My first time!

So, this is my first time trying my fitness pal. I love it so far! today is my 3rd day and I'm doing great so far. Usually I would have given up 2 days ago. lol but I really think that this will help me. I'm on a 1300 cal/day diet and this has helped so much! It's showing me and reminding me what I put into my body and helps me keep track of my exercise too! I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds. I've got 5 down and 45 to go!


  • tjones122288
    That is great. I am so happy for you. I need to lose 50 pounds as well. Sometimes I get discouraged but I remember to think positive and have faith. Good job!
  • erinclifton823
    Hi Rhiannon_Patt,

    Good for you for showing up for day 3. This is my first time as well on MFP. It takes about 20 days for something to become routine! When you are required to record your food, it really makes you realize what you are putting in your mouth. Way to go on 5 pounds, every pound counts!


  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Hi I am new to this too! It seems this is a good way to get support from loads of people who are in the same boat as you. Hopefully we will all get to know each other a bit as we all lose weight together. Well done on 5lbs that's great!