Sticking to 1200 cals, exercise and not seeing much change

I've been using myfitnesspal as a guideline for 3.5 weeks. Sticking to the 1200 cals, burning at least 300 in exercise daily 1/2 treadmill speed walk, 1/2 free weight and crunching, planks etc. Drinking lots of water, sleeping well...feeling great but seeing such small changes....measurement changes are minimal and lose about 2 pounds a week, then gain one, then lose one...etc...HALP!


  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Sometimes it just takes awhile, but its possible that your not eating enough too. You dont wan to eat to little because then your body will store your fat rather than burning it.
  • buttsniffer
    So how do you know what too little or too much is? Myfitnesspal say 1200....and I've been sticking to it...was seriously considering doing 1100....but should I try eating what I burn in calories?...sooo frustrating..... I do feel great though..just want to punch the scale :)
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member

    The Road Map (a/k/a my BFF) is what has helped me go from struggling over a few pounds back and forth to a nice spiral downward. : )
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member

    At the very least, read the link above. MFP sets almost everybody the calorie goal of 1200 cals and its not always the correct number.

    If you do not eat enough calories you body will hold onto everything it can as it is not sure when it will next get enough calories to undertake its basic functions, let alone the energy you are expecting from it when you exercise. If you give your body the right number of calories with a realistic deficit, once your body gets used to receiving this for a week or so, it will start to offload what it doesn't need instead of storing it.

    I also stalled when I first started and was eating 1200 calories. Thankfully I read and now follow the Road Map described in the above link and my weight loss started up again.

    Note though, that unless you have a very large amount of weight to lose, you will have far more success if you set yourself to lose 1 lb a week. This is not a race, but a lifestyle change. Realistic goal and timescale will result in more likelihood of keeping the weight off in the future.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    The Road Map (a/k/a my BFF) is what has helped me go from struggling over a few pounds back and forth to a nice spiral downward. : )
    Same here! I lost a bit, but was hungry, tired, and frustrated with the lack of progress. Using the info in that thread, I upped my calories to a much better level suited to my needs, and it is so, so much better. Use the tools in that thread to calculate your own numbers - 1200 may be way too low for you as well.
  • elizabeth1293
    If it helps at all, you definately shouldn't go below 1,200 calories a day. But my fitness pal swings way too low on the protien, consider that an active person should have 1-2 grams of protien per pound. There are some things you can definately got over on. Also consider taking a multivitamin because 1,200 calories is low chances are you're not getting all of the nutrient you need in a day, take half in the morning and half at night. If we aren't getting enough vitamins it can also trigger an adverse reaction in our bodies.
    Definately make sure you're getting enough B vitamins (like folic acid).
    Keep following your routine and results will follow!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    OK.. so first 1200 is low. how many lbs are you set to lose per week.

    if you are anything but 1lbs per week up it. If you are you should look into "bmr" . Google BMR calc and enter the info and change you mfp to reflect that at your daily goal. at the least.

    also at you 1200... are you eating back you cals?? if you only eat 1200... you should be eating back your workout cals?
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I call troll with a name like "buttsniffer" and a profile pic of a little blue man.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    What she said!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    You say that you have a total of about ten pounds left to go... These are the toughest pounds to lose. Don't focus so much on a scale number but on altering body composition and your overall health. Look to diminish your body fat percentage and getting blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate down making your body more efficient and adding years to your life. The number on the scale may not be the biggest issue. Weight also fluctuates. Sodium intake if high will cause water retention. There are other factors as well that can cause fluctuation such as inflammation due to injury or heavy workouts that have dammaged a lot of muscle tissue.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    First off, congrats on the hard work you put in to get to this very critical point. Now is the true test of your valor my friend. Best thing to start doing is not stressing over the last few lbs. Stress will cause your body to release a horomone that will effect your many mental and physical aspects to include weight loss. Best advice i would give to you is to actually get close to your calorie intake in which MFP has adviced for you i would say about 1000 but make sure you workout and burn at least 500 to 1000 calories. The thing is at this point the body is looking for something to burn for energy and if it has nothing then it will start "surviving." So give it the nutrients it needs but then force it to use those very nutrients so you can keep on dropping. Hope this information helps and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    ....actually get close to your calorie intake in which MFP has adviced for you i would say about 1000 but make sure you workout and burn at least 500 to 1000 calories...

    NO. NOT a good idea. Basic physiology dictates we need a certain number of calories to breathe and pee, known as your BMR. Your TDEE is what you actually burn in a day including activities. Find your TDEE and BMR, and do some math. TDEE-BMR, then add half the difference to your BMR. That is a healthy caloric goal.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    You might need more calories and PROTEIN< PROTEIN< PROTEIN!!! It sounds crazy but it's true! You may need to eat 1500 calories a day. Drink protein smoothees! I've been where you are!!! But I've lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks...I have 85 to go, but I'll make it at this pace! If you want info on the shakes I use
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    Also, it's a good idea to ignore the suggestions of people who conveniently recommend to you the product they are selling.
  • puddinsmom
    puddinsmom Posts: 19 Member
    MFP tells me to eat 1280 but I lose faster and more consistently on 1500. Plus I tend to binge going as low as 1280.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    Find out the real numbers for your BMR/TDEE And work with them. Perhaps aiming for a high weight loss isn't a reasonable goal for your body type. Are you "eating back" your workout calories? Remember, MFP asks you how busy you are and figures that into your net intake, so if you say youre going to be sedentary make sure you eat the workout calories you burn or youre doing yourself mroe long term harm than good.

    MFP wanted me eating close to 1300 and I laughed and was like, noway Josie. and found a better online BMR/TDEE calc and am actually eating. Why give up food, imo - I better be in a coma if Im getting less than 1300. Good luck to you.

    ETA: Also keep in mind that it didn't take you 3 weeks to put on the extra weight (did it?!) it is going to take longer than 3 weeks to lose it. Keep track of your body measurements too - some days you may not see the scale move, but you MAY see the waist or hip numbers shrinking.
  • Vanilla30
    I had and on some days still have this problem. My best days are when I have more protein and veggies. Just keep at it, our body’s are all different and I've also found out that 1200 works for some and 1500 for others, trial and error to find out what WILL work for you. Keep your head up and take it one day at a time...