To much in to lil time

I need to drastically change my body by the end of June for a cruise I'm going on.

Diet wise I'm just eating 1200 calories a day

Workout wise I'm just talking about needing to do it! :(

What's the best routine for me to get MAX results by the end of June?


  • rachellem3
    rachellem3 Posts: 24 Member
    I would try the Jilliam Michaels 30 day shred. it'sonly 30 minutes, but you get a good workout.
  • eperex
    eperex Posts: 86
    Well i'm doing Insanity. its intense but its making me feel stronger every day. The kinds of food will ultimately determine the amount of weight lost. its important to change to healthy foods in order for results to show :). Now i'm not saying eat all healthy (which in theory will speed up the process) but im going by the 90 10 rule. 90% healthy foods and 10% not so healthy. so at least i get to enjoy what i like without going overboard :)... Hope i helped also Calculate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. to see the amount of calories your body needs to stay healthy
    after determining your TDEE you subtract 500 calories if your goal is to lose weight. as the weeks go by and your weight changes make sure to recalculate your TDEE