Watching "Addicted to Food" on Discovery Health

...and I gotta say...

I feel SO SORRY for those people. The guy on is 700lbs and completely overwhelmed.

It puts things in perspective, ya know. While we're doing 30 day shreds and p90x and running and hiking and walking and elliptical...etc etc..

The most this guy can do for exercise is to lay on his back and throw a ball in the air over and over again....trapped in that body....

Some of us may be overweight...and have what feels like an obscene amount of weight to lose....but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what this guy has to do...

Love yourself...even on your grossest, fattest feeling day. Look at yourself and be thankful that you only have 10, 20, 50, or 100 lbs to lose.

He has 500 to lose...



  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    Ya I saw that too! Very sad indeed.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I watched that today, too, and it helped to motivate me to stop watching TV and go out for a run, even tho' I really didn't want to. I think I'm addicted to food too, and even though I'm not to that point, it's still a struggle all the time! I am counting my blessings that I'm still able to go out and pound the pavement for 3 miles, and I'm hopeful that soon it won't be the torturous experience it is right now... :)