
spikess Posts: 113 Member
does anyone else feel like they aren't any smaller!? i've lost 52lbs, 37 of those on mfp. but i really don't see a difference, least not appearance wise, except a little in the face. i notice it fitness wise, and my husband can now pick me up without fear of a hernia. unfortunately he can also beat me in toy fights now too!

anyone else like this!? does it just take time for yourself to see the changes that others already see?

this might be the wrong topic area, but i'm feeling a bit glum!


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    yes I feel that way and I've lost a huge amount (think male adult) and I don't feel much smaller most times, sometimes I realize it.

    Looking in the mirror I have to stand there and stare for quite along time for the new me to appear and I don't always have that much time to wait for her to show up.

    She probably doesn't take up as much room in the doorway or the car but I always make extra room when in a store aisle just in case. She doesn't need a big ole' cart at the grocery store but a basket instead but I take one just in case. She'd look far better in less baggy clothes but feels fat most of time and worried things won't fit her so I try and make things work so we can leave the house each day.

    Yup, don't know when the day comes when we feel like the smaller healthy person but I figure it's all part of the journey I'm on, all part of the self discovery and awareness. Figuring out at the begining before joining MFP that I was larger than I thought enough so that I needed to do something about it. Getting fit, dropping the weight, getting into a routine of eating healthy and working out. Then along the way trying to understand my size is far different than it used to be and now the changes need to occur in my head most of all.

    Not much help was I?:ohwell: I think we each have to figure this part out on our own, but I think what you're feeling isn't unusual at all.

    The more one loses, the more life chaning it is.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I'm not sure how long it has taken you to lose your weight, but it has taken me 14 months to lose 150 pounds. My mind has DEFINITELY NOT caught up with the physical changes yet. I do see myself as thinner than I was but I still see myself as needing to lose 20~30 more pounds. And when my Husband tells me that I am thinner than someone I am shocked because I still feel larger than most people.
    It is getting better. You just have to wait and let your mind catch up. Focus on the improved fitness, and the other changes that you CAN see.
  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    I lost 52lbs 3 years ago (now all back on - that's why I am here!) and I don't think I EVER felt smaller! I mean, I know I looked it and dress sizes proved it but I guess it was a psychological rather than a physical thing. I had always felt big and my brain was so used to feeling that way.

    I am hoping it won't be the same this time.....
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    I did not have much to loose but the way I can tell is by the size cloths I now wear.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks everyone, i'm not sure why.. but it's comforting to know that this feeling is normal. i started trying to lose weight in december, and i think a lot of it has come off quite quickly. So i think i might just give my brain some time to catch up lol.

    Think i'm just a bit self conscious about it since i have a lot of people commenting on it, which i love but at the same time it's a really that massive before? then it's.. but i've still got 4 stone to go... am i still massive, just not as massive!?

    maybe i should just stop thinking! lol
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I know what you mean. Thats why when people ask me advice about wieght loss i always tell them that they have to love themselves at whatever size they are and to start working on that now. Because you will always have imperfections and places you wish were smaller or bigger or flatter or less wrinkled.

    I still look down and "see" myself as fat at times. I still question if I should loose about 10 more pounds even though I'm at 15.2% body fat. I think I will always have days like that, but they have gotten less freq. than when I first obtained my goal. I'm getting more used to the new me which helps too.

    I also think sometimes its because I am a woman and the whole hormonal thing. =) TOM and bloating doesnt help

    Good luck and congrads on your wt loss!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Thanks everyone, i'm not sure why.. but it's comforting to know that this feeling is normal. i started trying to lose weight in december, and i think a lot of it has come off quite quickly. So i think i might just give my brain some time to catch up lol.

    Think i'm just a bit self conscious about it since i have a lot of people commenting on it, which i love but at the same time it's a really that massive before? then it's.. but i've still got 4 stone to go... am i still massive, just not as massive!?

    maybe i should just stop thinking! lol
    :laugh: :laugh: I'm the very same way, I think and I think and then I think myself right into a circle! lol I'm analytical and seem to need to find out the whys and hows of everything and sometimes things simply are. lol

    I think you made a very good point, our minds simply need to catch up with our bodies when the weigh drops off fast.

    tiffanyweber also makes some excellent points that learning to love ourselves no matter if we feel loveable that day or not is most important of all. It doesn't even have to be weight related. Seems like woman are more this way.

    Hey like you said, you're not alone in this, and that's always a good thing!!:heart:
  • Michelle69
    Michelle69 Posts: 3
    I totally hear you I have only lost 65 pounds since last June. I still see my self as fatter then most peole I know. I dont even notice it by my dress size.

    I always thought I would feel great once I reached 150 now I still feel like I have along ways to go. I am really getting fustrated because its not coming off as easy now and I just want to be happy with my body.

    On the other note I agree when people come up to me and say wow your so much smaller I think okay so is that suppose to be nice or are you just saying wow you were so fat now your almost normal.

    I just wish I could really see me for what I really am fat or skinny. Doesnt it seem wierd to think I was over wieght but did I even see then how big I was.

    Now it seems worse I worry about being fat all the time and I cant be happy with what I have lost. I just seem to keep seeing the fat on my stomach. When will we feel normal.

    Wow I am a head case lol
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i hope you're not a head case, or that means i'm one too :D

    thanks again everyone, it really did cheer me up, and i'm feeling much better today!!