PCOS on low carb diet?

I am not sure how many of you will believe me or not but exercise and restricting calories have never worked for me. I'd give up on the exercise after trying for a few months and not losing a single pound. I recently learned that low carb diets are good to help with PCOS associated weight gain. I tried cutting out breads, potatoes and most of my favourite foods so believe me it was hard. I feel that I eat more than I used to. But I've managed to lose 8lbs since January 14th. I feel this is the only diet that has worked for me!


  • motivatedshi
    motivatedshi Posts: 75 Member
    You are completely right, I was in the same boat as you. I tried excersising everyday, I tried restricting calories, but once I started doing low carb and sticking with that, I have lost 25 pounds in two months with close to no excersize... I guess our bodies just really dont process carbs well.... I also dont eat any carrots, and bananas which seem to trigger sugar cravings for me... but I have never felt better ever since starting this diet! Keep it up, you will see great results!
  • JustRish
    Wow thanks for your reply!! I needed some encouragement and hope. I am glad there are people out there who understand. 25 pounds in two months is a great achievement. I only seem to be losing 2 pounds per week at the moment but at least I am losing SOMETHING!
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    At one point in my life, I weighed 275 pounds- found out I had PCO. Got put on Metformin, started a low carb diet, and lost 130 pounds. There are low-carb forums and groups on MFP- you should check them out :)
  • JustRish
    sbbhbm, I tried Metformin however it made me so sick to my stomach I had to give it up. I am trying to reduce my weight through my diet. I am so glad I found something that works.
  • motivatedshi
    motivatedshi Posts: 75 Member
    In my opinion Low Carb is THE ONLY way to go with PCOS.... and 2 pounds a week is great! Thats a healthy rate to loose weight , thats an ideal amount of weight to loose in one week.
  • AlohaKeAkua
    I agree with all of this! Just to add it it: Watch sugar intake as well. I have PCOS and was told that it throws our bodies off even more when we have a blood sugar spike. The insilin in our bodies works different! I've read that fruit has too much sugar for us to handle, but I figure that you can't trust everything you read on the internet. God made fruit, so I'll eat it! I switch to only eating brown carbs now. I don't load up on bread. If I have any, it's 1/2 a sandwhich. Since I've been eating brown carbs, working out and watching calories and sugar (gosh, it sounds so much harder than it is!) I've been losing weight at a feel good rate! I'm SO proud of my success in just a few weeks! It's worth taking that extra look at the ingredients and lable! PCOS: low amounts of good carbs (brown grains/wheat) and low sugar (only found in natural items like fruits and veggies) has made all the difference!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am not sure how many of you will believe me or not but exercise and restricting calories have never worked for me. I'd give up on the exercise after trying for a few months and not losing a single pound. I recently learned that low carb diets are good to help with PCOS associated weight gain. I tried cutting out breads, potatoes and most of my favourite foods so believe me it was hard. I feel that I eat more than I used to. But I've managed to lose 8lbs since January 14th. I feel this is the only diet that has worked for me!

    I am in the same boat as you..........

    I will actually maintain my weight unless I eat high fat, moderate protein, lower to moderate carb intake.

    I live off meat, eggs, vegetables and some fruit thrown in.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    PCOS is one of those metabolic syndromes ..where you have to do different things. I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance, and Hypothyroid...I am on medications to help..but I do try to keep my carbs down..not so much now...but in the beginning it did help. You have to play with your diet and see what works...even the type of exercise you do...can play a part...

    Good luck to you
  • JustRish
    motivatedshi, thanks for the support :)

    LindsayGMarti, it is hard but I am so happy that it's working for you. I stopped eating bananas but I do eat other fruits but in small portions. It hasn't stopped me from losing weight.

    PaleoPath4Lyf I was a bit reluctant to do this diet as a vegetarian because I am pretty much limited on what foods I can and cannot eat :( I probably should eat eggs more.

    Hi mgmlap, although my doctor hasn't said anything I'm pretty sure I am insulin resistant as well due to the difficulty in losing weight. Not sure how much I'll be able to lose but any weight loss is good weight loss at the moment.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You can still exercise on a low carb diet!

    I consider my diet high protein, more than low carb. I average about one fruit and two grains a day, but only whole grains.
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi. I've lost weight with low carbing. Its the only thing thats worked for me and that is sustainable for me. And you can totally work out on it. I'm now addicted to Jillian Michaels and trust me, this is coming from a woman that would rather gouge out my eyeballs than working out.

    Congtats on your weight loss
  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    This is really encouraging! I was diagnosed with PCOS over two years ago, but all the doctor told me was to watch my sugar intake, which at the time I assumed he meant table sugars, and the stuff you find in sweets and soda. I never considered that he meant all sugars, or in essence, carbs. I had found a little bit of information online about low carb diets for PCOS, but at the time there didn't seem to be a lot of consensus about it. Seeing all of you lovely ladies having such great success is really motivational, and I definitely think I am going to put more effort in to keeping my carbs low from here on out (which might be difficult, since I love breads, pastas, sweets, etc).
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    PCOS and low carbing too! Feel free to add me as a friend. Due to the insulin resistance going low carb is the only thing that has worked for me.
  • nuevonabieu
    At one point in my life, I weighed 275 pounds- found out I had PCO. Got put on Metformin, started a low carb diet, and lost 130 pounds. There are low-carb forums and groups on MFP- you should check them out :)

    You took a word out of my mouth...METFORMIN. My doctor prescribed me that medicine after a surgery for my facial hair. I noticed that I had lost 10 lbs in december with little to no effort. I'm one who's pays very close attention to my body and what's going on. I research metformin and realized that it helps the body break down sugar. All the years I had been trying to lose weight with PCOS resulted in nothing. I'm down 15 lbs since December. I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to take Metformin (on my last pills and prescription), but it did help me in other ways....BTW; I still have the facial hair, but less lbs :happy:
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    me too....
  • Tina0926
    Hi ladies!

    I feel like I want to go through and be all your friends on this site because you understand my struggles!!! At the end of November I went for a full physical and I weighted 266lbs!!! I was shocked!! I put on a ton a weight and felt very angry with myself and body. I talked to the doctor about my acne, unwanted hair, no period, and weight gain. She said I may have PCOS and really? So, I made an appointment with my OBGYN because my hormones were all whacked out and she said she wanted me to talk to a fertility doctor and that she thinks I may have PCOS...I was oh shoot! That's doctor number two...then I went to the fertility doctor and she said I think you have PCOS and it really sank in. I did a lot of research and it talked a lot about losing weight and how it will help. Since, really the beginning of december I've lost 25lbs and now I'm stuck. Been at the same weight for 3 weeks, up a little and down...but can't get into the 230's! This month, the fertility doctor is putting me through various tests and really at the end of the day I hope she gives me some sort of med. I go to the gym 6 days a week and track every bite in the MFP and feel as though I should have more results. I know it is the CARBS!! The problem is that I really enjoy eating fruit! My question to you ladies is...what fruits should I eat? I love them all! How many carbs are you all consuming each day? I try to keep it under 100, but maybe I need to lower that more...also...like Atkins low carb, protein shakes, and south beach stuff is all processed but low carb...what do you do with those types foods? SOmetimes they are good cause they are quick...I'm beyond frustrated with the carb situation and PCOS...it's stressful and that doesn't help. Thanks for posting this discussion!!!
  • JustRish
    I was put on Metformin also but it made me feel sick to my stomach. I should have tried the slow release. I read somewhere that you should cheat once in a while to trick your body into losing weight. I consume up to 100carbs per day. But I don't count them anymore, I just eat less than I used to, cutting out breads and wheat products mostly.
  • lambchoplewis
    I agree with low carb and low fat. I am now at goal weight and continue to eat low carb. I do not each much fruit as it has a lot of calories and sugar. Also, it is interesting to look at carbs in certain veggies and pick the low carb veggies. Just skip the bread, pasta, potatoes and you will feel great and lose weight!!
  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    I feel like I know you all so personally. I too have PCOS and the only thing that works for me is low carbing it! Please feel free to add me...I would love to have supporters and be a supporter to other ladies who know exactly what I am going through.
  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    Anyone else feel free to add me, I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 and it has been a constant struggle since. I never saw a specialist or anything but through doing a ton of research and reading past boards on pcos, I've decided to give low carb dieting a try. I've been doing it for about a week and almost 3 pounds down! (Before that i'd been losing a pound a week) I really hope this is the key, I'm giving up all my favorite food :( bread, potatoes, corn, tortillas, hoping it will be worth it in the end!