P90X and other Training Together



  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I disagree on Insanity. You're already doing cardio with running, I don't see why you'd add more. I'd do the strength routines from P90X but skip plyo & kenpo.

    During the summer I log long miles on off days, and 3-4 miles on days I do p90x.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    all depends on what your goals are

    if all you want to do is be better runner, i'd say do insanity. because i don't know how all of the pull ups in p90x are going to help you run faster/better, but i'm not a distance runner so what do i know.

    if overall fitness is what you want do p90x.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I think it depends on what your goal is. Are you trying to PR a race, or just finish it? If you just want to finish it, do p90x and whatever else you want and don't put time pressure on yourself for the race. If you have a goal race and a PR in mind, then that should be your focus. Also, the best training schedules, from what I've read, are the ones that rotate hard/easy days. Speed work and long run days would be your hard days, and would also be the same days you'd want to do the hard p90x days, so that you can keep the easy days easy (easy run, maybe some yoga, and rest days). In order to get the most from training, you wouldn't want to do a hard p90x day on Tuesday, and then speed work on Wednesday, you shouldn't have two hard days back to back. Recovery time is as important as the hard training time if you're trying to reach peak results.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I did some homework to understand P90X and Insanity a little more. Since I really need to increase my overall fitness level to help prevent from my usual injuries during each year, it looks like P90X is definitely the way to go right now. Insanity appears to be very beneficial for when I start focusing more on increasing my speed with running, as HIIT seems to have a helpful effect on burst training...I just can't seem to find out how that translates to higher mileage intervals. Either way, I think P90X is my focus now, then after I have completed that, I'll look into Insanity.

    I actually just did some calorie burn estimates and my new fear is how I am going to consume enough calories that are also nutritionally dense.

    I found my calorie burns from 2 years ago when I was doing Crossfit, and I was burning about 300 calories per 30 minutes. P90X says around 600 calories per 60 minute session (800 for yoga!!). Couple that with 30-45 minute cardio (bike/swim/run) sessions 1 each per week and 3 long of each per week....I am looking at close to 1k + burn per day on at least 3-4 days per week...that's a lot of calories.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    aswearingen, I am not PR training. Definitely just doing completion still. I am still working on how to avoid back-to-back hard days. I can't seem to find that yet, as I need to technically do my long bike on Saturday/Sunday and my long run on day I don't do my long bike. I can do my long swim during a hard P90X day...just the other 2 I am struggling with. I think I should be okay in regards to easy days though. I just hope my fitness level is where I think it is...otherwise...I will be modifying P90X so I have more rest time.
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I do not run any real distance; but I would run about 3 miles on the 3 lifting days during P90X Classic. (Mon, Wed, and Friday) I'd do P90X before breakfast and the running after work, before dinner.
  • jodykovy
    You can do the two together I would replace the plyo and kenpo x with running. The yoga X will be great for you. Please take at least one day a week to recover. I think the lifting in P90x would be a great tool to help you train!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i guess i'm still not sure what you really want out of your training lol. but yeah,if you don't plan on losing weight your going to have to eat a lot more.

    don't expect to gain much muscle with all those calories burnt on cardio, not that p90x is really a big muscle size builder.

    idk, theres probably a canned workout program out there that will be better then p90x or insanity as far as improving your distance running time if thats perferred.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    i guess i'm still not sure what you really want out of your training lol. but yeah,if you don't plan on losing weight your going to have to eat a lot more.

    don't expect to gain much muscle with all those calories burnt on cardio, not that p90x is really a big muscle size builder.

    idk, theres probably a canned workout program out there that will be better then p90x or insanity as far as improving your distance running time if thats perferred.

    Here are my goals:

    1. Injury free for 2013: my legs were too weak to support impact and I was severely lacking flexibility, and got hurt really bad last year

    2. I just want to complete my events: 1 Mini Triathlon, 1 Olympic Triathlon, 3 Half Marathons, 3 5ks, and 2 5 milers.

    3. I want to get enough conditioning to start training for marathons next year

    4. I need to drastically increase my overall fitness...full body...need it all for triathlons

    5. Speed...don't care at all...this piece is so far out of my thoughts....COMPLETION is the key AND INJURY FREE

    6. Get down to 160 lbs or so; need to make sure I am still eating enough and the right things so I can prevent losing muscle

    7. I don't want to have big muscles...just some definition. I want to be a lean, mean, cardio machine