No more Diet Coke!

Has anyone cut out diet soft drinks and now experiencing good results? I was always a Diet Coke junkie (2 Big Gulps a day!) I rationalized that it was better than sugary drinks, it had no calories and it satisfied my sugar urge. But about four months ago I stopped drinking it (after reading an article about everything in it and how bad it is for you in various ways). Now, I really seem to have gotten over my sugar urges! I don't crave it, and I don't go crazy seeking out candy or sweets. I'm also finally losing weight at a steady basis instead of up and down.

Anyone else experience this?


  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I cut out soda 3 years ago. I was drinking well over a 12 pack every day at my worst. I've had two diet cokes since then and both times I got horrible headaches. It wasn't the caffeine or the artificial sweetener since I still have those in moderation. It must be one of the other chemicals in there. All of that stuff in them cant be good for me. I also think it helped kick start my weightloss.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't drink anything other than plain water, peppermint tea and very rarely milk. I feel tons better.
  • LibertyAkitas
    LibertyAkitas Posts: 14 Member
    I broke up with diet coke in early September and haven't looked back! The only thing I missed was the myself a soda stream and flavor my water with Mio or Crystal Light and I'm happy as a clam! The weight does seem to be coming off easier this time!
  • I cut out regular cokes in Nov and switched to diet soda until Jan 1. After Jan one I cut all soda and can definitely tell a difference. I am on water or unsweet tea only for over a month. I have fewer sweet cravings, and feel more evenly balanced, the ups and downs of sugar high and crashing are gone as are caffine headaches. I feel much healthier and the weight is coming off!
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    I gave up soda too....twice.
    I got great results....let it slip back into my life and started to gain so have ditched the diet coke again.
  • I have always drank diet pepsi and other sugar free diet drinks. I decided to quit drinking diet pepsi in September and havn't had once since. I also read the article on aspartamine and decided never to drink it again. I didn't think about it until now, but I haven't been craving sugar also.
  • effcla
    effcla Posts: 33 Member
    I also gave up diet sodas last February as well as all artificial sweeteners (so it's been a year now). I do miss diet Dr. Pepper and have been tempted to have "just one" but have continued to resist the urge. When I signed up for MFP in August, I was surprised how steadily the weight came off this time. Was it removing the artificial sweeteners? I don't know but I'm happy to not be addicted to those chemicals anymore.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I have stopped diet coke and other soda recently.

    I prefer natural drinks, most of all water.

    The cravings dissipate after about a month.
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Diet sodas are EVIL - they keep you craving carbs and addicted to them...glad you were able to quit!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I have about one can of diet 7up a month, and that's only on a day off from my diet!
    The only other time I drink pop is with alcohol haha, and that's because there's some thing I can give up, but a cheeky drink isn't one of them (although I did it in Jan for a month for charity)

    Edit: I mean soda when I say pop, being from the UK is so confusing on here!
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Good job quitting the diet soda. Very smart move, IMO.
  • I have pretty much cut out soda, too. I keep a water bottle with me at work and I've become addicted to squirting Mio Energy in it. If, and only if, I get in my 8 glasses during the day, I get to have about half a glass of Diet Sunkist at night. I used to drink tons of soda (specifically Dr. Pepper), but I honestly don't miss it that much.
  • kimbelder
    kimbelder Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new to giving up the diet sodas! I have only gone about 2 weeks but can already feel the difference. I too read an article that was shocking at the damage it does to our bodies. Congrats on what you've accomplished!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I drink Diet Dr. Pepper, about 1 can a day. It seems to fit nicely within a routine for me, and I don't struggle with cravings at all.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I've switched to diet as part of trying to eat less sugar, and I haven't had any issues, though I know some other people get sugar cravings from artificial sweetener. Thankfully, I only get sugar cravings from actual sugar in concentrated amounts (sour gummi worms, I love you, call me!).

    Honestly, I think our paranoia about chemicals is going to one day kill us all.
  • missjeevious
    missjeevious Posts: 83 Member

    Honestly, I think our paranoia about chemicals is going to one day kill us all.

    I used to feel this way and I wouldn't put the Diet Coke down- at least one bottle every day for oh say, 17 years or so...until last summer the ADA (American Diabetes Association) finally came out and said unequivocally "Aspartame is bad for you'. At that point i stepped away from the Diet Coke. Once it is science, it isn't paranoia.
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    Good to hear so many other people that lost the sugar cravings when they ditched the diet soda. I thought eliminating the diet drinks helped contribute to my not wanting sugar as much but I wasn't sure. I wasn't that concerned about putting the bad things in my body, but I started to think that the diet coke wasn't really adding anything good, so why bother.

    And it wasn't as hard as I thought. That day it just clicked and that's it!
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    Just saw this article today on Yahoo:

    I think I will go have some more water now.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    I cut out fizzy drinks about four years ago, but for a completely random reason (uni project). I had coca cola once last year and was really sick the next day :\ now I mostly drink water and tea. Well done for giving up diet coke!