Need to drop 50lbs and dealing w PCOS

Hi! I am 39, so 'almost' to 40, and I have been battling with PCOS and early onset menopause since I was 33. I gained a lot of weight when my hormones whacked out and the cysts showed up. I'm still having very irregular periods - it'll be normal for a short while, then blam - gone again for months - and when I quit menstruating is when I usually find cysts.

I am trying to lose the 50lbs I have gained before I turn 40 because I can't imagine living the rest of my life overweight. Doctors say when I get the weight off the PCOS will be better. But the PCOS came first and put the weight on. So it's a catch 22. Unfortunately, I didn't know at the time what the heck was going on and my diet/activity hadn't changed when I suddenly gained all that weight (it happened very fast) so it was very confusing for me then.

Now that I know what's up, and I know I can not be healthy eating certain things with this condition, etc. I can change my lifestyle and deal with it. I am doing Medifast (5 and 1) to get the weight off initially because I'm stuck in a plateau no matter what I do otherwise. I made a lot of lifestyle changes already and nothing worked. I don't eat dairy, haven't for years now, I cook at home with fresh vegetables and I don't eat any red meat at all anymore. I cook low fat most of the time (except for special occassions) and I don't drink caffeine as of last August (something important for PCOS). I am working out at the gym 5 days a week, burning 400-600 calories a workout so I add an extra lean/green on those days. The very small amounts of food often will work for me but it's hard to prepare that many meals and you can't stop and eat out anywhere when working so that's why Medifast works for my situation. I am hoping that tracking/logging everything will help me out a lot when it comes time for maintenance. I don't want to put a single pound back on again when I finally reach my goal!!! NO F-ing way!

If anyone else out there is going through weight issues related to PCOS give me a hollar... maybe we can help eachother deal with this and get healthy again. :)


  • Hello, I also have PCOS. I think I have had it forever. I just turned 42 on Sunday. I did WW in 2011 and did very well on it but I have lost my job and am doing temp work for a stressful office. I can't get motivated to do WW, I lost 46 lbs but put 26 of them back on. I am going to give this a try.
    Best of luck! Add me as a friend!:smile:
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    Hi! I am 36 and have PCOS. I was diagnosed when I was 24 and my husband I and I were trying to have a baby. I never really had a monthly cycle. I've always been heavy, even considered obese when I was in kindergarten, so I never really noticed any weight changes. My mother sent me to WW at age 10, but I was a kid and didn't care at that young age because my mother kept by junk food or taking us out for fast food. That was my reality as a kid. As a young adult I tried starving myself, going back to WW, working out at the gym several hours a day, swimming and nothing helped me lose weight. I did try low carb a few years ago after having my oldest daughter, but had to incorporate carbs back in due to migraines and lack of energy. I'm still trying to figure this all out.

    I know I need to cut back on my carbs and up my protein, but I get so sidetracked when I do food shopping. I pick out fruits and veggies, but then they always seem to be the high carb ones. I do eat nonfat greek yogurt and cheese, but do not drink milk. I have switched to unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I really started tracking again the beginning of December 2012 and have lost 6.6lbs. I thought I would have lost double that weight, but I'm happy that I didn't gain it instead. I keep losing and gaining the same pound over the past week and a half. I do take 1000 mg of Metformin twice a day and Ocella birth control. I aslo have hypothyroid, so I take Synthroid for that.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. Maybe we can all support each other through this battle.
  • i need to drop 60 pounds and im only 19 5,4 weighing 189 , jeez i hate the fact i feel like im never going to accomplish this. i love children me and boyfriend have been together for 4 years and we want a baby so bad &* i feel like because of me we wont </3 i hate this. weve being trying for over 1 year
  • i need to drop 60 pounds and im only 19 5,4 weighing 189 , jeez i hate the fact i feel like im never going to accomplish this. i love children me and boyfriend have been together for 4 years and we want a baby so bad &* i feel like because of me we wont </3 i hate this. weve being trying for over 1 year