping on the scale and seeing that your weight loss has disappeared......

    I have weighed in every Thursday morning for the last year and a bit and I STILL get nervous from about Tuesday that suddenly the scale will show a massive gain. Even after all of this time, it's ridiculous! So you are not alone there.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    All the time!!!!!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Gains will happen. Just believe in the process and keep on keepin' on.
  • kloco
    kloco Posts: 85 Member
    Its been a month and before weighing myself this morning i was 6 lbs down.
    Weighed myself this morning, and it says I gained a lb.

    I'm really trying not to stress about it and just use it as a motivator to kick my *kitten* at the gym harder.
  • bahhumbug2
    bahhumbug2 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you from the bottom of my too wide tush for everyone who's added their thoughts/experiences to this thread! I can't tell you how depressed I've been after working to lose only 4 lbs and then....GAIN IT RIGHT BACK. Which was then the rationalization/excuse I told myself when I angrily crammed my self with all the stuff I knew I shouldn't eat. So, (taking a deep breath here) I'm going to try and quit beating myself up for falling off the wagon and try to re-focus on the positives.
    A college friend, a long time ago told me she used to put tape over her mouth when she knew she couldn't eat anymore that day. Now, that's too extreme for me - but I do recognize that my bad eating habits are scarily similar to addictive behavior. For today, I'll try and repeat to myself.....You've eaten your calorie quota today, you can stop now. Instead of eating, you can......and fill in the blank with anything else that's positive and healthy.
  • suzafied
    suzafied Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks again everyone for all your messages... I was very nervous this morning as I went to step on the scale, but very happy to see I was down 1.8 lbs!!!
    But now I know that I will see my weight fluctuate through out this journey and to know its normal and not to give up. :)
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    Of course, I think everyone does at some point, even if you're doing everything right.

    Funnily enough since I started Insanity (absolutely loving it - doing it 3 times a week) the scale isn't going down. Not sure why.
  • missmadejavu
    missmadejavu Posts: 33 Member
    Frequently. Probably almost always water weight. Some days I'm magically 4lbs heavier. Next day I'll be back to normal. As long as the trend over time is downward you're good :)
    This guy right here is right, it could be water weight, it also can fluctuate from day to day, I've weighed myself in the early AM some days and then weighed myself multiple times that same day and it fluctuated throughout the day, based on what is in your stomach, if you need to go number 2 or if you drank a lot of water. Don't get down if you gained some since your last weigh in, my 1st week I lost 3.2lbs, then the 2nd week I gained back 1.2 lbs, I've only been at it for going on 3 weeks and I'm not too worried, if I am heavier than when I started next week then I will re-evaluate what I'm doing.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    Oh yeah, I go up and down all the time. It's almost always water, so don't sweat it (or do- hah.)
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Sure. It happens and that's life. Tomorrow we lace up and play again.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I had a gain this week which I attribute to my poor eating habits during TOM, and the small amounts of extra fat I consumed via cake this week as well (even though I was within my calorie limit).

    1.5lbs since last week isn't so bad. And I can certainly lose it again!