Need to lose weight fast!

I know, I know. It took time to put on the weight, and it will take time to get it off. But I'm going to my home town, Phoenix, in April and I really would like to lose 20 pounds by then without doing it the unhealthy way. Any suggestions?!


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    16/8 worked for me!! Lost 10 pounds per month in Nov/Dec/Jan. 30lbs in total in 3 months!!
  • AmandaCherise
    AmandaCherise Posts: 31 Member
    What is 16/8?!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Judging by your profile picture you are already relatively small.

    I don't think you will be able to lose 20lbs before April in a healthy way. Fast weight loss is not a good thing... you will lose muscle with that.

    Just do what you can and go from there.... The smaller you are as well the harder it is to take off.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    What is 16/8?!

    It is a form of fasting. You only eat during certain times of the day. It works for some, it doesn't work for others.

    The previous poster had great results on the program.. but you will not have the same results (first off, he's a male so he will lose quicker than females), and that program isn't for everyone.

    It ultimately comes down to calories in vs calories out.
  • kteej
    kteej Posts: 46 Member
    Is 16/8 when you eat only in an 8 hour period every day - not eating in the other 16 hours of the day?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Is 16/8 when you eat only in an 8 hour period every day - not eating in the other 16 hours of the day?

    Yes... there are other forms of it as well. No magic to it... it is just a way some people prefer to eat.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Try out a fitness program like the 30 Day Shred, I've seen a lot of success stories from that. You could also do Couch 2 5k in conjunction. Eat clean and hope for the best.
  • Hi you can try Raw Vegan Power !!!
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member

    At your own risk though...Search for Lyle McDonald PSMF for further details.
  • AmandaCherise
    AmandaCherise Posts: 31 Member
    lol Yeah that picture was from when I was smaller. I posted it because it's perfect motivation for me. Thank you for the advice!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Judging by your profile picture you are already relatively small.

    I don't think you will be able to lose 20lbs before April in a healthy way. Fast weight loss is not a good thing... you will lose muscle with that.

    Just do what you can and go from there.... The smaller you are as well the harder it is to take off.


    If you are not a regular exerciser already ..... the best thing you can do to lose inches .... is start strength training.

    Lose inches ..... the number on the scale is just that ... a number.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I know, I know. It took time to put on the weight, and it will take time to get it off. But I'm going to my home town, Phoenix, in April and I really would like to lose 20 pounds by then without doing it the unhealthy way. Any suggestions?!

    One to two Lbs per week is considered healthy weight loss...the slower it is, the safer and healthier it is. Optimally, with only 20 Lbs to lose you should be doing 1 Lb per week and then dialing that back down to .5 Lbs per week once you're within 10 Lbs of goal weight.

    Losing weight rapidly is unhealthy, period. There is NO way to lose weight quickly and healthy/safe at the same time. Plus, when you lose weight rapidly, you burn a lot more lean body mass and less fat in the you get to your goal weight and then you're just skinny fat with no muscle or tone.
  • xfit3
    xfit3 Posts: 3
    You could try something like this: You don't need any supplements or to buy anything just make sure you are eating healthy and fueling your body properly especially pre/post workout to ensure your not catabolizing the muscle you are trying to build. Read up on why post workout nutrition (it's important to have protein/carb available to your muscles after you have depleted glycogen/and are fueling muscle growth) is important and then consider who long it takes to digest those nutrients. Also you need to make sure any pre/post workout nutrition (supplements if you choose to use them) is included in your total daily diet. You need to ensure macro nutrient goals (I go with 40% carb, 30% healthy fats, 30% protein for ratio of caloreis in your total caloric intatke) are met while not exceeding your daily calorie deficit goal.

    When you lift I recommend free weights and make sure you are lifting heavy enough to make the reps effective (ie. if you are lifting for twenty reps you shouldn't be able to lift 30 reps with the weight you selected-you should be able to lift 20. It doesn't need to be exact but it should be close. In general 1-6 reps/set for strength, 6-12 for bulking 12-20 for conditioning/cutting). Just make sure you warm up your joints/muscles properly and use correct form. No sense in injuing yourself trying to get in shape. If you really want to get in shape consider the Starting Strength Program (I like Mark's attention to detail although it may be a little hard to read without some background) or 5x5.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Need to lose weight fast!

    is pretty much like
    Need to make money quick! that it tends to lead to people making poor choices

    Find a smart routine, with a healthy rate of weight loss (usually around 1 pound a week, but as you get smaller it's going to be even less than that). You've got a lot of recommendations on how to start that here

    I'll say one thing, I GUARANTEE that if you miraculously lose all that weight in that short period of time, you will gain it back later. AND you still won't like how you look, because losing weight quickly also involves losing muscle, and you still won't look fit at the lower weight. Please do something smart and long term instead of something foolish and short-term :)
  • AmandaCherise
    AmandaCherise Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks! I think that's what I needed to hear.