An interesting thought on society and food/drink...

Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
Saw this today...

"I've just seen an interesting image shown by someone (showing obesity levels around the world).

It begged an interesting question and certainly looks at how certain things in society are taboo and almost shrouded with some kind of mystery. This often creates huge speculation and doubt amongst people based upon what 'someone' told them.

Just recently a supplement was brought to the publics attention as it was stated as having a possible part to play in the death of someone. DMAA, has been shown to have some adverse effects and this isn't about if or not it should have been banned. This is about the fact it had a 'possible part' to play in someones death, there was no evidence of consumption, only a speculation. This made national news and several TV shows and a HUGE amount of publicity.

About 100,000 people in the UK die each year due to smoking.

There were a reported 8,748 alcohol related deaths in 2011, this level rising consistently every year.

Between 2008/9 75,000 deaths occurred in people with diabetes.

There are a reported 400,000 deaths each year in the EU directly linked to obesity.

Am I just being stupid here or is something wrong with those statistics and what society sees as 'ok' and what isn't?

It is socially acceptable to eat a big mac in public but pull out a tub of tupperware with anything but a sandwich in it you're seen as weird.

It's perfectly ok to give a small child refined sugar (taken from fruit or whatever) mix it in water and give it to drink. To take filtered whey, mix it in water and give it to a child it would be tantamount to child abuse in the eyes of most. (Baby formula has whey as one of it's largest ingredients).....Parents...75,000 deaths occurred in people with diabetes in 2008/9 these figures are estimated a lot larger now.

Society deems.....

Pinching someones fat and saying wow thats big - Unacceptable

Squeezing someones bicep and saying thats big - Acceptable

Telling someone that has build an impressive physique they've gone too far in person or via social networking - Acceptable

Telling someone who eats junk, doesn't exercise and has got fat they've gone too far in person or via social networking - Unacceptable.

Protein drink - Unacceptable

Eating Clean - Unacceptable

Carbonated sugar and water - Acceptable

Alcohol - Acceptable

Smoking - Acceptable

I understand fully that this is to do with money ultimately and again this isn't a 'no one should have a life' kind of post. It's just an interesting topic I think and a great reflection on what a mess we're in as a society."


  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Your thoughts and ideas are big and scary. If I listen to you I will end up having to do actual work and make a conscience effort to make healthy decisions every day. I may even have to start getting up earlier and start planning out my meals and workouts ahead of time. I bet you speak with some sort of accent to boot. It is probably best if I just put my fingers in my ears and sing.
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    I dont smoke and drink im glad
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    It's a plan to kill off society. Population control.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    On a serious note it really is quite telling. I think we have a tendency to take the path of least resistance. We know that it is harder to exercise and eat right. So we don't and we know that is the wrong choice but we don't want to change. So we extoll the habits that lead to obesity and we mock the habits of the healthy. Our comedians make us laugh as they talk about how we keep putting off our workout days and eat unhealthy food. The physically fit are portrayed as narcissists.

    I think the best thing that we can do is extoll the habits that lead to being fit as best we can within our own personal communities in a healthy and positive way.
  • ChelseaM18
    I agree, I feel paranoid taking out my pre-made meals in front of other people or by ordering a healthier option at a typically 'bad' food place or even ordering salad as a side instead of fries etc. You do get judged if you make a conscious effort to be healthier and it's frowned upon and seen as snobbery/vanity to eat a particular way when your company eats in another. There's many double standards when it comes to this issue, but I also think it works both ways. An obese or overweight person is judged if they eat a chocolate bar and judged if they eat a salad.
    Bottom line, people negatively judge other's eating habits in every walk of life. If it's different to their own, it's the wrong way. I din;t see it ever changing.
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    People are so silly !!! Does my head in