more calorie intake questions for reaching my goals

Just when I thought I was doing good I started questioning myself again.
I know I eat healthy foods, my main problem is figuring out how many calories im supposed to take in.

I am doing the 30DS & Ripped in 30.
Taking Saturdays off. Also adding : p90x plyo, p90x shoulder&arm, Jillian Michaels extreme shred & killer abs into the equation. So in all 3 workouts a day. (No gym access)

I want to drop lbs, inches, & tone.

When im not doing my workouts, I am on my butt. I am 5'7, 18, & 155lbs (thought I was lower )
According to mfp im supposed to eat 1200 calories a day. I have had it set to 1350 net calories &eating back exercise calories.
Too low? I feel like its a yeah. I was going to bump it to 1759+ exercise calories.

Knowing all of this can I get a # of what you guys think


  • jgrode1984
    According to my calculations, your bmr is approx 1560. This is the minimum cals you should seem rather active, so according to Harris-Benedict formula multiply your bmr by 1.55 to get 2418. That is how many cals you should eat to maintain your current 7 days a week your maintenance cals come to approx 17000 per week. To lose 1 lb/ wk deduct 3500 from that which gives you 13426. Divided by 7 is 1918 per day. I would say consume around 1700-1800 a day, and a smidgen more on heavy workout days to keep your body balanced and healthy...